"Personal parameters (not responding)" in Windows 10


Personal parameters are not responding in Windows 10

Windows 10 users often during the system startup receive a message that personal parameters are not responding. An error is accompanied by a black screen (an example is shown below), then the system does not load. The problem is related to the "conductor", which is not only a file manager, but also forms the basis of the graphics shell system. If it is launched incorrectly, it may not generate the desktop, which means that there will not be access to Windows 10 files. Most often this happens as a result of the next system update. Despite the fact that our actions in this situation are limited, remains an accessible "Task Manager", through which we will implement the methods described below.

Message about the absence of a response from personal parameters

Method 1: Task Manager

Considering that the problem in the "Explorer", the combination of the Ctrl + Shift + ESC keys call "Task Manager" and reboot the application. If there is no "conductor" in the list of background processes, re-launch it. These actions described in detail in a separate article.

Restarting Windows 10 Explorer

Read more:

Restarting system "Explorer" in Windows 10

Run Methods "Task Manager" in Windows 10

Method 2: Registry Editor

When the user is first logged into the system, the Active Setup mechanism is started, which is intended to configure the Configuration of Windows Components (Internet Explorer, Windows Media Player, Desktop, etc.). This data is stored in the system registry and at subsequent inputs are used to identify the user. The mechanism launches the commands, and while they are executed, the system is blocked. If at this moment fails, the "Explorer" can complete the work, and the desktop will not boot. In the Microsoft community, and in other forums, they found out that deleting certain keys ("Windows Desktop Update" and "Windows Media Player") from Active Setup leads to a registry restructuring and in many cases helps to correct the error.

  1. In the "Task Manager", open the "File" tab and click "Run a new task".
  2. Run a new task in the Task Manager

  3. We enter the REGEDIT command, mark the "Create a task with administrator's rights" and click "OK". In other ways, these two steps are repeated, just enter other commands.
  4. Call editor registry

  5. In the registry window, choose a branch


    Open the "File" tab and click Export. Make a copy to restore this directory if something goes wrong.

  6. Creating a backup registry

  7. Select the location of the registry key, you assign a name to it and click "Save".
  8. Saving a backup registry copy

  9. Go on the next way


    We find a key


    We remove it and reboot the "conductor".

  10. Removing the registry key

  11. If it did not help, open the registry editor again, on the same way we find the key

    > {22D6F312-B0F6-11D0-94AB-0080C74C7E95}

    We remove it and restart the "Explorer".

  12. Removing an additional registry key

Method 3: Control Panel

Updates are designed to improve and optimize the system, but some of them can lead to errors. Solve the problem can be removed by these updates.

  1. Run "Control Panel". To do this, in the "Run New Task" window, enter the CONTROL command and click "OK".

    Running Windows 10 Control Panel

    Read also: Opening the "Control Panel" on a computer with Windows 10

  2. Select the "Programs and Components" section.
  3. Login to Programs and Components

  4. Open the "View Installed Updates" tab.
  5. Login to the installed updates section

  6. From the list, select the latest updates, after which the alleged Windows 10 stopped being loaded, and delete them. Reboot your computer.
  7. Removing a spoiled update

Usually this method helps, but the system can automatically install updates again. In this case, you can block the spoiled updates using a special Microsoft software until the corrected is ready.

Download troubleshooting tool "Show or Hide Updates"

  1. Run the utility and click "Next".
  2. Starting the SHOW OR HIDE UPDATES utility

  3. When the diagnostics is completed, select "Hide Updates" to go to the update lock.
  4. Start blocking updates

  5. The program will show ready-to-install components. They choose those that led to an error, and click "Next".
  6. Selection of update for blocking

  7. When the blocking process is completed, close the utility.
  8. Closing SHOW OR HIDE UPDATES Utilities

  9. If you need to unlock these updates, start the software again, select "Show Hidden Updates"

    Calling a list of locked updates

    We mark the blocked component and click "Next".

  10. Unlock update selection

Method 4: File integrity check

Damage to system files often lead to failures in Windows. Use the recovery utilities - SFC and DISM. They will check system files and, if they are damaged, will replace their workers. Running utilities is carried out through the "Command Line" with the administrator rights, which can be launched in the "Task Manager" using the CMD code. Instructions for using recovery utilities are written in detail in another article.

Launch utilities to check the integrity of system files

Read more: Check the integrity of system files in Windows 10

Method 5: Turning off network

Sometimes to solve the problem helps disabling the computer from the Internet. To do this, you can disconnect the cable from the network card (if the connection is wired), use the Wi-Fi switch to which some laptops are equipped, or apply one of the ways offered in a separate article on our website.

Disable network on windows 10

Read more: Disable the Internet on a computer with Windows 10

Users offer other, simpler methods. One helped the multiple reboot of the computer. Others advise wait 15-30 minutes, and the system will load normally, and the problem will no longer appear. Therefore, you can first follow these recommendations, and only after proceeding to the proposed methods.

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