Setting RAM in Windows 10


Setting RAM in Windows 10

Windows 10 brought with him many changes that affected including at work with RAM. Today we will tell about how to configure RAM in this version of the operating system.

Step 1: BIOS Configuration

Strictly speaking, the full setting of RAM (frequency, timings, mode of operation) can be made exclusively through the system board firmware, so the first stage consists of configuration via BIOS.

Using BIOS to configure RAM in Windows 10

Lesson: Setting RAM in BIOS

Stage 2: Optimization of consumption of RAM system

After interaction with the BIOS, go directly to the operating system setting. The first thing to be done is to optimize the consumption of "RAM".

  1. Press Win + R to open the "Run" window, enter the REGEDIT request and click "OK".
  2. Open registry editor to configure RAM in Windows 10

  3. The registry editor will start. Go to it at:


  4. Go to the desired folder to configure RAM in Windows 10

  5. In the last folder, we use the two parameters, the first of which is called DisablingPagingExecutive. Twice click on it with the left mouse button.

    Open the first parameter to configure RAM in Windows 10

    Enter the value 1 and click OK.

  6. Edit the first parameter to configure RAM in Windows 10

  7. The next parameter that we need to edit is called LargeSystemCache. Change it in the same way as the previous one, with the same value.
  8. Editing the second parameter in the registry to configure RAM in Windows 10

  9. Check the data entered, then close the registry editor and restart the computer.
  10. Changing these parameters will allow the "dozen" more subtly to operate with RAM.

Stage 3: Setting the paging file

It is also important to configure the paging file - the interaction of the OS with RAM is depends on its operation. The use of this function is recommended for computers with a small ones for modern standards with the volume of RAM (4 GB and less).

Enable Paddock file to configure RAM in Windows 10

Lesson: Enabling the paging file in Windows 10

If the number of RAM is sufficient more (more than 16 GB), and SSD is used as a drive, there is no special need in the paging file, and it can be turned off at all.

Disable the paging file to configure RAM in Windows 10

Read more: Disable paging file in Windows 10

Stage 4: Configuring the caching service

In the "top ten" from previous versions of Windows moved the caching function of part of the information in RAM to speed up the launch of applications, which, although useful at first glance, however, on a PC with a small RAM volume, it may even slow down the system. For the caching process, the service with the SuperFetch title is responsible, the setting of which can be enabled or disable this feature.

Turning off SuperFetch to configure RAM in Windows 10

Read more: Configure Superfetch in Windows 10

At this stage, the configuration of RAM in Windows 10 can be considered completed.

Solving some problems

In the process of configuring RAM in Windows 10, the user may encounter those or other problems.

The system does not use all RAM

Sometimes OS determines not the entire amount of RAM. This problem occurs through a variety of reasons, for each of which one solution is available or even a few.


Not all RAM is used in Windows 10

Ways to disconnect the hardware memory backup in Windows 10

The "Blue Screen" appears with the text Memory_Management

After setting up RAM, you can encounter the BSOD on which the error is reported to Memory_Management. She speaks of the problems with the "RAM".

Remove Memory Management error to configure RAM in Windows 10

Read more: Fixing MEMORY_MANAGEMENT error in Windows 10

Thus, we have acquainted you with the principles of setting up RAM on a computer running Windows 10, and also indicated methods for solving possible problems. As you can see, the RAM setting is possible only through the BIOS, while on the side of the operating system, only software interaction can be configured.

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