Postal Clients for MacOS


Postal Clients for Mac OS

Email, despite the outdated format and less convenience in comparison with modern messengers, is still relevant, especially for corporate users. Most are accustomed to accessing an e-mail with a browser, however, for full and active use, a separate client is much better. Today we will tell you how things are going on MacOS with such applications.

Microsoft Outlook.

We want to start a review with one of the most famous solutions - Outlook from Apple's competitor, Microsoft. First of all, this program is focused on corporate users - it is supported by working with multiple accounts with each administration, filtering received messages immediately across multiple criteria and additional features such as creating events in the calendar, connecting tasks and maintaining a contact book. Smart grouping of the received letters received, the history of downloaded files and a powerful spam filter will be useful. Microsoft Outluk spreads as part of Office 2019 packages designed for offline use, and Office 365, oriented on the Internet and subscription work.

Microsoft Outlook as mail client for MacOS

Download Microsoft Outlook with Mac App Store


Alternative to the corporate solution from Microsoft will be the Spark application. It is distinguished by a well-thought-out interface, good Russian-speaking localization and multiple useful functions for home use - for example, automatic sorting of incoming several categories. You can also use the option to transfer read letters to the end of the list, sorted by time and the ability to put messages to the "Read later" folder. The application is completely free and the developers have no intention to introduce paid functions.

SPARK as mail client for MacOS

Download Spark for MacOS

Mozilla Thunderbird.

There are for Makos and the version of the most functional of free postal customers, Thunderbird programs from Mozilla. Indeed, the available features of this application exceed even some paid solutions: In addition to connecting to Mail for the main protocols, the Tanderbend can connect to different instant messaging services (like Twitter and IRC), open sections in separate tabs and connect how many accounts. Functionality can be expanded with downloaded directly from the add-ons program. Of course, it did not cost and without minuses - for example, working in the background of Mozilla Thunderbird quite seriously consumes the hardware resources of the device (especially the MacBook Air) Plus is sometimes the interface may respond with the delay.

Mozilla Thunderbird as a mailing client for MacOS

Download Mozilla Thunderbird from the official website


CANARY MAIL CLIENT is one of the newest among those represented in today's selection, but it is quite possible to press with the guigant's pedestal like Autluk or Thunderberd. Judge - Canari Mail has a very pleasant to use and a beautiful interface, supports all modern communication protocols and mail servers, performs automatic "smart" scanning of incoming scope of importance for the user, allows you to cancel any mailing in one click and reports the delivery of messages Addressing. There is a unique chip - its own encryption system, but it can be a disadvantage, because to read the encrypted letter, the receiving party should also set this client. Alas, but for all these opportunities will have to pay, since test free versions are not provided.

CANARY MAIL program as a postcard for MacOS

Download CANARY Mail from the official site


Another newcomer in today's selection is Polymail - somewhat different from previously presented customers. First, it represents not only an application, but also a service that requires creating its internal account. Actually, the service offers the user extensive management settings of several profiles, the spam filter with the ability to quickly unsubscribe from advertising mailings, as well as the cancellation option for sending letters and view details for each of the records (list of attachments, data on obtaining and reading, correspondence with one or another addressee and other). Of course, the service has and cons: first, it is charged for its use (a trial 14-day version is available), secondly, some internal corporate mail services are not supported.

Polymail as mail client for MacOS

Download Polymail from official website

em Client.

Another solution that is perfect for home use. EM Client has advanced interface personalization capabilities, encryption received and sent letters, supports their deferred dispatch, as well as installing tags for messages. The unique features of this client are the built-in translator of the letters received, an independent spell check and the ability to connect to some messengers. At the speed of work, the client is one of the leaders. Among the disadvantages of this application, we note the paid character of the service - the client itself can be downloaded free, but the use of money is worth it. However, there is a free use plan with a restriction on two connected accounts, which is more than enough to most domestic users.

Em Client as mail client for MacOS

Download em client


We complete our today's selection of a solution that is built into all current MacOS versions and is the unnecessary name "Mail". Apple's standard email client offers users a basic functionality like receiving and sending letters, notifications about incoming and attaching different types of files. Also supported by the ecosystem integration, in particular with a similar application on the iPhone. Alas, but this is all that can be said about "mail" - advanced possibilities like filtering incoming letters or sending messages on a schedule is not provided. However, with its main task, viewing and sending letters, the program copes well.

Mail Program as a postal client for MacOS

On this we finish an overview of postal customers for the MacOS operating system. Each of the presented funds is distinguished by its own advantages and disadvantages, so it is unambiguous to recommend some particular application - you will not choose, based on the tasks set.

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