RDP WRAP does not work after updating Windows 10


RDPWRAP does not work after updating Windows 10

Connecting via RDP protocol in Windows 10 is actively used as some ordinary users and professionals. To bypass system restriction, the latter uses the RDP WRAP program. Alas, but after system updates, this software ceases to work, and today we will help you solve this problem.

Method 1: Replacing the configuration file

Problems with the work of the program under consideration arise due to the updates of the TERMSRV.DLL system library. For each version of the RDP Wrap, you need to configure again. Fortunately, the developers of the application take care of it themselves and after each major update produce a new configuration file. The algorithm for its replacement is as follows:

  1. Follow the link to the GitHub application repository.

    Repository on Github.

  2. Open the RES directory double click left mouse button. Find inside the link named rdpwrap.ini and click on it right mouse button. Select "Save the link as ..." (in other browsers - "save an object as ..." or similar in meaning).

    Download a configuration file to troubleshoot the RDP WRAP after Windows 10 update

    Save the rdpwrap.ini file to any suitable on the computer.

  3. Saving a configuration file to troubleshoot RDP WRAP after updating Windows 10

  4. Now open the "Run" utility with the combination of Win + R, enter the Services.msc request to it and click OK.

    Starting service management to troubleshoot RDP WRAP after Windows 10 update

    After launching the list of services, locate the "Deleted Desktop Services" record, select it and click "Stop Service".

    Stopping service to troubleshoot RDP WRAP after Windows 10 update

    Confirm the stop.

  5. Confirmation of the service stop to troubleshoot RDP WRAP after Windows 10 update

  6. Next, open the "Explorer" and go to the following address:

    C: \ Program Files \ RDP Wrapper

    Copy the previously obtained rdpwrap.ini and insert into this folder.

    Replace a configuration file to troubleshoot RDP WRAP after Windows 10 update

    Confirm the file replacement.

  7. Confirm the replacement of an INI file to troubleshoot problems in the RDP WRAP after Windows 10 update

  8. Restart the computer, then open the Sverpepper monitor named RdConfig.

    Open the configuration utility to troubleshoot problems in the RDP WRAP after Windows 10 update

    Check the Listener string - if the inscription in it says "Fully Supported", the problem is eliminated.

  9. Checking the utility after replacing the file to troubleshoot problems in the WRAP RDP after Windows 10 update

    This method is preferred, and to the next one should be resorted only in the absence of its effectiveness.

Method 2: Set up in the "Group Policy Editor"

Windows 10 editions Professional and Corporate users can solve the problem under consideration by setting up a specific parameter in the Group Policy Editor.

  1. Call "Run" (step 3 3), in which you enter the gpedit.msc request.
  2. Group Policy Editor to troubleshoot RDP WRAP after Windows 10 update

  3. Go to the next way:

    Computer configuration / Administrative templates / Windows components / Remote desktops / Remote desktop session node / connectivity

  4. Location of group policies to troubleshoot RDP WRAP after updating Windows 10

  5. Double-click on the policy "limit the number of connections".

    Setting up a group policy restrictions to troubleshoot problems in RDP WRAP after Windows 10 update

    Set the "Enabled" position, after which change the value of the maximum number of connections on 999999. Save the changes to the serial click on the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.

  6. Changing Group Policy Restrictions To troubleshooting problems in the RDP WRAP after Windows 10 update

  7. Close the Group Policy Editor and restart the computer.
  8. The manipulation described above will solve the problem, but is potentially unsafe, so use it in the most extreme case.

RDP does not work as a whole

Sometimes the above actions do not lead to the desired result. In this case, we note that most likely the case is no longer in the rupture and library. Act like this:

  1. First, check the firewall parameters, both system and third-party, and allow it to connect to the RDP.

    Configuring a firewall to troubleshoot problems in the WRAP RDP after Windows 10 update

    Lesson: Configuring Firewall on Windows 10

  2. It is also worth checking the state of the ports - it is possible that the required protocol required for the work is simply closed.

    Opening ports for troubleshooting RDP WRAP after Windows 10 update

    Read more: How to open ports on Windows 10

  3. Once again, check the editorship of the target "dozens" - the RDP connection is not supported in Windows 10 HOME.
  4. The connection type in question may not work due to damage to the relevant system files. First, check if the virus did not start in your system.

    Fighting viruses to troubleshoot problems in the WRAP RDP after Windows 10 update

    Read more: Fighting computer viruses

    After that, check the integrity of the OS components and restore them with one of the possible ways if it is necessary.

    Lesson: Checking the integrity and recovery of system files in Windows 10

Now you know how to act in a situation where the RDP Wrapper stopped working after updating Windows 10, and what to do if the connection for this protocol does not work as a whole.

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