How to reset McBuck to factory settings


how to reset McBuck to factory settings

Apple technician is famous for its stability, but even it is not insured with errors. If MacBook stopped loaded normally, and it is not possible to reset the system, the only solution to the problem will reset to the factory settings, with which we want to introduce you today.

Reset MacBook

For laptops, the EPL is available two options Factory Reset: NVRAM reset or reset with reinstalling system. They differ in the depth of the recovery of the factory settings - the first option simply resets some values ​​like the screen resolution or startup items, while the second is designed to completely delete custom settings and data.

Before we proceed to the description of the procedures for each option, we recommend prepare a device for reset.

  1. Back up important data, for example, by Time Machine or regular copying information on external media.
  2. Disconnect the connected peripherals from the device: printers, external keyboards, mice, monitors, adapters or specific equipment.
  3. Make sure the device is connected to the Internet. It is extremely desirable to use a wired connection as more stable. Also MacBook should be connected to external power: if the battery will sit in the reset process, the laptop may break.

Now go to the description of the reset methods.

Option 1: NVRAM Reset

The term NVRAM means non-volatile memory, the data from which does not disappear after the electricity is turned off. In MacBooks, the corresponding scheme keeps some settings that are critical to load the system. If the latter is observed, the NVRAM reset the factory values ​​will be able to restore the working capacity of the laptop.

  1. Turn off the computer - the easiest way to "Turn off" the Apple menu item.

    Turn off the macbuck before resetting to factory settings

    If everything is done correctly, NVRAM settings will be reset.

    Option 2: Reinstalling the system

    The full Hard Reset MacBook is possible only by reinstalling the system. This procedure has several varieties: reinstalling the current version, installing the MacOS with which the laptop has been supplied, setting the latest version of the operating system available to your model. In the process, you can also how to save data from the internal drive, and remove them by formatting - the last will come in handy if you are going to sell your MacBook. All available options for reinstallation of MacOS We reviewed in a separate material, so refer to it for detailed instructions.

    Reinstalling MacOS as a reset method

    Lesson: How to reinstall MacOS

    What to do if the reset of the settings does not work

    In some cases, it fails to reset the settings - the computer simply does not respond to user actions. The reasons for this behavior can be much, but most often this means problems with the system control controller (SMC), a kind of BIOS analogue in IBM-compatible computers. Eliminate this problem can be discharged SMC. Also, this procedure should be done in cases where the NVRAM reset or reset has passed incorrectly.

    The procedure is different for MacBooks with removable and non-bothering batteries. The latter category includes all MacBook ruler devices released since 2015, as well as some old MacBook Pro.

    Reset SMC on non-battery devices

    1. Turn off the device if it is turned on.
    2. Press the SHIFT + CONTROL + OPTION + Power button simultaneously, and hold down for 10 seconds.

      Mcubook keys to reset SMC to factory settings

      Attention! You need to press only those keys that are located on the left side of the built-in keyboard of a portable PC!

    3. Release the keys and re-press the power button - now McBuck must be turned on and loaded.

    Reset on MacBook with removable battery

    1. Turn off the device if you did not make it earlier, then disconnect the power cord and pull out the battery.
    2. Press the power button and hold down 5-10 seconds.
    3. Install the battery back and try to turn on the device - it should earn without problems.

    If even the SMC reset did not remove the problem, then the reason for it lies in the hardware, and without a visit to the service center can not do.


    We reviewed the MacBook reset options to the factory parameters - both the devices and some of its components like NVRAM and SMC. As you can see, the procedure is quite simple, but you need to strictly follow the instructions.

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