How to get root rights to android with supersu


how to get root rights to android with supersu

An application for managing root rights on Android - SuperSU has become so widespread that it has become a practically identical concept with the direct operation of the superuser's rights on android devices. Why do not combine these concepts how to get root rights on the device and at the same time installed by SuperSU in several ways, we will understand the article.

So SuperSU is a program to manage superuser rights in android devices, but not a way to receive them.

Application, Installation

Thus, for use, the root-right supersers should already be obtained on the device using special means. At the same time, users identify the concepts of root-rights management and the process of receiving them, firstly, because the interaction with the privileges under consideration is carried out through the program, and secondly, because many ways to obtain root-rights imply after their implementation, automatic installation SuperSU. Below is described three ways to get a working superst on the android device.

Method 1: Official

The easiest way to get SuperSU on the device is downloading and installing the application from Google Play.

SuperSU download from playmarket

Installation SuperSU from Play Market is a completely standard procedure that implies the same actions as any other Android application when loading and installing.

SuperSU Installing and Starting from Play List

Recall that this installation method will have practical meaning only if the device has already received the rights of the superuser!

Method 2: Modified Recovery

This method may imply under it not only the installation of SuperSU, but also the preceding installation of the manager getting the root rights in the device. The most important for the successful execution of the method is to find a suitable file for a specific apparatus * .zip. Located through the recovery, in the ideal case, containing a script that allows you to get root rights. In addition, the installed modified recovery will be needed to use the method. TWRP or CWM Recovery are most often used.

  1. Download the desired file * .zip. For your device on profile forums, for example, on the firmware of a particular device.
  2. Download with 4pda

  3. About how to flash the additional Android components with the help of different customized recovery environments, is described in the following articles:

Lesson: how to flash an Android device via TWRP

SuperSU firmware through the recovery TVPP

Lesson: how to flash android through recovery

Method 3: Programs for Ruta

As mentioned at the beginning, many methods of obtaining superuser rights presented in the form of applications for Windows and Android suggests the installation of the SuperSU automatically after its execution. For example, such an application is Framaroot.

SuperSU installation via framaroot

The description of the process of obtaining root rights with the SuperSU installation through the fraamut can be found in the article below:

SuperSU Ruth Management Application Tab

Thus, using one of the above methods, it is possible to easily get not only the right of superuser, but also without exaggeration, is the easiest, efficient and popular way to control root-rights - Android-app SuperSU.

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