Shipping Optimization in Windows 10


Shipping Optimization in Windows 10

The tenth version of Microsoft operating system is known for active support from the developers. To facilitate the procedure for obtaining updates, the company added a function entitled "Delivery Optimization" to its product. This is a technology that uses the Peer-to-Peer (P2P) protocol, through which torrents work. Thus, update data is not loaded from Microsoft servers, but from user computers that received this update.

Shipping Optimization in Windows 10

The advantages of this technology are obvious - first, it significantly speeds up downloading files, and secondly, it makes it easier to obtain important patches when critical vulnerabilities are found. Disadvantages are also available - first of all it is traffic consumption, as well as a patient for the "dozen" theme with sending telemetry data, which is transmitted including through this protocol. The latter can be compensated for its correct setting.

The considered possibility can be configured to download Microsoft products only from the company servers, on the contrary, to prohibit their use as a source or completely disable Windows 10 through "Parameters" (by default it is enabled). A more subtle configuration (for example, receiving speed limit and returns) is available through the Changing of the OS Group Policy.

Method 1: "Parameters"

All the features that first appeared in the "dozen" can be configured through the "Parameters" snap.

  1. Press the keyboard with a combination of Win + I. In the main menu, select "Update and Security".
  2. Open updates and security to configure delivery optimization in Windows 10 through parameters

  3. Here, go to the "Delivery Optimization" section.
  4. Section to configure delivery optimization in Windows 10 through parameters

  5. Full switching on or off the function takes clique to the "Allow download from other computers" switch.

    Switch off function to configure delivery optimization in Windows 10 through parameters

    Include download download only from machines on your local network you can select the appropriate item.

  6. Selecting the download source to configure the delivery optimization in Windows 10 through the parameters

  7. Next, use the "Advanced Settings" link.

    Additional parameters to configure delivery optimization in Windows 10 through parameters

    The download parameters unit is responsible for setting the Internet bandwidth to use the function. Separate sliders are highlighted for download in the background and in the foreground.

  8. Configure download settings to set up delivery optimization in Windows 10 through parameters

  9. The first slider of the Transmission Settings section is responsible for limiting the speed of updates from your computer, by default it is "50%". The second limits the number of traffic.
  10. Configuring returns to set up delivery optimization in Windows 10 through parameters

  11. To view the statistics of the work in question, use the Reference "Activity Monitor" in the "Delivery Optimization" section.

    Activity monitor to configure delivery optimization in Windows 10 through parameters

    Details are displayed separately for receiving and data transfer.

  12. View use statistics to configure delivery optimization in Windows 10 through parameters

    The use of "parameters" to set up delivery optimization is recommended to most users.

Method 2: Group Policy

An alternative to configuring the receipt of updates for the P2P protocol is to use the "Local Group Policy Editor".

Important! The snap-in required to perform the following actions is missing in Windows 10 Home, that is, in this version of the operating system it will not be possible to set up the work of the function under consideration.

  1. Open the "Run" window with the Win + R keys, write in it a gpedit.msc query and press the ENTER key.

    Open group policies editor to set up delivery optimization in Windows 10

    Now you know what the delivery optimization function in Windows 10 is responsible and how it can be customized. As you can see, the opportunity has both pros and cons, and everyone let him decide for himself, she needs it or not.

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