How to connect your Wi-Fi router


How to connect a Wi-Fi router
So, you wanted the Internet without wires on your devices, bought a Wi-Fi router, but do not know what to do with it. Otherwise, would you unlikely hit this article. In this manual for beginners in detail and with pictures will be described how to connect a router so that the Internet is available on both wires and Wi-Fi on all devices where it is required.

Regardless which brand is your router: ASUS, D-Link, Zyxel, TP-Link or any other, this manual is suitable for connecting it. Consider connecting the usual Wi-Fi router, as well as a wireless ADSL router.

What is the Wi-Fi router (wireless router) and how it works

To begin with, briefly will tell you how the router works. This knowledge is likely to allow you to not make common mistakes.

When you just connect to the Internet from a computer, depending on what your provider you have, this is as follows:

  • High-speed PPPoE, L2TP connection or other connection is launched
  • No need to run anything, the Internet is available immediately as you turned on the computer

The second case can be implemented in different ways: it is either a connection with a dynamic IP, or the Internet via an ADSL modem in which the connection parameters are already configured.

Neat connection router

When using a Wi-Fi router, this device itself connects to the Internet with the required parameters, that is, relatively speaking, performs "computer", which is connected to the Internet. And the possibility of routing allows the router to "distribute" this connection to other devices both by wires and using Wi-Fi wireless network. Thus, all devices connected to the router receive data from it (including from the Internet) over the local network, while "physically" is connected to the Internet and has its IP address there is only the router itself.

I wanted to explain everything to be clear, but in my opinion, only confused. Well, read on. Some also ask: Do I need to pay for the Internet by Wi-Fi? I answer: No, you pay for the same access and on the same tariff that was previously used only if they did not change the tariff or did not connect additional services (for example, television).

And the last in the preface: some, asking how to connect a Wi-Fi router, mean "make it so that everything worked." In fact, this is called "Routher Setup", which is required in order to "inside" the router to enter the parameters of connecting the provider, which would allow it to connect to the Internet.

Connecting a wireless router (Wi-Fi router)

In order to connect a Wi-Fi router, no special skills are required. On the back of almost any wireless router there is one input to which the Internet provider cable is connected (it is usually signed by the Internet or WAN, and also highlighted by color) and from zero to several LAN ports, which serve to connect a stationary PC, television console, television SmartTV and other devices using wires. Most domestic Wi-Fi routers contain four such connections.

How to connect a router to customize and work

Connecting Roaster

So, here is the answer to how to connect the router:

  1. Connect the provider cable to the WAN or Internet port
  2. Connect one of the LAN ports with a computer network card connector.
  3. Turn the router into the outlet, if you have buttons on and off on it, click "Enable".

Let's start setting up the router - this is what needs to be done to work. Instructions for setting up for many models of routers and for most Russian providers you can find on the Routher Setup page.

Note: The router can be configured without connecting with wires using only Wi-Fi wireless network, but I would not recommend this to the novice user, because after changing some settings it may turn out that when you repeatedly connect to a wireless network, errors will occur They are solved very simply, but in the absence of experience can sweat nerves.

How to connect adsl wi-fi router

How to connect adsl wi-fi router

You can connect the ADSL router in the same way, the essence does not change. Only instead of WAN or Internet, the right port will be signed Line (most likely). It only needs to be noted that people who acquire ADSL Wi-Fi router often have a modem and do not know how to organize a connection. And in fact, everything is very simple: the modem is no longer needed - the router also has a role and a modem. All you want is to configure this router to connect. Unfortunately, manuals for setting up ADSL routers on my site is not, I can recommend using the resource for this purpose.

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