How to make a permanent password in TeamViewer


How to make a permanent password in TeamViewer

Automatically initiated each time the TEAMViewer launch, the operation on the change of opening access to the PC PC is designed to increase the security level of the user and its data. However, if the program is used regularly, the conveniently specified function is difficult to call, and separate models of the system operating, when the "key" is changed, unrealizable. Therefore, Timwiver developers have provided the ability to install a permanent password required to connect to a separate computer, and the article discusses two ways to destination.

Method 1: Personal Password

The simplest way to install a secret combination of characters by entering which in a pair with the identifier of your PC to the Timwiever on a remote device can be accessed to control the first through the service in question, it will require only a few clicks in the program to be implemented:

  1. In the main TeamViewer window in the Allow Management area, place the mouse cursor in the field, which demonstrates the password generated by the program.
  2. TeamViewer 15 Field of Generated Password Program for Access to ID

  3. Click on the on the right in the field with a secret combination of symbols of the rounded arrow.
  4. TeamViewer 15 Calling the context menu in the Field of the Generated Password Program

  5. Select "Set Personal Password" in the menu displayed.
  6. TeamViewer 15 Item Set Personal Password In the Context of the field menu in the main program window

  7. In addition, you can go to the installation of a permanent password by calling the "Advanced" menu in TeamViewer by opening "Options"

    TeamViewer 15 Menu Advanced - Options

    and clicking in the next window to the left of the name of the Safety parameters section.

    TeamViewer 15 Go to Safety in the program settings

  8. In the TeamViewer Options "window that opens, fill out two fields in the" Personal Password "area (for access without confirmation). That is, come up with and double-click the secret combination of characters, which will be used as a permanent password to access the PC on which the operation is performed.
  9. TeamViewer 15 Installing Personal Password For PC Access through Program

  10. Click on the "OK" button to complete the procedure. Now the above combination of characters can be used to open a session of your computer through the Timwiver along with the generated system constantly password.
  11. TeamViewer 15 Completion of the installation of a permanent (personal) password in the program

  12. If you decide to change your personal password later, repeat the above instructions, entering a new secret combination of characters and confirm to the appropriate fields, as if specifying it for the first time.

Method 2: Easy access

A more versatile and customizable solution when configuring TeamViewer to launch a deleted control session to a certain PC without having to enter each time a new password is to use the "Easy access" function. It is advisable to apply this feature to quickly and efficiently connect to a personal computer or several your devices.

  1. To use the function in question, TeamViewer checkup is required. If the account is not yet created, register in the system, acting like this:
    • Click "Login to System" in the Timwiver main window.

      TeamViewer 15 Element Login in the main window of the program

    • Click on the link "Register".

      TeamViewer 15 Link Register In the Login to the program in the program

    • Make the address of your mailbox in the "E-mail / username" field.

      TeamViewer 15 Mailing Address Email To Register an account in the system

    • Come up and enter the password in the appropriate fields, which will be used to be used to access your TeamViewer account.

      TeamViewer 15 Enter the password and confirm it when registering an account in the system

    • Click on the "Continue" button.

      TeamViewer 15 Confirmation made to register account in the data system

    • Now click "Complete".

      TeamViewer 15 Completion of the account registration wizard in the system

    • Next, go to the mailbox specified as a registered mailbox by any preferred method and open the letter "TEAMVIEWER-CONFIRM CONFIRMING Email".

      TeamViewer Letter with reference to confirm the registration account in the system

    • Click on the account activation of the account in the letter.

      TeamViewer Link in a letter to confirm an account registration

    • On this, creating an account in providing remote access to your system is complete, logged on the service website with the web page that has opened as a result of the web page.

      TeamViewer Authorization on System Site

  2. In essence, owning the Timwiere account, you already have a permanent key - a combination of login and password - to enter the computer where it is installed. It remains to log in in the program and activate the "Easy Access" option in it:
    • In the main TeamViewer window, click "Log in".

      TeamViewer 15 Authorization in the account account through the program

    • Make your account data and click on the "Login to System" button under the entry fields e-mail and password.

      TeamViewer 15 Entering your account data in the system, authorization

    • Upon completion of authorization in the account, go to the "Remote Control" program.

      TeamViewer 15 Authorization in the Service Account made

    • Install the checkbox in Chekbox next to the "Provide Easy Access" option.

      TeamViewer 15 Option Provide easy access to the program

      Next, the Timwer can be collapsed - the system is fully prepared for further operation without the need to enter a changing password on devices that are initiated by connection.

      TeamViewer 15 Option Easy access in the program is activated

  3. To take advantage of the possible way to get a remote access, you must perform the steps below. For the example, the work is further demonstrated in the Desktop TeamViewer, but, acting by analogy, you can be able to manage your PC also using the mobile version and through the service web interface.
    • Run the Timwiemer on the PC from which you plan to manage the remote device. Click "Login to System."

      TeamViewer Login to the program to control the remote computer attached to the account

    • Make your account data and press the input button.

      TeamViewer Login in the program using email and password

    • When you first try to enter an account on a specific device, a requirement will make it a trusted - click "OK" in the demonstrated window of the window.

      TeamViewer requirement to confirm that the device is a trustee

    • Further, in any method and from any device, open the mailbox used as a login to the service, go to view the letter "Need authorization of the device" and click on the text to the "Add to Trusted Devices" link.

      TeamViewer Email with reference to add a device to the list of trusted

      On the web page that opens, click "Trust".

      TeamViewer Adding a device to a list of trusted

    • Next, go back to the Timwiver program, enter the password from your account in the service again, click "Log in".

      TeamViewer Authorization in the program After adding a device to a list of trusted

    • After successful authorization in the program, go to its "Computers and Contacts" section.

      TeamViewer Successful Authorization In Account Systems - Computers and Contacts

    • Mouse click List "My Computers" list,

      TeamViewer List of My Computers on Competores and Contacts Programs

      double click on the device name to which you need to connect.

      TeamViewer Connecting to PC from My Computers list

    • On this, everything is the path to the remote control of your PC through the "Easy access" function in TeamViewer is open.

      TeamViewer Remote Control Other Computer With Function Easy Access Received

The article discusses two methods to ensure remote access to a separate device via TeamViewer without the need to enter different passwords when starting each session. Of course, the proposed approach is convenient and expands the efficiency of using the considered system, but do not forget about the need to ensure the safety of the password and the unacceptability of its rampant provision to other persons.

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