Vkbutton - download free VK Button


VKBUTTON extension

Service VKontakte is the most popular social network in Russia, and one of the most visited in the world. Millions of users communicate, share photos, videos and music on this web resource. Of course, each of the users have their own wishes for the improvement of the interface and the possibilities of this popular social network. Many of these wishes took into account the developers of the browser add-on VK Button.

VKButton extension for Google Chrome and Opera browsers is a tool that largely expands the functional of the social network VKontakte, and makes navigating it as convenient and enjoyable for users.

Loading content

First of all, the VKButton extension provides the function of downloading music and video from the VKontakte service, which the browsers cannot provide standard tools. At the same time, the downloaded files have "normal" names, and do not consist of symbol sets, as it turns out when you try to load the content from this web resource in other ways.

Music download button in vkbutton extension

Thanks to the extension of VKButton, near each music track you can see the inscriptions that indicate its quality and size, and when downloading the video, it is also possible to select the resolution.

Enable alerts

In addition, the extension provides the ability to enable messaging, likes, gifts, invitations in groups, etc. At the same time, it is not necessarily located on its Vkontakte page, since all the alerts are displayed on the browser toolbar in which the extension of the VK Button is installed.

Alerts in vkbutton

Mass treatment

VKBUTTON also allows not to spend time to users to perform many of the same type of actions, and offers them to perform with just a few clicks. Thus, through the extension menu, only one click can delete all messages, approve all applications as a friend or leave users to subscribers, approve all your photos in the photo, remove them, or, in general, to retire from all photos. In the same way, one click can be released from all groups, unsubscribe from all publics, or remove all meetings.

Exit from all groups in the extension vkbutton

Extended capabilities

The paid version of the expansion offers the ability to manage the topics of your account VKontakte. Also, you can create mass distribution to friends with the connection of the Anti-Kapchi service, which will make them automatically, without need to manually enter the captcha.

Antikapcha in the extension vkbutton

In addition, the Pro-version of the extension of VK Button provides the ability to view hidden videos and VKontakte albums.

Benefits vkbutton

  1. Expansion works immediately on several browsers;
  2. Wide opportunities to increase the social network functional VKontakte.

Disadvantages of vkbutton

  1. Some additional features are provided only in the paid version;
  2. The latest extension versions are not supported in the Mozilla Firefox browser.
As you can see, VKButton's browser extension is capable of significantly expanding the possibilities, simplify and speed up the actions of users in the social network VKontakte. At the same time, many important functions are available only in the paid version of this supplement.

Download vkbutton extension for free

Upload the latest version of expansion from the official website

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