Not installed Windows 10


Not installed Windows 10

Despite the fact that the process of independent installation of the Windows operating system 10 as simple as possible and occurs with a step-by-step wizard, it still happens that, when you try to install this OS, errors arise and failures that impede the process.

Causes of problems with installing Windows 10

Since the reasons for installing Windows 10 will end a lot of things quite a lot and it is simply impossible to describe everything, it would be correct to consider the most frequent failures when installing the system and possible solutions to these problems.

PC discrepancy with Windows requirements

Basically, problems in installing a new operating system occur due to non-compliance with hardware resources with the requirements necessary for installing Windows 10. And so, the following requirements for the PC are described on the official Microsoft website.

  • Processor clock frequency: at least 1 GHz;
  • At least 1 GB of RAM for the 32-bit version of the product and at least 2 GB for the 64-bit system;
  • There should be at least 20 GB of free space on the hard disk;
  • Screen resolution 800 x 600 or higher;
  • Support video card DirectX 9 and the availability of WDDM drivers;
  • Access to the Internet.

Installation process

If your PC does not match the necessary parameters, then during installation, the system will tell you what criterion is not performed. Based on this, the problem of this type is solved by replacing the unsuitable hardware component.

Problems with bootable carrier or CD, DVD drive

Often, the fact that the installation process of Windows 10 is completed, is that the boot disk or flash drive is faulty, or they are incorrectly recorded. Many inexperienced users make a mistake when creating a bootable media and write it to normal copying, which ultimately leads to the fact that the system boot does not work. The solution to the problem is quite simple - to check the bootable media and CD, DVD drive, or make the loading distribution in the correct way. In more detail how to create a boot disk with Windows 10 can be found from our article:

Read more: Creating a boot disk with Windows 10

BIOS settings

The reason for failure when installing Windows 10 can be a BIOS configuration, or rather an incorrectly configured loading priority mechanism. To install the operating system, it must be set up with the priority priority of the DVD disc boot or flash media.

BIOS setup

Hard disk problems

Windows 10 may not be installed on the hard disk of the personal computer or laptop if it is damaged. In this case, if the problem manifested itself even until the process of formatting a hard disk with an old operating system occurred, it is necessary to diagnose the hard drive using a special software:

Read more: Software for checking hard disk

Otherwise, you need to change the drive or pass it into repair.

Disc Check

No connection to the Internet

If the installation of the new Windows operating system 10 is not offline, but as an update from the older version to the new, then the installation error will occur without connecting to the Internet. Solving Options: Either provide PC access to the network, or install the operating system offline.

If none of these options were able to eliminate the problem, you should pay attention to the error code that gives the system and look for a solution to the problem on the Microsoft Community page.

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