Programs for full file deletion


Programs for full file deletion

When there is no time to engage in manual cleaning hard disk or other drive, it is worth using automated tools designed to completely delete files. We suggest to consider the best of them.


Eraser is a free open source solution intended for complete delete data without the ability to restore them, even if these are encrypted objects. The main feature of the program - 14 methods of deleting files to choose a user, and the list constantly replenishes both the creator itself and third-party developers. It is worth noting that it is embedded in the "Explorer" of Windows OS and allows you to apply your functions through the context menu without the need to open the window every time.

Eraser program interface

There are additional features, the most remarkable of them are the defragmentation of the hard disk, the schedule of automatic cleaning of the basket and enhanced security algorithms when working in the network, which implies the complete removal of the entire history and traces left by the user after work on the Internet. Unfortunately, official Russification is absent, which will become a problem for novice users, because the Eraser functionality is not so simple.

Download the latest version of Eraser from the official site

Read also: programs to remove unnecessary files

File Shredder

File Shredder is a simpler program for working with external and internal drives. It is possible to complete all data from the selected media or selective procedure. In the latter case, the user adds suitable files and folders using the "Add Files" and "Add Folders" functions, respectively. They appear in the form of a convenient list in the working window, where the names, formats, path and size are displayed. The "Remove All" button is designed for complete deletion.

Running the rubbing utility in File Shredder

Erasing data in File Shredder is performed in several stages, new random bytes are recorded in place old. Thus, it is losing the opportunity to restore the information in the future. Five modes of operation are implemented, each of which has its own characteristics and duration. As in the case of Eraser, the solution is integrated into the context menu and can be used without launch. English is absent, but you can download the program for free.

Download the latest version of File Shredder C Official Site

Lesson: How to delete deleted files from a hard disk


Privazer is a package of utilities designed to delete various data on the computer. Cleared the history of working with most applications, including Internet browsers, office software (for example, MICROSOFT Office or LibreOffice), graphic, photos and video edits. To delete files and folders on connected media, a separate partition is used, where the user selects the desired function: "In-depth scanning", "Delete without a trace" or "Plan cleaning".

Privazer program interface

We looked at only a small part of the possibilities provided for in the Privazer application. In essence, this is a multifunctional solution for full cleaning of the device from any garbage and not only. The interface is conveniently divided into partitions, which simplifies the workflow even for considerable users, despite its bulky. There is a menu in Russian, and you can download the program for free.

HDD Low Level Format Tool

To complete the removal of files from the hard disk or drives of another view, you can use the formatting tools. One of the best programs for this kind of procedures is the HDD Low Level Format Tool, using deep processing algorithms. Immediately after starting, the system is scanned, after which the available media connected to the computer appears. It can be hard drives, SSD or flash cards. When choosing a suitable device, a new window opens with three sections: "Details of the device", "low-level formatting" and "s.m.a.r.t.".

Fast Cleaning in the HDD Low Level Format Tool

To completely delete files from the device, it is not necessary to perform low-level formatting - there will be sufficiently surface cleaning activated by a check mark in front of the "Fold Cleaning" item. HDD Low Level Format Tool is paid, but there is a familiarization version with a limitation by the number of data processed. Russian-speaking localization is not provided.

These were some simple programs to complete the delete files from the hard disk or flash drive. All of them are fully automated and practically do not require manual action from the user, with the exception of the launch of the functions themselves.

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