How to turn off parental control in Windows 10


How to turn off parental control in Windows 10

Parental control in Windows 10 is an advanced technology that allows the administrator to add a child account to the system, follow it and set certain limitations. However, over time, the need for such options may disappear, so some merges are faced with the task of disconnecting the control parameters. There are two ways to implement this task that implies the implementation of absolutely different actions.

Method 1: manual disabling parameters

This method involves manually disabling each parameter relating to parental control. Its advantages is that the user independently chooses which of the restrictions to leave, and which you can turn off. Before starting this method, make sure that you have access to the administrator account and accurately make a successful login through the official website.

  1. There is an option to go to the necessary control page directly through the browser, but this is not suitable for all users, so we suggest using alternative and more convenient. To begin with, open the "Start" and from there go to the "Parameters" section.
  2. Go to parameters to disable parental control in Windows 10

  3. Here, select the category "Accounts", in which all user profiles are managed.
  4. Go to settings for accounts for disconnecting parental control in Windows 10

  5. Through the left panel, move to the category "Family and other users".
  6. Go to viewing list of accounts to disable parental control in Windows 10

  7. Check out the list of accounts. If there is a profile with a "child" signature, it means that it is possible to disable parental control.
  8. View child account to disable parental control Windows 10

  9. Under the list of users, click on the "Management of Family Settings over the Internet".
  10. Go to the site to disable parental control in Windows 10

  11. The default browser will be launched, where you will need to log in to the administrator account, which we have already spoken above.
  12. Login to the user account to disable parental control in Windows 10

  13. On the page that appears, find the child and go to the "Action" or "Device Time" section, if you want to first make the computer access parameters.
  14. Go to parental control settings on the Windows 10 website

  15. First, let's get acquainted with the first tab called "Recent Actions". Here you can move the sliders to the "Off" status to no longer receive notifications and reports by email if the child will carry out various actions in the operating system.
  16. Disable child actions notifications in Windows 10

  17. Next, move to the "Timer Work Timer" tab. Here are all related computers, consoles and mobile devices. Disconnect time limit if necessary.
  18. Disabling time restrictions to use the computer in Windows 10

  19. The next tab "Restrictions for Application and Games" restricts not access to the device, but to specific programs and games. Disable this parameter occurs according to a similar principle.
  20. Disable restrictions on the use of applications in Windows 10

  21. In "Content Restrictions", the parameters are responsible for automatic locking of undesirable content.
  22. Removing restrictions on viewing content in Windows 10

  23. This tab should fall slightly lower to disable and restrictions on invalid websites if required.
  24. Additional options for restrictions on viewing content in Windows 10

  25. Next comes the section "Costs". In the event of activation of the relevant parameters, any acquisitions will be coordinated with adults, and notification is sent to e-mail when purchasing. Disable these parameters to remove such limitations.
  26. Removing restrictions on the parental control of Windows 10

We just briefly told about all the parameters related to parental control in Windows 10. Additionally, familiarize yourself with the descriptions from the developers to explore all the nuances of such configurations. After that you can independently decide which from the points to disable, and which are in active state, to still follow the actions of the child or limit his stay at the computer.

Method 2: Full removal of recording account

The fact is that the added account of the child will not succeed so simply translate into adulth, since it all depends on the age-specified age. Because of this, it remains only to delete it and re-add, but already as a regular profile that no limitations will be applied by default. This procedure is performed literally in several clicks and looks like this:

  1. In the same menu "Accounts", click on the inscription "Family Settings over the Internet" to open the Parameter Parameters.
  2. Go to deleting a child's account in Windows 10

  3. After that, near the desired account, expand the list "Advanced Parameters".
  4. Opening Advanced Child Account Settings Windows 10

  5. In the list that appears, find "Delete from the family group".
  6. Deleting a child's account in Windows 10

  7. Close the browser and return to the "Parameters" window. As you can see, the child's profile is no longer displayed here. Now you need to click on "Add user to this computer".
  8. Go to creating a new account to disable parental control in Windows 10

  9. Fill out the form appearing on the screen by entering an email address or creating new data.
  10. Creating a new account to disable parental control in Windows 10

After successfully adding a new user, he will be able to log into the system when loading it and manage all the necessary files and programs. There will be no such profile in the family group, so it will not be possible to install restrictions on it. In this case, this is done by the administrator by editing local group policies.

We just understood with the topic of disconnecting parental control in Windows 10. If you need to activate it to be activated for some account, we recommend reading a detailed instruction on our website to take absolutely all nuances when performing this task.

Read more: Features of "Parental Control" in Windows 10

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