How to minimize all the windows in macOS


how to minimize all windows to mac os

The users who have switched to a system of Apple with windose, certainly lacks features quick hide all windows to access the desktop, and today we'll show you how to use it in MacOS.

How to minimize all windows on a Mac

The newest versions of desktop OSes from Apple conduct the operation under consideration in two ways - engagement hotkey or via function "Active corners".

Method 1: Shortcuts

macOS known for a very extensive use of hotkeys - suitable combination is, for rapid folding windows.

  1. To begin with, some settings must be made. Open the snap-in "System Preferences" from the corresponding shortcut in the Dock.
  2. Open the system settings to access the settings minimize all windows hotkeys macOS

  3. Next, click on the item «Mission Control».
  4. Call the Mission Comtrol to minimize all windows hotkeys macOS

  5. Take a look at the drop-down menu called "Show Desktop" - by default it is marked key F11.

    Key access to the desktop to minimize all windows hotkeys macOS

    It can be replaced by any other, if it does not suit you.

  6. Coming back to the main window "System Preferences" and go to "Keyboard".

    Keyboard options to minimize all windows hotkeys macOS

    In some cases there will have the option "Use the function keys F1, F2, etc. As standard", make sure it is checked, then exit the snap.

  7. Customizing the keyboard to minimize all windows hotkeys macOS

  8. Now all the windows will be minimized by pressing the following combinations:
    • Cmd + F3 (current versions of MacOS to High Sierra, inclusive);
    • F11 or Fn + F11 (MacBook device).

    Method 2: "Active corners"

    Another option quickly open the desktop is to use a special feature called "Active corners".

    1. Consider the function is also required to pre-configure. Repeat steps 1-2 of the previous method, and click the button "Active corners ...".
    2. Call option minimize all windows macOS by active corners

    3. You will see a small window with a drop-down menu next to each corner of the screen.

      Embodiments minimize all windows macOS by active corners

      Select favorite (users who have switched to Mac from Windows, you may approach the lower right) and use the appropriate menu from which select "Desktop".

    4. Select minimize all windows macOS by active angle

    5. Then click "OK" and close the program.
    6. Validate inclusion minimize all windows macOS by active corners

      Now the cursor to the selected corner will roll all the windows and open the desktop.

    Method 3: TrackPad gesture

    MacBook and IMAC Owners with Magic TrackPad type entry devices can use a special gesture. To access the desktop, put your fingers on the surface of the touchpad and dig them on the sides.

    Trekpad gesture to fold all windows in MacOS

    To return the windows back, twist your fingers.

    Now you know how to quickly roll up all windows in MacOS. All presented methods are very simple and designed for newbies.

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