How to throw geolocation of WhatsApp with Android


How to throw geolocation of WhatsApp with Android

Among the functions of WhatsApp, which know not all users of the messenger, is there a transfer of a chat group or on your own location data. Consider how to properly and effectively use this feature with Android-device.

Location sharing via WhatsApp with Android-devices

Function "Geodata" in VatsAp for Android to use and easy to deactivate and then we will demonstrate two methods of using it. But before this feature will be implemented, it is necessary, firstly, to include geolocation device module, and secondly, to do some manipulation in the "Settings" mobile OS.

Different versions and types of Android OS name, appearance and location of the following items may be slightly different interface!

  1. Open the "Settings" mobile operating system, go to "Applications". Next, click on "All Applications".
  2. Android - Settings - Applications - All Applications

  3. With access to the list of installed software on a device, scroll through it and find the «WhatsApp». Tap the name of the messenger, and then open the screen to locate the category parameters "Application Permissions".
  4. WhatsApp for Android in the list of applications running in the Preferences - Permit Applications

  5. In Android the list of modules to which access may be granted VatsAp activate opposite the item "Location" switch.
  6. WhatsApp messenger for Android Providing access to the module Location

  7. Exit the "Settings" mobile OS. Follow the steps listed above, you are provided the opportunity to use instant messenger providing the definition of geolocation hardware components devaysa for work before us functions are now no obstacles.

Method 1: Sending current geopozitsii

The first option is the use of function "Geodata" in WhatsApp - this placement in the chat data as a static image, which will open the tap on the map, which is fixed pointing to your location at the time point of sending the message.

  1. Launch the messenger and open an individual or group chat, which is planned to Location Reporting.
  2. WhatsApp for Android discovery of messenger and go to the chat for Location Reporting

  3. In the "Enter" is there designed as a paper clip button - click on it. In the displayed menu the type attached to the message data, click on the icon "Place."
  4. WhatsApp for Android menu attachment types in a message - Location

  5. At the bottom of the opened and displayed screen map, tap the option "Send your location" option. The result will not make yourself wait a long time - the miniature image of your geoction will appear in the correspondence and will be available for viewing (opening) by the interlocutor (s).
  6. Whatsapp for Android Unite sending your geoposition to chat or group

Method 2: Continuous Sending Geodata

If there is a desire or the need to translate through whatsapp information about your location and changes continuously, use the "Geodata" option in the messenger in this way:

  1. Open the geolocation organized with the future recipient of your device chat or go to the group if the information needs to be transmitted not to the only person.
  2. WhatsApp for Android transition to chat for continuous sending data on your location

  3. Click on the clip in the message text input field, select "Location" in the displayed menu of attachments. Further, in the list of options for using the called function, tap "Share Geodan".
  4. Whatsapp for Android Calling Functions Share Geodan

  5. The next screen needs to select a time period during which information will be broadcast on the location of your device to chat. Choose one of the three options: "15 minutes", "1 hour" or "8 hours" and, touching the appropriate needs of the button, "highlight" it.
  6. Whatsapp for Android Selecting a function of activating the function to share geodah

  7. Optionally, add text to the formable message-mapping, entering it in the "Add a comment" field. To initiate geodata transmission, click on the "Send" button.
  8. WhatsApp for Android Adding text to a message with geodata broadcast, sending

  9. As a result, the interlocutor in a dialogue or many people in group chat will be able to track your location before the expiration of the specified time interval.
  10. Whatsapp for Android Message to Share Geodan Sent to Chat

  11. The initiated geodata broadcast will not stop, even if you close the messenger, but can be stopped at your request at any time. In order to stop sending data about your location, click "Stop Share" under the picture with the Captive card, then tap "Stop" in response to an application request.
  12. Whatsapp for Android Disconnecting Functions Share Geodin

The use of the "Geodata" functions considered in the article from the point of view of the user is organized in WhatsApp for Android is very simple, but the resulting result is quite informative. This allows you to expand the model of using the messenger, which means to solve with its help a wide range of issues.

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