Programs for construction work work


Applications for building estimates

There are highly specialized programs that serve as an excellent assistant in the preparation of construction estimates. We offer to consider the best of these provided by the developers today.

Grand Scratch

Let's start with the professional commercial software from the company of the Grand, which allows you to create any estimated documents, including construction. The following methods of calculation methods are supported: basic, resource, basic-index, resource-index and basic compensation. You can apply them as separately and in the aggregate within a single document to compare the results. Many functions in the program are automated, for example, the formation of estimates based on the work performed according to acts.

Grand Estrase Application Interface

For convenience, each cell, string or column can be pouring with any colors of the palette with the possibility of subsequent filtering on them. There is a built-in module with macros, which allows you to simultaneously perform specific steps in several ratings. The standard library of such scripts counses more than 10 options. The application can be used in two variations: as a portable version recorded on a protected USB flash drive or a standard installed on a computer.

This is only the main part of the features of the Grand estimates, and with their full list you can find on the official website. The main problem is that this product is not suitable for everyone, because its value exceeds 25 thousand rubles. To obtain a trial version, you must contact developers using a convenient form on the official website.

Download the latest version of the Grand Estimation from the official site

READ ALSO: Programs for creating estimates - another product from Russian developers in the field of estimated software suitable for the conduct of documentation of any complexity and orientation. The program contains all tools that can be useful when creating, adjusting, storing and printing estimates. During the calculations, the following methods are applied: the basic and basic-index, resource and resource-index, as well as compensatory and mixed. It is possible to use the network for multiplayer editing documents.

Application interface is a universal solution, because it supports the overwhelming majority of modern building estimates. The company not only provides the opportunity to purchase a program, but also accompanies the client in the future, namely, teaches work and conducts certification of the estimates, and the cost is determined individually in each case. To obtain a demo version, you must register with the Smeta.Cloud service and get a basic account.

Download the latest version of from the official site


Optim-Remstroy is the most advanced solution from the Remstroy line from the company Kors-Soft, which allows you to create, change and delete estimated documents with support for acts of CS-2, KS-3, etc. There is a possibility of importing previously created projects from Excel so as not to form them from scratch. The automatic fill function is implemented, repulsted from the parameters set by the user. Accounting is carried out simultaneously in several currencies.

Optim-remorse program interface

Multi-level estimates with multiple sections are supported. Storage operations are available: purchase, refund and transportation of goods. Optim-remorse license is issued for one, two or three years. Its cost depends on the selected option: standard or network for multiplayer editing. There is a free version called Mini Remstroy, which is limited by most features of the program and the maximum number of intended estimates and positions in them. This option is perfect for familiarization with the product.

Download the latest version of Optim-Remstroy from the official site


WinSmette, which we reproduced in detail in one of our other articles, is also suitable for working with construction rats, although it is not intended for them initially. After starting, the Document Management Wizard appears where new projects are created or existing ones. If you are a novice, it is worth paying attention to the examples and training materials from the developers. Here you can choose suitable templates for future tables.

WinSmet document management

The workspace is divided into several blocks interacting with each other. At the top is the navigation menu with the bulk of the tool. Below is the window with the display of the tables, as well as the module for editing the selected position. It is noteworthy that the interface is customizable, that is, the user can independently choose the position of objects. There is a possibility of work not only with tables, but also with lists, which is much more convenient in some situations. It is impossible not to mark a huge list of additional parameters. The section itself has nine categories of settings - from the appearance of the program to automatically create backup copies. WinSmettes applies on a fee basis.


Advanced is an excellent solution for the formation of estimates during repair or construction. Each object is placed in its category, which, in turn, is divided into indoor directories or other parts of the project. This principle allows you to competently structure the project for convenient navigation on it. The addition of rooms in the estimate is carried out using a special wizard, which indicates the name, volume, area of ​​windows, doors, openings, slopes, ceiling and floor, as well as the perimeter and height of the walls. After that, the catalog adds the estimates themselves with the help of an equally convenient wizard.

Act of advanced work of advance

Automated modules, as in many applications discussed in this article, are absent. Therefore, we will have to independently make acts of work performed and their cost, as well as to form money management logs. The composition has a detailed directory with the ability to edit it. The program is completely translated into Russian and is great for small projects, where it is easy to work with a manual estimate. To download, you need to purchase a license, but the introductory version is provided.

Estrase +.

Estimation + - a universal tool for creating any estimate, whether it is a construction or organization of a festive event. It is noteworthy that the developers immediately contributed to the application all modern formats of the estimation adopted by the State Committee of the Russian Federation: COP-2, CS-3, a contract for repair work, work statements, as well as album estimates of a local species in several variations. They can be edited or add new ones.

Application Sketch Interface +

The mechanism of recalculation of prices with fairly flexible settings has been implemented. Estrase + created by Russian developers, and therefore it is obvious that its interface is translated. The program is paid, but its cost is much more attractive than those considered above the analogues. The demo version is provided for a limited period, but with all the possibilities.

Download the latest estimate + from the official site

Microsoft Excel.

It is not surprising that the most popular tabular processor is also suitable for creating and editing construction estimates, because it contains everything you need: tables, calculation formulas, the wizards of adding elements, etc. On our site there are detailed instructions on how to make a estimate in MS Excel. But it should be borne in mind that this process is much more laborious than in the case of highly specialized solutions discussed above.

Microsoft Excel Interface

Excel himself is paid, but provided for free for 30 days. This may be sufficient in some cases. The application is officially translated into Russian, including certificate from developers.

Read more: Drawing up the estimates in Microsoft Excel

We reviewed seven excellent software solutions to work with construction estimates.

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