How to promote instagram


How to promote instagram

Many users want to have a popular profile in the social network Instagram, which will collect hundreds (and perhaps even thousands) likes, attract all new subscribers, so, in theory, subsequently, you can extract material benefit. We will talk about how to promote profile profile in instagram today.

Today there are various ways to promote an account in instagram, which can be divided into two categories: the use of their own strength and help third-party services.

What needs to be engaged in promoting an account in Instagram

To date, instagram is considered one of the most popular social networks around the world, which not only retains the level of traffic, but also continues to increase the revolutions.

Today, many users seek to extract benefits from Instagram - either earn on the account itself, or build a client base (if it comes to selling goods and services). But this can be done only if you are the owner of the scout account.

Promotion begins with small

Before you actively promotion, analyze your profile: Most likely, you want to attract alive subscribers, which means that your profile must be high-quality, active and attracting attention. You should pay special attention to the following criteria:

Registration profile

Instagram is, first of all, a high-quality picture, therefore the profiles, where the design is given the least attention, so popular and do not become. All posts published on the page must have a uniform stylist, photos to be clear, good permission, unique and interesting.

Look at the pages of the top bloggers in Instagram - you will probably notice that each of them shows a single style, a certain filter is used more often or another "chip" permanent, such as inscriptions or round photos.


Experiment with various photo processing applications - you should not be limited to the built-in Instagram editor, try using VSCO, Snapseed, AfterLight applications and other similarities to determine for yourself the best "recipe" image processing.

Remember that the last 15-25 photos published in the profile will be the most viewed, and therefore they should be your business card. If there are images from the overall stylist in this list, you can break up with them without a clear conscience.

Choosing theme

To get a positive result of the profile promotion, especially when the promotion is performed by its own forces, it is necessary that your profile has one common topic (idea), and all published posts have had a direct connection with it.

Choosing the subject of the profile in Instagram

For example, if your account is about keeping a healthy lifestyle, tell more about useful recipes, exercises, your successes in sports and so on. A popular profile can sometimes be diluted with photographs on the abstract topics, such as recreation with a recreation or review of a hooked film.

Remember, if the user subscribed to you, he still wants to see a similar content plan, so try not to retreat from the initial idea so as not to lose his interest in your account.

Description for posts

Many users instagram, in addition to the picture, are also interested in high-quality content. Each post must be accompanied by an interesting description - it can be a history of photograph or text on a completely different, but clinging theme that can lead to rapid discussions in the comments.

Description for photos in Instagram

Publication frequency

In order for users to regularly enter your page, publications should be out of less than once a day. Ideally, the frequency should be 3-5 times a day. Of course, such a pace is maintained manually very difficult, so today there are a lot of services that allow you to make automatic postponed publications. For example, a similar service provides a NovaPress web service, but, if necessary, you can find tens of other similar.

Using a similar service plan, you can schedule publications a week ahead, which will significantly untie your hands, freeing the time for other equally important cases.

Maintaining communication by subscribers

Many popular pages are rapidly lost, if there is no feedback. Try to answer the maximum number of subscribers or at least the most interesting comments. It will push people more often to write to you, which means that the activity of subscribers will grow every day.

Instagram Promotion Tools

So, we switched to the main topic of this article - ways to promote account. Today there are a lot of them, and choose ways follows from the calculation of your free time, as well as the amount from which you are willing to part for the sake of a popular page.

Independent promotion page

First of all, we list the main methods that will allow unwinding the page itself. Most of these ways do not require money from you, but take away a lot of time and effort.


Each post in Instagram is accompanied by a set of hashtegov, which will allow other people to go to your page. For example, if you have published photos of the clouds, then you can specify as hashtegov:

# clouds # summer # life # beauty # nature

Hastegi in Instagram.

There is a large selection of hashtegov, which are directed to the promotion of the page, but as practice shows, with the help of such tags you will get more "dead" accounts that will give an increase in the number of subscribers, but they will not be exactly no activity. These hashthers include the following:

#FollowMe # Follow4Follow # Like4like # F4F # Follow # Launching # Subscribe # SubscriptionsPaska # Subscribed # Subscription4Piz

The list of such hashtegov can be continued to infinity, however, it should be understood that a measure is important - an account oversaturated with hashtags will not attract "living" users, and on the contrary, will scare.

