How to fix the error with oleaut32.dll in gta 4


How to fix the error with oleaut32.dll in gta 4

For the normal functioning of any game, including GTA 4, dynamic libraries of the DLL format must be installed in the operating system. They allow software and applications to perform certain functions without creating a unique code, but using the prepared patterns. If any important component is missing or in a damaged form, the option is simply not possible, because of which errors will appear when starting or departures. GTA 4 players are most often faced with the advent of notification about the absence of Oleaut32.dll, so today we want to affect the correction of this particular problem, disassemble all available options.

We solve problems with the absence of oleaut32.dll in GTA 4

Dynamically connected OLEAUT32.dll library is present in all supported Windows versions by default and is called only by some software to obtain specific information. Therefore, to damage or delete the file itself can only influence viruses or random actions of the user itself. Therefore, we further propose to study the three methods of restoring the performance of the object under consideration, however, must be required to check the OS for malicious files, reading the instructions presented according to the following link.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Method 1: manual installation oleaut32.dll in Windows

If the OLEAUT32.dll file under consideration was somehow removed by a personally by the user or the action of viruses, it will not be possible to restore it or re-register, since it is not at all on the computer. In such situations, the user will have to roll back the OS before the backup when this object still existed, or to install it manually. The first option is more complicated, and the second implies an independent search and downloading the library with the movement of the file to the root folder of the game. You can upload it, for example, from our site.

Additionally, you may need to register the file again, for this use the method 3 of this article.

Method 2: Checking the integrity of system files

It is necessary to check the integrity of the system files using standard OS tools, since they allow you to correct the emerging problems with standard components, including with oleaut32.dll. A well-known SFC utility runs using the "command line" and automatically search for errors. However, if the problem really lies in damage to important files, there may also be errors of different kinds during standard scanning. It is necessary to correct them with the help of a more advanced DISM system tool, and then return to SFC again. All detailed information on this occasion with deployed illustrated manuals can be found in a special material on our website by clicking on the link below.

Scanning system for damaged files to correct the problem with oleaut32.dll in GTA 4

Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

Method 3: Repeated File Register

Go to the execution of this method only when the previous one did not help completely get rid of the problem. You can see the notification in the report that Oleaut32.dll has been successfully restored, however, when you start GTA 4, you still observe the message speaking about the absence of this object. In most cases, this indicates the need to recording the library, which is carried out manually using the console utility.

  1. Open the "Start" and find the classic application "Command Line" through the search. Run it on behalf of the administrator by selecting the appropriate item.
  2. Run a command line to recording the oleaut32.dll file in GTA 4

  3. Enter the command REGSVR32 / U OLEAUT32.DLL, and then press the ENTER key. This will cancel the registration of an existing file.
  4. Team to cancel the registration of the connected library oleaut32.dll in GTA 4

  5. You will be notified of a successful or unsuccessful module load. In any case, just ignore this window by closing it.
  6. Notification of successful cancellation of the OLEAUT32.DLL file registration in GTA 4

  7. It remains only to enter the same command, but with another argument REGSVR32 / I oleaut32.dll to re-register a dynamically connected library.
  8. The command to re-register the connected library oleaut32.dll in GTA 4

After that, you can immediately go to the launch of the game without pre-rebooting the computer. If it was indeed in damage to registration, now there should be no errors.

Now you are familiar with the OLEAUT32.DLL restore methods in Windows to normalize the launch of GTA 4. As you can see, the effective methods are not so much, but they should help cope with the task. Additionally, it should be noted that if you are the owner of a pirate assembly of this game, try reinstalling it with a disabled antivirus or use the assembly from another author.

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