Pros and Cons Mac OS


Pros and Cons Mac OS

Many users think about the transition to EPL products, especially design, graphics and multimedia. Let's figure out whether MacOS is really so good for both work and entertainment.

Apple OS Features

The operating system under consideration according to its origin and principles of work is close to Linux - the Maccle core is based on the UNIX core, the Linux predecessor, therefore it will be easier to master for Ubuntu users or any other popular Linux distribution. Modern MacOS versions are designed for use on the X86-X64 architecture, in contrast to the old Mac OS 9, so it is technically different from Windows or OS based on the Linux kernel.

The advantages of Macos.

In some points, the operating system "Apple" company exceeds its market competitors.

Ordered Application Management

One of the benefits of MacOS on the products of the Windows line is a simpler and streamlined mechanism for managing installed applications. In the case of "poppy", it looks easier for the end user, approaching the latest versions to the IOS use paradigm.

Application Management Tool as MacOS Advantage

The workflow in MacOS is similar to that on the mobile device from EPL. As in the case of the mobile OS, the program management occurs through a special App Store store. All installed applications fall either into a special LaunchPad aggregator or in the application directory.

All programs in one place as the advantage of MacOS

Simpler user interface

For the benefits of MacOS, we can also attribute a simplified and more understandable user interface of the graphic shell. Unlike competitors, Apple makes a constancy rate - the controls of the system did not undergo significant changes since the release of Mac OS X, the predecessor of modern MacK.

Easy interface as a MacOS advantage

Best optimization and speed

The company from Cupertino is not only a software developer, but also the creator of hardware components. Accordingly, Apple engineers achieve maximum optimization and speed of their system on computers of their own production. A competitor from Redmond has recently produces computers (tablets and laptops of the Surface series), but mostly Windows, like Linux, can be found on devices of other manufacturers, and in the case of desktops - and computers, self-collected by users. As a result, there is a colossal fragmentation and an almost infinite number of possible combinations of equipment. Of course, it is impossible to ensure maximum optimization for all of them, so competitive system can work worse even more powerful "hardware" than Makos on iMac and MacBook.

Speed ​​and optimization as the advantage of MacOS

Less malicious and vulnerabilities

The present scourge for computers under the control of Windows are viral applications, including the infamous encrypters like Wannacry or Notpetya, capable of paralyzing the work of entire organizations. Apple devices are less susceptible to such threats thanks to a decentralized software for obtaining software - strict moderation in the App Store simply will not miss a deliberate malware application. Of course, there are still third-party sources of programs, but subject to the purchase of applications in serious developers and the refusal of pirate on the problem of viruses disappears. Of course, Makos is not invulnerable, so it will be useless to have an antivirus even with basic possibilities, unlike Windows, where a strict check system is practically necessary.


READ ALSO: Antiviruses for MacOS

Useful embedded programs

Most operating systems are coming with a pre-installed set of applications. No exception and MacOS, however, in contrast to the same Windows, the available kit is more useful to the end user: a full-fledged office package (consisting of a text processor Pages, the Numbers table editor and keynotes presentations), apps for working with video, graphics and audio (iMovie, iPhoto and GarageBand respectively). In the case of Windows, there are also cases of pre-installed Bloatware, useless Vendor's software than some manufacturers of even the first echelon sree.

Built-in applications as a MacOS advantage

Comfortable multisazing

All "Operations" in the market one way or another is aimed at multitaskness, but MacOS first came to many decisions that were copied in other products or still observed only in Apple OS. It is no longer surprised by the possibility of creating several desktops (the option almost simultaneously appeared with MacOS and in some environments for Linux, and with the arrival of the tenth version and in Windows), but special gestures with the mouse or on the touchpad for switching between tasks are only available on devices from Cupertino. It is also worth noting that due to the dense integration of software and hardware components of the aimak or MacBook remain responsive even in such difficult tasks as rendering video.

Ecosystem with tight integrated components

One of the most powerful advantages of Apple products is the complete integration of components and services, which is why a single dense ecosystem is obtained. It's no secret that the iPhone or iPad is best showing yourself when interacting with Mac computer when creating backups, troubleshooting and managing files on a specific device.

Continuity of the workflow as the advantage of MacOS

Smooth integration of desktop and mobile systems makes switching between devices simple and intuitive. The user can start solving the task on its iOS-device by running the appropriate application, and continue without any problems via the program installed on Mac. This reduces the need for permanent synchronization using a cable or moving a document between cloud storage. Synchronization of important information seems to be custom settings, data from the contact book or messages between the computer and the mobile device EPLL is much easier than between Android-smartphone and desktop / laptop under WINDOVS. In addition, both systems are available applications that facilitate cross-platform work - for example, the same office package.

Free Loading Images from the App Store

Technically MacOS is free - despite the fact that this is a commercial product, separately from Apple devices it is impossible to buy it, but you can easily download from the App Store. Unlike Windows, the system installed from the official image does not even require activation. Thanks to such a policy, before fully switch to MACO, it can be installed on the virtual machine and try in real tasks.


Read more: Installing MacOS on VirtualBox

Disadvantages of Macos.

Of course, the operating system under consideration is not ideal, and has a number of shortcomings.

Difficulties with equipment upgrades

Timely updating of components allows you to extend the time of useful performance of the computer. But in the case of Apple, such devices are sold already collected, and such important components as a processor and RAM can be disappeared on the system board. Of course, with a proper diligence, they can also be replaced, but it will make them to recognize them to recognize that the hardware identifiers of the components "sewn" in the operating system, and after making changes to the configuration, the computer may refuse to load.

Selection of components with MacOS on board

However, when purchasing certain models of computers from the EPL in the store on the official website of the company, you can independently select the desired hardware configuration: for iMac is a processor, the number of RAM, the volume of the drive and the video adapter, and for MacBook you can select the screen diagonal and the volume of the built-in SSD.

Limited entertainment potential

Most of the newest devices from the epple are almost unsuitable for use as gaming stations. The small number of available games is affected - usually in the Mac App Store you can find small indie games, while full-fledged Aaa-Tistle is a rather rare guest on this platform. Many models also have very modest hardware characteristics, so even if it is possible to use emulators and shells like Proton or install Windows with a second system via Bootcamp, it will take to play at best on the most minimal settings with 30 FPS. Considering that the characteristics of the computer will most likely fail, the MacOS devices on board are completely not suitable for the role of gaming solutions.

Limited amount of available software

Despite the fact that MacOS is famous for some specific programs, and is positioned primarily as OS to work, the total number of applications available in the App Store and in third-party sources is still inferior to Windows. This is explained by the fact that computers with the "window" operating system are much more popular than apple and MacOS devices in particular, therefore, in economic terms it is more profitable to develop software primarily under Windows. This is especially true of small or independent studios.


As we see, the benefits of MacOS arithmetic is more, however the available flaws may be critical for some users. Therefore, as in the case of another software, the choice is worth doing, focusing on the intended tasks.

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