Download nxcooking.dll for windows 7


Download nxcooking.dll for windows 7

The Windows 7 operating system has a huge number of built-in and additional connected DLL format libraries. Among them are also a file called nxcooking.dll. It is part of the PHYSXCooking Dynamic Link Library software and is responsible for the correct interaction of the graphics adapter driver. The absence of this object leads to problems when starting various games and in rare programs, therefore, it will be necessary to solve this problem, which will be discussed further.


First of all, you can try to add nxcooking.dll to the system yourself. It needs to be found, download and move to the C: \ Windows \ System32 system folder, Windows 64 Bit holders can also be needed to add a file to C: \ Windows \ syswow64.

Perhaps, even after that, you will receive a message from lack, and then you will need to hold a manual log in. This is written in more detail in the last method of our material.

Method 2: Windows 7 Update

You need to exclude conflicts that may be associated with the incompatibility of the video card drivers, in particular PHYSX add-ons, with Windows 7. Therefore, let's start with the installation of the latest operating system updates. This will help not only correct the possible problem, but also optimizes the overall performance of the computer. All detailed instructions for the implementation of this task can be found in another material on our website by clicking the link below. Additionally, we presented several instructions that can help in the event of problems with the installation of updates.

Windsum Update To correct the problem with the lack of the NXCooking.dll file

Read more:

Updates in the Windows 7 operating system

Manual installation of updates in Windows 7

Solving problems with installing Windows 7 update

Method 3: Updating Video Card Driver

If the past version has not brought a positive result, you should try to update the graphics adapter drivers to establish the correct interaction of two software components. The required file in most cases is associated with the provision of NVIDIA, so these video card holders must be necessary to implement this method. However, the owners of the components from AMD also need to check the availability of updates, as developers are required to produce alternative plug-in libraries that would be replaced by nxcooking.dll. All the necessary manuals on this topic can be found in the materials further.

Video Card Driver Updates To solve non-NXCooking.dll problems

Read more: Updating AMD Radeon / Nvidia Video Card Drivers

Method 4: Installing the PhysX driver

The physx driver of a specific version includes today's connected library, so its installation will allow you to get rid of the problem with its absence. However, this method will suit only the owners of video cards from NVIDIA. They need to download and install the file from the official site, which is carried out like this:

Download Nvidia PhysX System Software from the official website

  1. Open the link to get to the official NVIDIA website. You need to click on the "Download Now" button.
  2. Download drivers for video card to avoid problems with nxcooking.dll

  3. It will automatically redirect to a new page where you click on the same button.
  4. Start downloading video card driver to correct the problem with the nxcooking.dll file

  5. Starting the executable file will begin. Upon completion, click on it to run.
  6. Running the driver executable file to progress the problems with the NXCooking.dll library

  7. When a warning from the security system appears, select the "Run" option.
  8. Run the driver installer to correct problems with nxcooking.dll

  9. Confirm the terms of the license agreement, noting the marker to the corresponding item, and then click on "Next".
  10. Confirmation of the starting of the driver to correct the problem with nxcooking.dll

  11. Expect installation completion. During this process, do not close the window and do not restart the computer, otherwise there is a risk of damaging the driver files, which will lead to problems in the video card.
  12. Waiting for the driver installation to correct the malfunction with the nxcooking.dll file

  13. At the end of the installation, you will receive the appropriate notification, it will only be left to "Finish" and restart the PC so that all changes entered into force.
  14. Complete installation of the video card driver to correct the problems with the nxcooking.dll file

Method 5: Restoring Damaged Windows Files

Let us turn to those methods that arise less frequently and help only a small percentage of users. It is worth using them only in cases where all previous recommendations have not brought any result. First of all, we recommend checking the integrity of system files using the SFC console utility. Upon completion of the scan, you will receive a report on the corrections if the errors were still found.

Running the SFC utility to scan the system for damaged files on the command line in Windows 7

Read more: Restore system files in Windows 7

It indicates more global problems with the operating system. Notification "Windows resource protection detected damaged files, but cannot restore some of them", appearing almost immediately after the SFC utility is launched. Then you can not do without a more serious built-in DISM. Check with it, and then return to SFC and restore damaged files.

DISM startup command on the command prompt

Read more: Restoring damaged components in Windows 7 with DISM

Method 6: Repeated NXCooking.dll Registration

The dynamically connected library under consideration during installation is added to the same folder where the remaining system DLLs are stored. However, not always the OS sees these objects and can interact with them correctly. This happens because of failures in registration. Therefore, the user needs to manually make this operation using the "command line".

  1. Open the "Start", find the console there and click on it PCM.
  2. Run a command line to register the nxcooking.dll file

  3. Wait until the context menu appears in which you select the "Run on the administrator" option.
  4. Running the command line on behalf of the administrator for registration nxcooking.dll

  5. Enter the REGSVR32 / U NXCooking.dll command to cancel the register of the file.
  6. Canceling the nxcooking.dll file register via the command line

  7. Close the notification window that appears, and then specify the second command REGSVR32 / I NXCooking.dll for re-registration.
  8. Re-registration of the nxcooking.dll file via the command line

Reboot the computer after these actions is not necessary, you can immediately switch to trying to start the problematic software or the game to make sure the error correction with the lack of the DLL considered.

As part of today's article, you have learned about the most effective and even rarely encountered methods that can help in correcting the situation with the lack of NXCooking.dll in the Windows operating system 7. You only have to carefully follow the instructions starting from the first way to find a suitable solution for yourself.

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