See also: How to put hashtegi in instagram


Photos should indicate the places in which the photo was made. Some users, for the purpose of promoting, adding places to their photos or videos, which are not clearly related to them - most often it is geolocation of popular places, which means that the post will be able to see a greater number of people.

See also: How to add a place in Instagram

Places in Instagram.

Likes and comments

Come on the pages of popular and not very pages. Put yourself with users, show activity through comments, trying to tie communication with other users.

Likes in Instagram.


Another popular self-promotion method is a subscription to users. You can quickly accidentally find users and make a subscription on them and find new accounts through the search tab, where the most suitable pages are displayed.

See also: How to subscribe to the user in Instagram

Formation of subscriptions in Instagram


If you are professionally engaged in the promotion of the page in Instagram, then, most likely, you have already managed to switch to a business account that opens up new additional features in front of you: viewing statistics with the ability to analyze attendance, the "Contact" button and, of course, the admission of advertising.

See also: How to make a business account in instagram

Advertising in instagram is an effective way to make users see your post. If a photo or video has an interesting idea, then, most likely, after applying, even at minimum time, the list of subscribers will be significantly replenished.

See also: How to advertise in Instagram

Promotion by advertising in Instagram


Anyone loves to receive gifts. Prize draws are a popular way of promotion, which will allow both an increase in the activity among existing subscribers and attract a new audience.

If you can - put in a qualitative prize, which will definitely want to get other users. As a result, a large increase in subscribers, and it will already be "live" users who remain only to keep quality content.

See also: How to hold a contest in Instagram


Not so long ago, instagram had the opportunity to publish stories (stories) - this is something like a slideshow where you can upload photos and short video. Do not underestimate this feature, because, regularly adding new stories, they will appear from other users in the list of recommended to view, and therefore you have a real opportunity to attract a new audience.

See also: How to create a story in Instagram

Stories in Instagram.


If you are at the same time there is a profile about the same activity as yours, you can agree on holding a mutual man. The essence is simple - you post one of the photos or videos of the user with an interesting description and link to the page, and your companion, in turn, holds the same procedure with respect to you. It is desirable that the user account with which you will have mutual and the same subject matter as yours.

As a result, your subscribers will be able to learn about the profile of the advertised user, and on its page, respectively, will see you.

Advertising in other social networks

No one limits you in terms of advertising - to promote an instagram account you can use any social networks, popular forums, groups, and so on. Here you can use as free promotion sites, for example, on the social network Vkontakte there are groups with bulletin board (on them, as a rule, advertising is carried out or at all for free, or for a minimum fee).

If there is an opportunity to invest - "propagate" your profile will be able to a promotional group on a social network or a popular blogger. As a rule, there are serious prices on such services, but considering the number of the audience, sometimes, such an investment is justified.

Services for promotion profiles

Today there is a large range of services aimed at promoting instagram. Among them you can find both paid services and completely free.

Massing and Mass Falling Services

Often, users want to promote their account, refer to the help of specialized services. The essence of them is that the automatic subscription to users will be performed completely for you (you can set the criteria for sampling accounts), putting the liks and commenting posts. Among such services is to highlight Instaplus, Jetinsta.

Services for free promotion

There are services that allow you to promote an instagram account, and completely free. The essence is simple: you need to perform tasks, for example, put like the specified pages, make a repost, perform a subscription, and, in turn, the service will prompt the promotion of your profile. Thus, the promotion of accounts on a mutual basis is performed here. From such services, we highlight BOSSLIKE, 1GRAM.RU.

Services for cheating bots

The most inefficient way to promote the profile, as you replenish the subscriber's piggy bank, but they will not be at all active, but simply hang dead cargo. Nevertheless, speaking about the methods of promoting Instagram, about such a method should also be mentioned, since their rates are significantly humane, compared with the cheating of "living" subscribers. The cheating of bots offer services, Winlike, Vktarget.

We hope this article gave you an idea of ​​how you can promote a profile in instagram. This process is long and time consuming, sometimes requires cash investments. If you do not get started, you will definitely see the fruit in the form of high activity on your page.

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