How to delete all VKontakte messages


How to delete all VKontakte messages

First of all, the social network of VKontakte exists for the possibility of communication with other users. However, sometimes, after sufficiently long communication or in the case of its complete termination, a large number of unnecessary correspondence is accumulated in the list of your dialogs that require deletion.

Standard, this social. The network does not offer its users the possibility of mass deletion of messages. It is for this reason that in the process of permission to the problem, you most likely have to use various third-party additions.

Delete Vkontakte messages

If for some reason you needed to delete all messages from any dialogue in VKontakte, then you should know that you will not be able to do this quickly quickly using standard tools. In this case, the entire process is reduced to the monotonous execution of the same type of action.

Client programs that require your own registration data entry that promises to provide the ability to delete all messages or dialogues are fraudulent!

To date, there are very few actually effective methods, thanks to which it is possible to make a massive removal of messages. Most, everything comes down to the use of various user funds.

We use standard tools

To begin with, it is worth considering the method of deleting all messages on the example of using standard functions. Thus, the only thing that will be required of you is a completely any Internet browser.

  1. Through the Main Menu, VKontakte go to the "Messages" section.
  2. Go to VKontakte messages

  3. In the list of active dialogs, find the one you want to delete.
  4. Message page VKontakte

  5. Hover your mouse over the need and press the cross, which appeared on the right side with the pop-up "Delete" pop-up.
  6. Deleting dialogue with standard tools in VKontakte in the message section

  7. In the notification window that appears, click the Delete button.
  8. Confirmation of the removal of dialogue with standard tools in VKontakte in the message section

Actions related to the removal of VKontakte dialogs with standard means cannot be canceled! Delete only if sure is sure that the correspondence is no longer needed.

In addition to the already said, you can add that there is also another way to remove.

  1. Open a completely any dialogue with a person you want to delete.
  2. User dialogue in VKontakte messages

  3. On the top panel on the right side, on behalf of the user, hover the mouse over the "..." button.
  4. Opening the dialog management menu in VKontakte messages

  5. In the menu that opens, select "Clear Message Stories".
  6. Clearing the dialog messaging history in VKontakte messages

  7. Confirm the actions done by pressing the "Delete" button in the window that opens with the notification window.
  8. Confirmation of removal of messages from the dialogue in VKontakte messages

After pressing the specified button, you will be automatically redirected to a page with VKontakte dialogs.

In both cases presented, the dialogue will be guaranteed removed. However, there is one feature that expressed in the fact that if there were many different messages in the removable correspondence, only some of them will be removed. Thus, you will have to repeat all the actions until the correspondence completely disappears.

To date, this is the only actual way to erase any dialogues you choose.

Removal with VK Helper

This method, in contrast to the use of standard social networking products, aims to massive removal of dialogs regardless of varieties, including all subfolded messages. For these purposes, the VK Helper extension is perfectly suitable, which provides many auxiliary functions and is one of the few for a similar type, the support of which is actively continuing.

Go to download page VK Helper

Step 1: Installing Extensions

  1. Simply simple, but very considerable step by step is to install expansion. First, open the page on the above link above and select one of the browsers at your discretion.

    Browser selection on the website VK Helper

    Note: We use only Google Chrome as an example, but the installation and subsequent steps are practically no different in other programs. You can also read a brief instruction from the developer if something is incomprehensible.

  2. In the Installation description section, find the string "Download Archives" and click on the link below. This file must be saved anywhere on the computer.
  3. Download archive on VK Helper

  4. Using the WinRAR archiver or a similar program, perform unpacking files into a separate folder. In addition, it is necessary to postpone the directory at a convenient place, as intentional or accidental deletion in the future will lead to the failure of expansion in the browser.
  5. Unpacking archive with VK Helper on a computer

  6. On the top of the Internet browser panel, press the button with three dots, expand the "Advanced Tools" item and select "Extensions".

    Transition to the expansion section in the Chrome browser

    Step 2: Authorization via VK

    1. Upon completion of the installation process, make sure that the extension is activated and the corresponding icon appeared on the panel in the right corner of the browser. Click on the left mouse button and go to "Authorization".
    2. Transition to authorization in VK Helper

    3. In the Additional Access Permit window, click the Allow button to link to page in VKontakte one of the main applications for VK Helper.

      Adding access to the VK page for VK Helper

      If everything is done correctly, the next time you visit the Social Network site on the top panel will appear an additional icon with a list of notifications and account data. Only in this case can be continued.

    4. Successful addition of account VKontakte in VK Helper

    5. On the browser extensions panel, press the VK Helper icon and use the Add Account button. This is a need to access basic functions using another application.
    6. Transition to the adding account in VK Helper

    7. Even with an active authorization in the browser used, the next step will have to log in using the data from the account you use.
    8. Authorization in VK Helper via VKontakte

    9. In the next window, confirm the addition of the Kate Mobile application using the Allow button.
    10. Adding the Kate Mobile application for VK Helper

    Step 3: Extension Settings

    1. Having understood with authorization, when you click on the VK Helper icon on the browser panel, a menu will be presented with an account information. Here, at the bottom, you must click "Settings".
    2. Go to settings in VK Helper

    3. In the "Quick Work" block, check the "Function set for quick page management" checkbox. This will unlock the desired parameters on the social network page.
    4. Enabling features for quick control in VK Helper

    Step 4: Removing Dialogs

    1. Through the main menu on VKontakte website, go to the "Management" section. If the item is not available, repeat the previous step and update the page.
    2. Go to the control window on VKontakte

    3. Find the "Personal Messages" subsection and click on the "Delete Dialogs" link.
    4. Using the removal function of dialogs on VKontakte

    5. If necessary, install a tick to get rid of unread corresponding, and to continue click "Delete".
    6. Delete all dialogs on VKontakte website

    7. This action will have to confirm through the pop-up window. However, after that, the procedure will be configured instantly, even in the case of a large number of dialogues.

      Confirmation of removal of dialogs on VKontakte website

      You will learn about completion through the internal notification system VK Helper on the VK website. The messages themselves will disappear only on your page, while the interlocutors dialogue will be untouched.

      Successful removal of dialogs on VKontakte website

      You can also independently deploy the extension menu and view the completed procedures on the Task tab.

    8. View operations VK Helper on VKontakte website

    Despite the rather long process of training VK Helper to work, the expansion is implemented at a sufficiently high level, ignoring antispam protection and other features of VKontakte. At the same time, take into account the deletion is performed only unilaterally and is not subject to rollback, since the recovery was not provided for by the developer.

    Adhering to all the outlined instructions, do not forget to read standard tips in the process of performing actions.

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