SSD slowly works


SSD slowly works

Low information processing speed for a solid-state drive is unacceptable, since it is precisely because of the high read / write speed that this type of device is preferred when working with programs processing data. Why SSD works slowly and how to deal with it, we will tell in today's article.

Increase the speed of the solid-state drive

Like any drive, SSD has the stated speed reading and writing speed, which cannot seriously deviate from the established indicators in regular conditions and / or without good reason. Therefore, its fall or initially low value should be a significant reason for the user's concern.

Low speed SSD.

The Advanced Host Controller Interface is more perfect than the outdated IDE or ordinary ATA, and connecting the SATA solid state drive, it is best to choose a modern protocol.

Reason 3: Sleeping Mode

A specific reason for the low speed of the device can be additionally supplied voltage to the disk, which is erroneously interpreted by the drive as power for the hibernation mode. Strictly speaking, the culprits of the current situation are the special mode "Devsleep", developed mainly for mobile devices (so that they are quickly entered and out of sleep mode with the corresponding switching of power modes), and the SATA cable, the supply voltage in 3.3V on which is powered In sleep mode. The fact is that some discs may mistakenly think that the computer is translated into sleep mode, working on reduced power consumption and giving low speed, which is a constructive flaw engineers.

It is impossible to get rid of such a problem or extremely laborious. Therefore, we offer a physical solution - you need carefully, not assisted others, cut the orange wire that feeds the solid state drive:


Do not worry, such an operation will not spoil the power cable, but will deprive its line that is not only not needed for SSD, but even harmful to the disk. As an alternative way, if you do not want to resort to so radical methods, replace the current cable on SATA-Molex, which is initially devoid of the fifth wire.


Probably the cause of low indicators lies precisely in this unnecessary for the solid-state drive element. Documented that it suffers from this at least the model from Transcend, namely Transcend SSD370.

Cause 4: Outdated Drivers and BIOS Firmware

A significant reason can be the presence of irrelevant solid-state drive drivers. In order to correct this, follow the following instructions:

  1. Right-click on the Start button and select Device Manager.
  2. Opening Device Manager in Windows 10

  3. Expand the "Disk Devices" category, then click the SSD PCM and click "Refresh Driver".
  4. Updating Drivers in Windows Device Manager

  5. Start "Automatic search for updated drivers."
  6. The beginning of the procedure for finding automatic driver search in Windows

  7. Wait until "Search Drivers Online ..."
  8. Search drivers online in windows

  9. Found current drivers will be installed automatically, if necessary, initiate "Search for updated drivers at the Windows Update Center.
  10. Completing the driver search in Windows

Thanks to system methods, you can update the necessary software, and level software conflicts. But besides them there are a number of third-party applications, which are also effectively or even better cope with this case. These topics are considered expanded in special articles.

Read more:

How to update drivers on your computer

Programs for updating drivers on PC

We must not forget about the version of the subsystem, because it sets the tone to the basic interaction of devices connected to the motherboard. Outdated firmware can become a kind of software "narrow throat" when connecting devices that are much newer, and SSD is just like that and are. Phased and extended the topic of updating BIOS is considered in the relevant material.

Update BIOS.

Read more:

BIOS update programs

BIOS update on computer

Cause 5: Lack of free space

Solid-state discs need free space for operational maneuvers and efficient data movement, as well as garbage collection operations, depreciation and replacing failed memory blocks. An acceptable is 10% of the total disk volume for the backup space. You need to release the necessary gigabytes manually or using a special program, such as CCleaner, which effectively clears system sections from unnecessary files.

Getting started with CCleaner

Thus, freeing the space for the necessary deep disk operations, you can overcome the sudden slowdown in the solid-state drive, and installing the specified reserve - to prevent such a state in the future.

Cause 6: Uneven Sections

In the course of using any disk, both HDD and SSD, it can displace clusters relative to physical sectors and sections, which is called "irregular sections". This state leads to an increase in the number of necessary read / write operations, which quickly consumes the RCED resource at a lower specific speed. To align sections, there is a special Paragon Alignment Tool program. Unfortunately, it is no longer found on the official website, because the developers integrated the utility to the paid manager of the drives. But on open file hosting, you can still find the latest versions. To align the sections in it, you must:

  1. Read the features of the work and click "Next".
  2. Getting Started with Paragon Alignment Tool

  3. Wait while "scanning sections" is going.
  4. Scanning sections in Paragon Alignment Tool

  5. See which sections need alignment, and click "align sections."
  6. Aligning sections in the Paragon Alignment Tool program

The program will make the procedure automatically and notify you in a new window, if necessary, requesting a reboot of the system, but we will recommend to make it anyway. Then during the new launch of the computer you can estimate the raising of the operating speed of the OS.

Reason 7: PC components damage

Physical malfunction, not even leading to the complete breakdown of a separate component, can affect partial disabling system functionality and reduce its speed. In the case of slow operation, SSD can suspect damage to the disk or motherboard on a part of connecting connections or responsible controllers. So, it is necessary to diagnose the listed elements with the help of special tools that are described in special articles.

Read more:

SSD performance check

Check SSD for errors

Computer motherboard diagnostics manual

Major motherboards malfunctions

It is possible that you can make small (software) repair at home and will not have to carry equipment to the service, but if a critical failure or breakage occurred, it is better to contact the specialists.

We talked about the reasons why the CCED works slowly. The problem can create both software and hardware problems. Something of them has its own solution, but with serious faults it is better not to do with handicraft repair.

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