How to hide the file in macos


how to hide the file in Mac OS

Apple computers use different categories of users, including those who are important information confidentiality. One of the components of security is to hide data from prying eyes, and today we want to consider ways to make this operation.

How to hide the file in macos

In the desktop ONPL, the operation of the hiding directories and documents can be performed by the "terminal" or moving them into the system library.

Method 1: "Terminal"

Most advanced operations in MacK are performed through the Terminal, including those considered by us.

  1. Open the command entry shell in any way - for example, through the "Utilities" folder in Launchpad.
  2. Starting the terminal to hide files on MacOS

  3. After the "Terminal" window appears, enter the following command to it:

    Chflags Hidden.

    Hiding command in the terminal window to hide files on MacOS

    You do not need to confirm the input.

  4. Next, open the Finder and go to the directory with the file or folder that you want to hide, after which you drag the target data in the command input window.
  5. Drag the data to the terminal window to hide files on MacOS

  6. After the command, the path to the directory or file should appear - this means that you are all done correctly and you can press ENTER (RETURN) to confirm.
  7. Path to the hidden data in the terminal window to hide files on MacOS

  8. Check Finder - the selected information must disappear from the display.
  9. Hidden files and folders media terminal on MacOS

  10. You can also use one more command - MV - enter it and repeat step 2. After appearing in the Console, enter the following:

    . * Arbitrary folder name *

    Instead of * arbitrary folder name * Enter any name without stars. Be sure to make sure that the point is at the beginning of the new name - the hidden elements are indicated in MacOS. To confirm, press ENTER / RETURN.

  11. Alternative terminal command to hide files on MacOS

    The use of the "Terminal" is a fairly simple and reliable method of hiding files.

Method 2: Move to the system catalog

Also hide the data in the system directory, which under normal conditions is not displayed in Finder.

  1. On the desktop, use the toolbar - Mouse over to the "Transition" point before the drop-down menu appears, hold the ALT (Option) key - the "Library" point will appear, use it.
  2. Open library to hide files on MacOS

  3. After opening the "library", create a new folder in it with any convenient method - for example, through the file - "New Folder" or a similar point in the context menu, accessible by pressing the right mouse button in any empty directory location.

    Create a new folder in the library to hide files on MacOS

    Set a new folder any suitable name - for security purposes you can choose the name based on the names of the directory already existing in the Library.

    Remove hidden files from issuing Spotlight

    Both first, and the second presented methods of hiding files do not solve one important problem: the SPOTLIGHT system search tool after these manipulations will still be issued in the results of the hidden data. You can solve the problem by setting it.

    1. Call "System Settings": On the desktop, click on the Apple logo button and select the appropriate menu item.
    2. Open system settings to hide files on MacOS

    3. In the Scribes window, select "Spotlight".
    4. Search engine settings to remove hidden files from the issuance of Spotlight on MacOS

    5. Go to the "Privacy" tab - here we will add the catalogs that we want to exclude from issuing. Click on the "+" button at the bottom.
    6. Search engine privacy parameters to remove hidden files from the issuance of Spotlight on MacOS

    7. In the Finder window, go to the folder you want to hide for Spotlight, select and click the "Select" button.
    8. Select a directory to remove hidden files from issuing Spotlight on MacOS

    9. A new entry with the catalog will appear in the Privacy list - ready, now the search engine will not index it and issue it as a result.

    Added directory in the search engine to remove hidden files from the issuance of Spotlight on MacOS


    This end our guide to hide files and folders in MacOS. Finally, we want to draw your attention - the usual hide of files may not be enough, so think about additional precautions, if there is a need for this.

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