How to create a new account in windows 10


how to create a new account in windows 10

The benefits of separate accounts in Windows 10 are obvious - for example, you can distinguish work and entertainment. Next, we will tell how to add a new user in the "top ten".

Option 1: Microsoft account

In the newest version of OS from the Redmond Company, users are invited to use Microsoft account, which opens access to a number of developer Internet services (for example, onedrive and Outlook), and also makes it easier to synchronize data. Create such an account can be in several ways.

Method 1: "Parameters"

The easiest solution to our today's task is to add account via the "Parameters" snap.

  1. Click the Win + I key combination to open the "Parameters" window, and go to "Accounts".
  2. Open accounts to add Microsoft Account to Windows 10

  3. Use the link "Family and other users" in the side menu.
  4. Family and other users to add Microsoft account to Windows 10

  5. Next, locate the "Other Users" block and click on the "Add user to this computer" item.
  6. Install a new user to add Microsoft account to Windows 10

  7. The add interface will appear. Follow the link "I do not have data to enter this person."
  8. Begin addition of Microsoft account to Windows 10

  9. If you want to use the address (already existing) on ​​a third-party mail service, enter it, click "Next" and go to step 7.
  10. Entering the Microsoft Account Add To Windows 10

  11. If you want to start an account on one of the Microsoft Maid Services, select "Get a new email address".

    Continue creating a user to add Microsoft account to Windows 10

    Enter the desired mail name and domain, available and

    Creating a recording to add a Microsoft account to Windows 10

    It will be necessary to introduce the name and surname,

    Enter the name and surname to add Microsoft account to Windows 10

    And also the home region and date of birth - this information is necessary to access some services.

    Region and date of birth To add Microsoft account to Windows 10

    Ready - the account created. You will return to the window from the previous step, where you follow the appropriate actions.

  12. The adding tool will appear - enter the name of the displayed name and specify the access password if required, then click "Next".
  13. Installing the name and password recording to add Microsoft account to Windows 10

  14. Upon returning to the "Parameters" window, pay attention to the category "Other users" - there should be an appropriation added by us. To use it, simply exit the system and log in already under the previously created.
  15. This method is the most convenient for beginners in Windows 10.

Method 2: "User Accounts"

The second method of adding Microsoft account is to use the "User Accounts" snap.

  1. Open the media in advance is the easiest way through the "Run" tool: Press Win + R keys, enter the CONTROL UserPasswords2 command in the text box and click OK.
  2. Open accounts monitoring for adding Microsoft Account to Windows 10

  3. In the next window, find and click the Add button.
  4. Add a Microsoft account to Windows 10 account in monitoring records

  5. The adding interface will appear, the work in which corresponds to the actions discussed above in the "Parameters" window: To use an external E-mail, enter it, click Next.
  6. Adding users through monitoring accounts in Windows 10

  7. Enter the name, surname, login and password, as well as the country-region and use the "Next" button.

    Add a third-party account through accounting records in Windows 10

    Now you will need to enter additional data like the date of birth and phone numbers.

    Continue creating Microsoft account through control records in Windows 10

    To continue, enter the captcha. You can also refuse Microsoft mailing.

  8. Additional user settings through monitoring records in Windows 10

  9. If you need to create an account on the Microsoft domains, you first click the "Register a new email address" link.

    Installing new users through monitoring records in Windows 10

    Next, repeat the steps from the previous step, only at the Data Adding Stage, come up with the name and select a specific domain of the new e-mail.

  10. Adding Microsoft Account through accounting accounts in Windows 10

  11. To continue, click "Finish".
  12. Finish the creation of Microsoft account through accounting records in Windows 10

    On this work with the means under consideration is completed.

Option 2: Local account

If you do not use Microsoft services or just do not want to create online accounting, you can simply add a local user. This operation can be made by a large number of ways, the main of which was already considered by us earlier.

Adding local users through accounting records in Windows 10

Lesson: Adding a new local user in Windows 10

Solving some problems

The process of creating new users may interfere with certain problems.

Points of adding users inactive

In some cases, attempts to add accounts are unsuccessful - the system seems to not respond to pressing the corresponding buttons. Often this means that there are strict control of accounting records (UAC) in the system and, therefore, it must be removed.

Disable account control in Windows 10 for problems with adding

Read more: Disable UAC in Windows 10

New account added, but by default it still starts the main

This means that the system call is not active in the system. You can troubleshoot the edit in the registry editor.

  1. Open the "Run" snap, enter the REGEDIT query and click OK.
  2. Call the registry editor to solve problems with creating a new account in Windows 10

  3. Go to the next registry branch:

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Authentication \ Logonui \ Userswitch

    In the right part, find the "Enabled" parameter and double-click on it with the left mouse button.

  4. Select a parameter in the registry editor to solve problems with creating a new account in Windows 10

  5. Set the value of the 1 parameter, then press "OK".
  6. Open registry editor to solve problems with creating a new account in Windows 10

  7. Close the registry editor and restart the computer - the problem must be solved.
  8. If the above measure did not help, it suggests that you are using the administrator's integrated account. Try to disable it.

    Delete accounting for solving problems with creating a new account in Windows 10

    Lesson: Disable administrator in Windows 10

Thus, we have acquainted you with the methods of creating a new user in Windows 10. There is nothing complicated in this operation, just follow the instructions.

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