Download ffmpeg.dll


Download FFmpeg DLL

A dynamically connected library called ffmpeg.dll is not included in the standard set of operating system files, however, it is used by many software manufacturers. This DLL was developed by the creators of the Software of the same name, the main purpose of which was to convert different formats and video. Now this tool is distributed free of charge along with the source code, which led to the creation and a separate independent component called ffmpeg.dll. It also serves as interacting with multimedia data and is called directly during the operation of a specific application. As part of today's article, we would like to talk about solving an error with the lack of this library, which appears in some users.

Method 1: Manual installation ffmpeg.dll

As a quick and simple way to solve the problem, we offer the classic download of the working version of the file and add it to the root of a program that requires this DLL, or to the Windows System Directory C: \ Windows \ System32 or C: \ Windows \ SYSWOW64 (according to OS bit).

As an additional measure, you may need to log in. To do this, move to the method of 3 of our article.

Method 2: Reinstalling programs with disabled antivirus

Most likely, the problem in question today has arisen immediately after installation and first launch of software. Therefore, we recommend paying attention to the behavior of the installed protection. Of course, ffmpeg.dll is completely safe, but some antiviruses see it a potential threat, which leads to an instantaneous room in quarantine or removal. If you have any protection tool on your computer, you must disable it and install the program or the game again, after performing complete uninstallation. You will find related information in individual materials, and you can move to them by pressing one of the links.

Read more:

Removing games on a computer with Windows 10

Removing the game in Steam

Disable antivirus

Installing a disk game on a computer

As for further actions, the antivirus need to be included back, however, before that, it is still better to place software or an application in its exception, so that the protection ignore the related files, if the problem really consisted in this. How to do this, read in another article by reference below.

Read more: Adding a program to exclude antivirus

Method 3: Own registration FFmpeg.dll in OS

An option with repeated registration ffmpeg.dll in the system is not the most efficient, however, because of the ease of use, it was put on this place. You will only need to run the standard console and enter two simple commands to make sure whether ffmpeg.dll really was registered during the installation of software, and repeat the installation if necessary. The whole procedure fits in three steps and looks like this:

  1. Open the Start menu. There, through the search, find the classic application "Command Line" and be sure to run it on behalf of the administrator.
  2. Go to the command prompt to recording FFMPEG.DLL file in Windows

  3. In the window that appears, enter the REGSVR32 / U FFMPEG.DLL command and activate it by pressing the ENTER key. This will cancel the existing file registration.
  4. The command to cancel the FFMPEG.DLL file registration in Windows

  5. Close the notification that has appeared, and then use the REGSVR32 / I FFMPEG.DLL game for re-registration.
  6. The command for re-logging file ffmpeg.dll in Windows

Upon completion of these actions, you can immediately continue trying to run a problematic software to make sure that they worked. If everything went successfully, then the error will never appear anymore. Otherwise, you will have to use other correction methods.

Method 4: Installation of system updates

Dynamically connected FFMpeg.dll library during its operation regularly refers to other operating system files, launching certain options or other actions. If there are no important updates required for the normal functioning of software, an error may appear on the screen. There may be an error in the absence of the DLL considered, although it works correctly correctly, and the problem is actually associated with other objects. To do not happen, we advise you to check the availability of Windows updates and install them.

  1. Open "Start" and move to "Parameters" or "Control Panel".
  2. Go to parameters to install updates when fixing an error with ffmpeg.dll in Windows

  3. Open Windows Update Center by clicking on the relevant section.
  4. Go to section with updates to correct the problem with ffmpeg.dll in Windows

  5. It remains here only to click on the button "Check availability of updates".
  6. Checking availability to correct errors with file ffmpeg.dll in Windows

Additional instructions on this topic and information about the elimination of possible problems associated with the installation of updates are looking for separate materials on our website. There, in the form of deployed guides, all the necessary information revealing this subject is presented.

Read more:

Install updates for Windows 10 manually

Troubleshooting Windows Update Problems

Method 5: Driver Update

We just told about updating the system, so do not miss the moment and with the installation of updates for the components used in the computer. The fact is that it is definitely impossible to predict to which the device will contact the ffmpeg.dll file, therefore it is necessary to update all the equipment at once using the available means. The user can use the official website of the manufacturer, special software or embedded Windows functionality. Each chooses the optimal option, and all of them are described in the reference manual below.

Updating drivers to eliminate errors with file ffmpeg.dll in Windows

Read more: Driver Update on Windows 7

Method 6: Checking the integrity of system files

The probability of damage to certain system files, which will cause malfunction when using ffmpeg.dll, is extremely small, but it is still present. You can get rid of this problem very simply because the user does not fulfill almost no action. It only needs to start the scanning procedure and correcting through the SFC utility, and everything else will be automatically implemented. However, if the standard SFC tool did not cope with its task and brought an error on the screen, additionally, it is necessary to start the correction already through DISM, and then return to SFC again. Read about all this in our other material, go to which you can by clicking on the link below.

Checking the integrity of system files to correct FFMPEG.DLL problems in Windows

Read more: Using and restoring the integrity of system files in Windows

Method 7: Installing FFMPEG

We delivered this option to the last place, as it will only suit to those users who are engaged in their own software development and want to correct the occurring error. There is a way to download FFMPEG software assembly and integrating it into your product. If you are engaged in programming, you know exactly how to integrate elements in your code, so we will only demonstrate the receipt of the necessary tool assembly.

Download ffmpeg from the official site

  1. You will need to go through the link above and click on "Download".
  2. Switch to the option of the FFMPEG version for download on the official website

  3. There will be moving to a new page. Here, select the package for the operating system used.
  4. Selection of FFMPEG version for download on the official website

  5. Click on the appropriate button to start downloading the assembly.
  6. Starting downloading FFMPEG program builds through the official website

  7. After downloading, you can use the files received for successful integration.
  8. Transition to the interaction with the archive of the FFMPEG program

Now you are familiar with the available options for fixing the problem library ffmpeg.dll in Windows. As you can see, there are their sufficient quantities, so the user will remain only alternately to perform each of them, as a result, to find an effective specifically for himself.

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