Where is the startup in the Windows 10 registry


Where is the startup in the Windows 10 registry

The existence of autoloading in Windows 10 allows users to not run all the necessary programs that should work with the background, when entering the system, as it will occur automatically. However, all these applications still need to be added to the autoload, so that the tool knew which of them to open. You can do this in different ways, but some users are interested in the execution of the task through the registry editor.

Editing autoload parameters through the Windows 10 registry

First of all, we propose to stay in a standard way to work with the registry editor that will suit absolutely all owners of Windows operating system 10 of any assembly. The principle of adding programs is to create an appropriate parameter and assigning a special value to it, but let's analyze everything in order, starting with the transition to the desired key.

  1. Run the utility to "execute" any convenient way. For example, it can be found through the search in the "start" or it will be enough to simply press the combination of Win + R.
  2. Run the utility to run to go to the Windows 10 registry editor

  3. Then in the window that appears, enter the REGEDIT and click on ENTER.
  4. Enter a command to go to the registry editor through the Utility to execute Windows 10

  5. Go along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Currentversion \ Run to get into the general startup section. If you are interested only in the current user, the path will find the look of HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Run.
  6. Transition along the route of autoload in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

  7. Now at the root of the ultimate folder, you see all the string parameters with the values ​​responsible for launching programs. Typically, the name of the parameter indicates how the program it responds, and the path to the executable file is prescribed.
  8. View startup programs through the registry editor in Windows 10

  9. If you want to create this option yourself, adding software, click the PCM on an empty place, in the context menu that appears, Mouse over to "Create" the cursor and select "String Parameter".
  10. Creating a new parameter in the Registry Editor to add a program to the Windows 10 autoload

  11. Specify it the characteristic name in order not to get confused in the future, and then double-click the left-click string to go to change the value.
  12. Enter the name for the autoload program parameter in the Windows 10 Registry Editor

  13. In the case when the full path to the executable file is unknown or you cannot remember it, go along the path of its location yourself, open the properties and copy the "Location" string.
  14. Copying the path for the program when adding to autoload via the Windows 10 registry editor

  15. Insert it in the "Value" field, necessarily adding the EXE file format at the end, as it is necessary for the correct start.
  16. Adding a program to autoloading via the registry editor in Windows 10

All changes made in the Registry Editor come into force the next time you start the operating system session, so you will sufficiently restart the computer so that new programs added to the autorun start with Windows.

Editing the autoload parameters through the Local Group Policy Editor

Some users know about the existence of a separate snap-in entitled editor of a local group policy. It implements all the same functions that can be performed via the registry editor, however, the settings here occur by interacting with the graphical interface, which greatly simplifies the entire procedure. However, we note that this component is present only in Windows 10 Pro and Enterprise, so the owners of other assemblies will not be able to launch or additionally install this editor. When adding programs to autoload, it creates exactly the same parameters in the registry, which we have already spoken earlier, because of which we offer to study and this method.

  1. Open the Follow Utility (Win + R) and write in the GPedit.msc field, then press the Enter key.
  2. Launch of the Local Group Policy Editor for Startup Management in Windows 10

  3. Use the left pane to go through the "Computer Configuration" path - "Administrative Templates" - "System".
  4. Transition to system settings in the Windows 10 Local Group Policy Editor

  5. At the root of the folder, select "Login to System".
  6. Go to the login section via the Windows 10 Local Group Policy Editor

  7. Among the list of all available options, find the string "perform these programs when entering the system."
  8. Opening the program startup option when logging in via Windows 10 Local Group Policy Editor

  9. Set the status of this parameter "Inclusive", checking the corresponding item so that you can begin to set it up.
  10. Enabling program startup option when logging in via Windows 10 Local Group Policy Editor

  11. Now let's get on the addition of programs to autoload. To do this, click on the "Show" button.
  12. Go to configuring program startup parameter when logging in Windows 10

  13. In the "Value" lines, you can specify the full path to the file so that the parameter knows which executable file is run. Available to create an unlimited number of such lines, but note that a large number of autoload applications significantly affects the start speed of the operating system.
  14. Configure the program startup option when logging in Windows 10

  15. After making all changes, do not forget to click on "Apply" to save them. After that, restart the computer so that new programs start automatically.
  16. Apply changes after setting up the program startup option when logging into Windows 10

If you are interested in the topic of autoloading in the considered operating system, we recommend familiarizing yourself with other thematic materials on our website, where you will find an explanation of many concepts and detailed instructions for performing various tasks. You can start reading by clicking on one of the references later.

Read more:

Where is the "Auto-loading" folder in Windows 10

Remove the torrent client from Windows 10 autoload

Adding applications to autoload in Windows 10

Disable autorun programs in Windows 10

Within the framework of today's article, you learned about the location of the autoloading section of the software in the registry editor and snap, which allows you to manage local group policies. Now it remains only to realize your goals using these MOST menu.

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