How to Clear Windows RAM 10 Cache


How to Clear Windows RAM 10 Cache

OS WINDOVS family cache data running applications in RAM to speed up their launch. Outdated information is usually unloaded automatically, but sometimes it is required to clean them yourself. Today we will look at how this procedure is performed in Windows 10.

Method 1: Restart Computer

The easiest solution of the solution of the voiced task is to banal reboot of the computer, because during her RAM modules are briefly de-energized, which deletes cached content. Despite its simplicity, this method is not always available, so if the restart of the computer is not possible, use one of the ways below.

Method 2: ATM

The following method of cleaning the RAM cache is to use third-party solutions, one of which is the ATM program.

Download ATM from the official site

  1. Download the application using the download ATM link.
  2. Download ATM utility for cleaning RAM MABLE CASHER 10

  3. It does not need to be installed on the computer - just unpack the ZIP archive. There are two folders, "x64" and "x86", take advantage of the latter, since the 64-bit version works unstable.

    ATM variations to clean the RAM storage cache in Windows 10

    Run the executable file with the name ATM.EXE.

  4. Run ATM to clean the RAM cache in Windows 10

  5. The main window of the means will say little to the inexperienced user, however, we need only two buttons - "Flush Cache WS" and "Flush All Standby", press them consistently.
  6. The process of using ATM to clean the RAM storage cache in Windows 10

    The considered utility solves the task of us well, but has a rather bulky interface and has no localization into Russian.

Method 3: Rammap

Microsoft knows about cases of uncontrolled leakage of RAM space to the cache, so created an application to solve this problem called Rammap.

Download rammap from the official site

  1. As in the case of the first mentioned program, Ramma does not need to be installed on the computer, you need to start one of the executable files.
  2. RAMMAP start to clean the RAM MAGE CASHER 10

  3. Use Empty Points to clean the cache - "Empty Standby List".
  4. Start cleaning Windows 10 RAM 10 cache using Rammap

  5. Check out the performance of the procedure through the "Performance" tab in the "Task Manager" - most likely the cache will be cleaned.

Method 4: Systems

Clearing the RAM cache can be made by system tools using one of the system utilities.

  1. Call the "Run" window with the Win + R keys. When it appears, enter the request:

    C: \\ Windows \ System32 \ Rundll32.exe

    Request 32-bit OS to clean the RAM memory cache in Windows 10

    For 64-bit versions of the "Dozens" request looks like this:

    C: \\ Windows \ syswow64 \ rundll32.exe

    Check the input correctness and click OK.

  2. The process of cleaning the RAM storage cache in 64-bit Windows 10

  3. The started tool works in the background without any notifications, so you need to wait about 10 seconds, after which the cache must be cleaned.
  4. Systems are quite effective, and it usually does not arise in installing third-party programs.

We told you about the methods for cleaning the RAM in Windows 10 cache.

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