Hearing check online


How to check the hearing online

For basic hearing check, it is not necessary to visit a specialized doctor. You only need a high-quality internet connection and sound output equipment (ordinary headphones). However, if you have suspicions of hearing problems, then better contact a specialist and do not make myself a diagnosis yourself.

Principles of operation of hearing check services

Sites checking rumors are usually suggesting a couple of tests and listen to small sound recordings. Then, based on your answers to questions in tests or how often you added sound on the site, listening to entries, the service creates an approximate picture regarding your hearing. However, everywhere (even at the hearing check sites themselves) do not recommend trusting with these tests by 100%. If you have suspicions on the deterioration of hearing and / or the service showed not the best results, then visit a qualified health worker.

Method 1: Phonak

This site specializes in helping people who have had problems with hearing, plus distributes modern sound vehicles of their own production. In addition to tests here you can find several useful articles that will help you solve current problems with hearing or avoid those in the future.

Go to Phonak website

In order to test, use this step-by-step instruction:

  1. On the main page of the site, go to the Upper Hearing Overview menu section. Here you can familiarize yourself with the site yourself and popular articles on your problem.
  2. Phonak Home

  3. After the link from the top menu, the primary test window opens. It will be a warning that this check will not be able to replace the consultation with a specialist. In addition, there will be a small form that will need to be filled to transition to the test. Here you only need to specify your date of birth and the floor. You should not deliver, specify these data.
  4. Phonak form

  5. After filling out the form and click on the "Start Test" button, a new window will open in the browser, where you need to read its contents and click on the "start!".
  6. Phonak warning before checking

  7. You will be asked to answer the question regarding whether you yourself know that you have problems with hearing. Select a response option and click on "Let's check it!".
  8. Phonak introductory question

  9. At this step, select the type of headphones you have. The test is recommended to go through them, so it is better to abandon the speakers and take advantage of any working headphones. Selecting their type, click on "Next".
  10. Phonak Choosing a Headphone Type

  11. Service recommends to put the volume of the headphones up to 50%, as well as isolation from outside noise. Take the first part optionally board, since it depends on the individual characteristics of each machine, but for the first time to exhibit better recommended value.
  12. Phonak recommendations

  13. Now you will be asked to listen to the sound of the low tone. Click on the "Play" button. If sound is heard poorly or he, by contrast, is too loud, then use the "+" and "-" to adjust it on the site. The use of these buttons is taken into account while summarizing the results of the test. Listen to the sound of a couple of seconds, then click on "Next".
  14. Phonak listening to sounds

  15. Similarly, with the 7th paragraph listen to sounds of middle and high pitched.
  16. Now you need to go through a small survey. Answer all questions honestly. They are quite simple. All of them will be 3-4.
  17. Phonak mini-survey

  18. Now it's time to get acquainted with the results of the tests. On this page you can read a description of each question and its answer, plus read the recommendations.
  19. Phonak result

Method 2: Stopotit

This is a site dedicated to hearing problems. In this case, you are asked to pass two tests to choose from, but they are small and are in listening to certain signals. Their accuracy is very high due to many reasons, so do not fully trust them.

Go to Stopotit

the first test instruction looks like this:

  1. Find the link at the top of the "Test: a hearing test." Go for it.
  2. Stopotit main

  3. Here you can find a general description of the tests. All their presents two. Start with the first. For both tests, you need the correct working headphones. Before testing, read "Introduction" and click on "Continue".
  4. Stopotit administering a test-1

  5. Now you need to make a headphone calibration. Move the slider to adjust the volume until the sound of squeaking will not barely-audible. During the test, the volume change is unacceptable. As soon as adjust the volume, we click "Continue".
  6. Stopotit calibration

  7. Read a small manual before you start.
  8. Stopotit instruction to test-1

  9. You will be asked to listen to any sound at different frequencies and volume levels. Choose only the options "hear" and "No". The more sounds you could hear better.
  10. Stopotit taking a test-1

  11. After listening to 4 signals you to the page where you want the result to go and offer professional testing in the near specialized center.
  12. Stopotit test result 1

The second test is a bit more voluminous and can give the correct result. Here you will need to answer a couple of questions from the questionnaire and hear the name of the objects with the background noise. Instruction looks like this:

  1. To begin with, learn the information in the window and click on the "Start".
  2. Stopotit Start Test-2

  3. Make a sound calibration in headphones. In most cases, it can be left by default.
  4. StopoTit Calibration Test-2

  5. In the next window, write your full age and select the floor.
  6. Stopotit survey

  7. Before starting the test, answer one question, after clicking on "Start Test".
  8. Stopotit introductory question

  9. Check out information in subsequent windows.
  10. Stopotit General Information on Test-2

  11. Listen to the speaker and click on "Start Test".
  12. StopoTit trial audition

  13. Now listen to the speaker and click on the pictures with the subject it calls. You just need to listen to it 27 times. Each time the level of background noise on the record will change.
  14. Stopotit Testing

  15. According to the test results, you will be asked to fill out a small profile, click on "Go to the questionnaire".
  16. StopoTit transition to questionnaire

  17. In it, mark those points that consider faithful towards yourself and click on "Go to results".
  18. Stopotit final survey

  19. Here you can read a brief description of your problems and see the offer to find the nearest ENT specialist.
  20. StopoTit test results-2

Checking the hearing in online mode, you can only "out of interest", but if you have real problems or suspicions for any, contact a good specialist, since in the case of online checking the result may not always be faithful.

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