"Supported graphics card not found (0xe0070160)» in Overwatch


Sometimes when you try to run the popular game Overwatch may fail "Supported graphics card not found (0xe0070160)», even if only yesterday everything was done smoothly. It is not difficult to guess that the problem is the graphics adapter, but it is not always easy to determine the specific cause and solution method.

Reason 1: The legacy graphics driver

The most obvious and easily solved by reason - the old version of the video card drivers. For stable operation of any modern computer games is necessary to promptly update the software for the hardware. We have already talked in detail about the procedure in separate articles.

Driver search for AMD Radeon Device Manager

Read more:

Determine the version of the graphics card driver in Windows

How to update the NVIDIA graphics driver

How to update the AMD graphics driver

How to update your graphics driver automatically

Cause 2: Improper installation of the driver

Oddly enough, even if you have the latest version of the driver, not the fact that the problem is not in them. This is especially true in cases where the appropriate software is installed is not the official website of the manufacturer, and with the help of third-party software. Fortunately, the built-in Windows tools make it easy to roll back the driver to the previous version, when everything worked correctly. After that, there are two options: either to leave things as they are, or to set it correctly by downloading from the official AMD or NVIDIA site, depending on the card.

Roll back the video card driver in the Windows 10 devices

Read more:

How to roll back the NVIDIA graphics driver

What to do if your PC has begun to lose after the update GPU drivers

Reason 3: conflict resolution settings

Sometimes it happens that the game is set-conflict resolution, then they can not run. The causes of this situation, there are many, but to fix it as simple as possible. To do this, follow the following algorithm:

  1. Start the Battle.net and log into your profile, if it was not done earlier.
  2. Click on "of Blizzard" icon in the upper left corner of the interface and select "Settings."
  3. Go to the Battle.net settings

  4. Go to the "Game Settings" and find the Overwatch.
  5. Click on the menu "Reset settings in-game" and agree to the changes.
  6. Reset the in-game settings in Battle.net

The screenshot shows a reset procedure for the Hearthstone, another Blizzard of the project, but it is completely identical to Overwatch.

Immediately after that, you can re-run the game and test its performance. If it starts, all settings will be restored to the standard. It is recommended to change them with care so as not to cause mistake again.

Reason 4: DirectX

It is possible that the problem was caused by an outdated version of the DirectX libraries. When installing Overwatch it should be updated automatically, but sometimes this does not happen or if an error occurs in the process. If you get to this point, it is necessary to check the performance of other video game on the computer. If they also do not run (not necessarily with the same error), it is likely that the problem in DirectX.

DirectX version in DirectX Diagnostic Tool window in Windows 7

Read more: How to update the DirectX libraries

Reason 5: Conflict cards

This section is relevant for those who have the computer has more than one graphics adapter. Some users who experience this error, note that they helped to switch the active graphics card. This can be done both by standard means Windows, such as "Device Manager", and with the help of additional software, as we described in the articles below.

Read more:

Determination of active video on the laptop

Switching the video card in a laptop

How to enable or disable the integrated graphics on the computer

Reason 6: The game is set incorrectly

If none of the above does not help, it is necessary to try to reinstall the game. To do this, remove it completely from the hard disk via Battle.net, and reinstall it. It is unlikely that it will be able to fix the problem, but try it is worth.

Reason 7: Inconsistency video

Finally, the problem may lie in the graphics adapter. It does not matter, not only runs Overwatch, or any other game. In the first case the card can not meet the minimum system requirements, and the second to fail. Of course, do not just run to buy a new device. Should first contact the service center where experts will check it carefully and will be presented by the possible solutions.

Check video connection on the computer

Read more: How do you know that the card "dies"

We looked at all the reasons why it may be a mistake, "Supported graphics card not found (0xe0070160)» in the popular action-shooter Overvotch and workarounds for each of them.

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