How long does Facebook checks a photo


How long does Facebook checks a photo

For various reasons, some unscrupulous users of the Facebook social network create accounts using other people's personal information. Because of this, as well as in the case of spam distribution and a large number of advertising, the owners of real pages sometimes have to provide on checking their photo .. Consider, in what situations there is a similar procedure, and how much time it takes.

How much time is checking

After the introduction of this procedure, many had a question, how much time will have to wait. It should be borne in mind that each individual case is considered individually. Testa check photo:
  • The administration on average checks each account within 1-3 days.
  • The maximum term is 72 hours from the time of downloading the photo.

How to check pictures

To better understand why dates can be very different, it is worth learn more about how to identify all images.

  • Uploaded photos are first sent to moderation using a special program. It analyzes the user's face and is looking for accounts of the same person. Such an inspection allows you to identify and block the scams that are stealing other people's personal data.
  • In those situations where the program does not cope or calculates violations, the image is redirected to test Facebook employees.
  • If everything is in order and no reasons for blocking the account, the program does not find, access is restored, as reported on email.

We talked about the main nuances that you should know if Facebook demanded sending your photo. We hope that this information will help you quickly return to your favorite social network.

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