NVIDIA video card drivers


NVIDIA video card drivers

Sometimes users face the need to uninstall the drivers available on the computer. It can touch both video cards from NVIDIA. The built-in tool of the operating system is the best option to carry out the task, especially when an inexperienced user faces it. Therefore, many third-party developers have created a special software that allows you to automatically delete the specified driver. In this review, we will talk about such programs, and you can choose the optimal solution for yourself, pushing out from what they saw.

Before starting the work of articles, we note that the removal of the graphics adapter drivers in most cases does not do without consequences. Sometimes they bring a lot of difficulties to users, forcing them to perform additional actions. To protect yourself and be prepared for such situations, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the Special Article on this topic on our website, using the following reference.

Read also: Consequences of removing video card drivers

Display Driver Uninstaller

Display Driver Uninstaller is the most famous program suitable for today's review, so we suggest starting from it. Pay attention to the screenshot below: you see the implementation of the graphical interface of this solution. As noticeable, it is not quite modern, but the convenient location of the elements and the presence of the Russian language will help even the most novice users quickly understand the principle of interaction. Display Driver Uninstaller is only suitable for uninstalling the graphics adapter drivers and supports almost all devices known to date. You just need to select your manufacturer from the pop-up menu and run the process itself. There are several modes of uninstalling. The first initiates the reboot of the PC immediately after deleting, the second will not complete the current session, the third will turn off the computer, and the fourth mode is useful in those situations where you need to clean the cache or additional files of the specified software.

Using the Display Driver Uninstaller program to remove the NVIDIA video card drivers

Before starting the removal procedure, it is recommended to look in the "Parameters" menu. There are many of the most diverse options responsible for the general actions algorithm during uninstallation. We will not dwell on them all, since the developer itself provides detailed descriptions in Russian. Only we clarify that the activation or deactivation of parameters is carried out by installing or removing the tick opposite the corresponding string. The last thing I would like to pay attention to the Display Driver Uninstaller - the availability of the event log. You will always be aware that exactly happened during uninstalling. This will help to find possible errors or track the sequence of actions. There are no functions in this program. It applies for free and available for download on the official website of the manufacturer.

Driver Sweeper.

The next representative of our today's article is as much as possible on the previous one, but has its own features. The Tool called Driver Sweeper was originally aimed at searching and installing driver updates, but now all the bases are outdated, so it is possible to use it only to remove past versions. Driver Sweeper displays a list of all detected drivers, and the user already decides which of them to delete. Accordingly, you will need to find from NVIDIA on this list and run the cleaning operation.

Using Driver Sweeper to remove NVIDIA drivers

If some error occurred during deletion and you want to return the previous state, use the recovery function that is embedded in Driver Sweeper. Additionally, we note that this program also writes the history of actions and allows you to save it as a separate file. There is a Russian interface language, which will help to quickly deal with those present elements of management.


Driver Fusion is one of the most multifunctional programs that got into our current list. Its main features are just focused on performing various actions with drivers, starting with the search for updates and ending with manual uninstalling any of them. It is the last option and interests us. Unfortunately, there is no correct translation of the interface in Driver Fusion, so you will have to move to the "Driver for the driver" section. Here all software is divided into categories. Select the desired and you can start deleting the driver from NVIDIA, after which the computer will be automatically rebooted.

Using the DRIVER FUSION program to remove NVIDIA drivers

Before you starting the necessary procedure, we advise you to create a backup copy of system files using a specially designated function in the Desktop menu. This will help you to restore lost files at any time in the event of any failures. The remaining DRIVER FUSION tools includes automatic troubleshooting, search for updates for software and monitoring the current system status. However, for all this will have to pay, since Driver Fusion is distributed. Initially, we advise you to study the demonstration free version to decide whether it is worth purchasing this software and whether it will be used on an ongoing basis.

Driver Booster.

We smoothly move on to solutions that are most often used to quickly automatically install drivers, however, having and auxiliary options allow you to remove them. The first such tool is Driver Booster, and uninstalling software from NVIDIA, even the most problematic, here occurs literally in several clicks. You should only go to the "Device Drivers" section immediately after launching Driver Booster and find the corresponding string there. The right click on it opens the context menu, in which there is the very point called "Delete". After completing this operation, only restart the PC, or you can install another required version of the driver through the same software.

Using the Driver Booster program to remove NVIDIA drivers

Immediately note that Driver Booster is distributed in a fee, and the free trial will not allow full use of all the options, so here everyone decides for himself, is it worth paying money for such software. If you often install, update the drivers, you need to correct errors or are interested in constant monitoring of new versions of collateral for components, pay attention to the Driver Booster exactly worth it, and you will find a more detailed overview in another article on our website by clicking on the following link.

Driver Easy.

Driver Easy is the following program suitable for our today's material. The basic functions present here are also focused on the search and installation of driver updates, as is implemented in the instrument previously reviewed. To delete any of the available drivers, you will have to go to the "Tools" section. It displays the full list of only software. You should only select the desired string and run the process itself. However, before starting, we recommend using the "Driver Backup" parameter to create backup copies of files in case you have to restore.

Using Driver Easy to remove NVIDIA drivers

Additionally, Driver Easy allows you to scan the entire system yourself when connecting to the Internet to update the drivers. There is an offline installer, but in this case the entire driver library will be downloaded to the computer and placed in the local storage. On the official DRIVER EASY website there is a free version called Lite. It is her who we advise you to use if there is a need only to uninstall software from NVIDIA. If it is necessary to obtain absolutely all available options, this software will have to be purchased. Consider both the Russian language interface, which can cause problems with understanding the menu items.

Download Driver Easy from the official site

Device Cleanup Tool

Device Cleanup Tool - the last application that we want to make a review. It stands in the last place only because it is narrowly controlled. Its main feature is to easily remove previously connected devices that are not currently used, but records with them are still stored in the registry editor, and can also have residual drivers on the computer. This tool is suitable in those situations where you, for example, have just changed the graphics adapter to a new one and now wish to clear all residual software components of old equipment.

Using Device Cleanup Tool to remove NVIDIA drivers

The Device Cleanup Tool interface is implemented as much as possible. When starting, you will need a few minutes so that the tool completes the registry scan. After it displays a list of all unused devices. Select from there a video card and other required rows and activate the cleaning process itself. It will not take much time, and after restarting the operating system, there will be no trace from the device. Before using Device Cleanup Tool, we strongly recommend to study official documentation and make sure that this solution is exactly suitable for you, since the deletion of the registry keys of the working graphics adapter or another component can lead to system failures, which will be problematic.

Download Device Cleanup Tool from the official site

These were all programs to remove the NVIDIA video card drivers, about which we wanted to tell in our review. As you can see, finding the right software will not be as difficult, and the interaction with each of them has about the same algorithm of actions, with which even a beginner will understand.

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