Download wdsutil.dll for windows 7


Download wdsutil.dll for windows 7

If you look at Windows 7 system folders, you will find a huge number of DLL files with different names. Each of them is an important component and is called by certain software if necessary. Such objects store the action script or the description of the functions, which allows software or games not to use a unique code, but access the already existing template. wdsutil.dll is one of the system DLLs that are installed initially, and its damage or random deletion causes various errors. We want to talk about their decision further.

Method 1: manual installation wdsutil.dll

We consider the WDSUTIL.DLL manual installation method Because situations occur when this file for some reason was removed or damaged without the possibility of recovery. Download and install it is not difficult - it is enough to simply move the dll into the C: \ Windows \ System32 and / or C: \ Windows \ SYSWOW64 folder (one for 32-bit systems, in both - for 64-bit).

When you repeatedly occur an error, make the file register according to method 3.

Method 2: PC scanning for viruses

The appearance of the problem under consideration very often causes malicious programs. They penetrate the system sections, remove or damage objects present there, and may also interfere with launch. Therefore, first of all it is recommended to choose a convenient antivirus and analyze winds for threats. After scanning, you will receive a report that the threats found were removed or placed in quarantine. If the viruses were not found or the error was not corrected, proceed to the use of the following ways, and read more about to combat malicious files in another article by going to the relevant link.

Anti-virus utility for the treatment of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

Method 3: Repeated WDSUTIL.DLL

The situation is quite likely that after damage or some wdsutil.dll failure, it was still restored, but it does not see it due to the fact that the DLL repeated registration did not occur. Therefore, it is recommended to do it yourself, thereby configuring the difficulty. It will help in this standard windows utility, started through the "Command Line".

  1. Open the "Start", find the console there and make the right click on it with the mouse.
  2. Search for a command line in Windows 7 to run on behalf of the administrator

  3. In the context menu that appears, select the option "Start from the administrator".
  4. Running the command line in Windows 7 on behalf of the administrator through the Start menu

  5. Use the REGSVR32 / U WDSUTIL.DLL command to cancel the file log.
  6. Cancel the registration of the FLL file via the command line in Windows 7

  7. After activating the command by pressing Enter to notice that the operation may appear on the screen key was successfully completed or an error that the module failed to load. Just ignore the message by closing it and returning to the console.
  8. Information about the cancellation of registration of DLL file from the command line in Windows 7

  9. Repeated DLL-object registration is performed through the input regsvr32 / i wdsutil.dll. After that, feel free to close the "Command Prompt".
  10. Re-register DLL file in the Windows command prompt 7

It is recommended to restart your computer for the operating system to recognize all changes. After that go to the launch of the program, which previously had problems.

Method 4: Checking the integrity of system files

Sometimes the above method does not work properly, and wdsutil.dll left in a damaged condition. Restore it helps built-in utility SFC, scanning the integrity of Windows system files. It also runs through the "Command Prompt", and detailed information about this you can read in a separate article on our site.

Scan system files integrity at the command line in Windows 7

Read more: Restore system files in Windows 7

However, sometimes the SFC utility finishes its work before the end of the scan, bringing to an error notification screen is of a different nature. Most often, the user sees the text "Windows Resource Protection found corrupt files but can not restore some of them." Then you first need to restore the system components using the DISM separate utility, and then later return to the SFC, follow the instructions provided in the article at the link above.

All other actions will be executed automatically, and upon completion you will only restart the PC to the installation was continued and brought to an end. Then already testing the OS, let me know when a problem arises before.

See also:

Updates in the Windows 7 operating system

Manual installation of updates in Windows 7

Solving problems with installing Windows 7 update

Method 6: Update drivers

In some cases, file wdsutil.dll present in the system and works correctly, but the conflicts between the software components and system functions provoke any difficulties hindering the user to operate normally. This applies also to the library under consideration, which is why the user should check for updates for each set to eliminate the cause of a list of possible or permanently correct the problem. More details about this in another article on our website by clicking on the link below.

Update all drivers on Windows 7 operating system

Read more: Driver Update on Windows 7

Method 7: Windows Restore

Let us turn to the most radical method, to resort to which it is only in those situations where the above methods did not bring any result. Previously, we have already said that wdsutil.dll is included in the standard composition of the library DLL WINDOVS 7, which means that it can be restored. Unfortunately, to do it through the saved archive will not work, so you will need to contact other means, the management of the interaction with which you will find below.

Read more: Restoration of the system in Windows 7

Today you have been familiar with the methods of correcting troubleshooting the WDSUTIL.DLL file in Windows 7. As you can see, there are integer seven ways that can help in various situations. You are left only by busting, ranging from the simplest, find an effective solution.

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