How to install windows


how to install windows

Many Apple operating system users do not mind try and solving from Microsoft. To do this, you will not need to buy a computer or tablet - several ways to install windows on the Mac device are available.

Install Windows on MacOS

In total, three ways to install OS from Microsoft on the Apple computer are available - using a virtual machine, installing to a separate section via Boot Camp and a merge mode at which the OS installed via Boot Camp can be launched without rebooting the machine. Consider all of them in order.

Method 1: Using a virtual machine

If Windows needs to be used for simple tasks like office work or only from time to time, there will be a better option to install this OS on the virtual machine, which has three: Parallels, VirtualBox and Vmvare. In the following example, the installation of OS from Microsoft in the VirtualBox environment is shown.

Download VirtualBox for MacOS

  1. To download a Mac VirtualBox Installer, click on the OS X HOSTS link.
  2. Loading Windows 10 installation tools for installation on MacOS via VirtualBox

  3. After downloading the installer, run it. The installation process is no different from any other program in MacOS. At the end of the installation, start the application - by default it is installed in the "Programs" directory.
  4. Running Windows 10 installation tools for installation on MacOS via VirtualBox

  5. In the main menu VirtualBox, use the "Create" button.
  6. Creating a Windows 10 machine to install on MacOS via VirtualBox

  7. There will be an interface for creating a new virtual machine. The first you need to specify a name (for example, let Windows 10 be), as well as select the type and version. When specifying a name from the example, a suitable version will be installed automatically. To continue the work, click "Continue".
  8. Selecting the version of Windows 10 to install on MacOS via VirtualBox

  9. At this stage, you need to set the volume of the RAM, which will be used by the virtual environment. It is recommended to set values ​​equal to 50-60% of the existing number: for example, at 4 GB of RAM, it will be reasonable to set a value of 2048 MB.
  10. Number of RAM to install Windows 10 to install on MacOS via VirtualBox

  11. Next, you need to select one of the HDD formats, which will be used by a virtual "dozen". To install the system, you should select the option "Create a new Virtual Hard Disk".

    Windows 10 hard drive for installation on MacOS via VirtualBox

    Now set the type of Virtual HDD used. The default option is set as VDI, you can leave it.

    Windows 10 hard disk option for installation on MacOS via VirtualBox

    Storage format also leave as a "dynamic virtual hard disk".

    Windows 10 hard disk storage format for installation on MacOS via VirtualBox

    Set the storage size, 50 GB size will be enough. Do not scare large numbers, the real size of the VDI file will be less than less.

  12. Windows 10 hard disk size for installation on MacOS via VirtualBox

  13. After these actions, a new virtual machine will be created. It will take it to install the "dozen" as an ordinary computer, and here everything is not so simple. To start the environment, you should prepare: highlight the item of the desired machine in the corresponding menu and click on the "Configure" button.
  14. Setting up Windows 10 machine to install on MacOS via VirtualBox

  15. First of all, open the "System" bookmarks - "Motherboard" and in the "Download order" section, remove a tick with the "Flexible Disk" option. Also, do not forget to activate the option "Enable EFI".
  16. Windows 10 media settings for installation on MacOS via VirtualBox

  17. Next, go to the "Media" tab. Click the controller with the mouse, then find the "Optical Drive" item and click on the button with the disk icon.

    Add Windows 10 image to install on MacOS via VirtualBox

    In the pop-up menu, use the "Select an optical disk image ...".

    Start selection of the installation image of Windows 10 to install on MacOS via VirtualBox

    In the Finder dialog box, go to the location of the required ISO image and select it.

  18. Selecting the image of Windows 10 to install on MacOS via VirtualBox

  19. Then click "OK" to save all the changes entered and close the setup tool. Upon returning to the main application, use the Run button.
  20. Running Windows 10 machine to install on MacOS via VirtualBox

  21. If you did everything correctly, installing Windows 10.

    Windows 10 installation process for installation on MacOS via VirtualBox

    The further procedure is no different from the installation on the real computer, so we will not stop in detail on it.

  22. This option allows you to use the "dozen" without rebooting, however, it is not suitable for starting games or other resource-intensive applications.

Method 2: Installation by Bootcamp

Sometimes MacOS users require Windows to start a specific software. As practice shows, rare and highly specialized applications on the "virtual machine" often refuse to work normally. In such cases, it is advisable to install full-fledged windows on a separate partition of the hard disk using the Boot Camp tool. All the features of the procedure described one of our authors in a separate material, so we recommend using the reference further.

Installing Windows 10 on MacOS by Boot Camp

Lesson: Installing Windows on Mac via Bootcamp

Method 3: Hybrid Installation

There is also a method that allows you to combine virtualization and a full-fledged installation via Boot Camp.

  1. First of all, install OS from Microsoft to your poppy through Booth Kemp, make it help the instruction above.
  2. You can use both VMware and Parallels to turn on the hybrid system. The last option is much more convenient, so they will use it.

    Attention! Oracle VirtualBox officially does not support the hybrid system!

  3. Install Parallels on Mac. At the end of the installation, open the program - the "Use Windows from Boot Camp" should automatically start, click on the appropriate button.
  4. Start converting Windows from Boot Camp for use in Parallels Desktop

  5. Installation process will start. It usually takes a long time, so be patient.
  6. Windows Converting Process from Boot Camp for use in Parallels Desktop

  7. At the end of the procedure, the installed Windows 10 is automatically started, configured and finished to work.
  8. Finished Windows from Boot Camp for use in Parallels Desktop

    This option combines the advantages of the first presented methods, but requires paying software.


So, we looked at the Windows 10 installation methods on the Mac computer and we can draw the following conclusions: Three methods of solving the problem are available, each of which has its advantages and disadvantages, so you should choose from the purposes that the user pursues.

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