The computer on Windows 7 does not see the video card


The computer on Windows 7 does not see the video card

The most common problem when trying to use a discrete graphics adapter - the absence of it in the operating system, which makes it impossible to correctly output the image and causes the monitor through the integrated video card. In Windows 7, this can be caused by different reasons, for example, the lack of relevant drivers or failures in the functioning of important components responsible for determining the devices connected via PCI. With all this, the user will deal with independently, starting from the simplest and obvious way.

Method 1: Installing suitable drivers

If you see only the built-in schedule and the "Standard VGA Graphic Adapter" line and the Discrete Video Card is not displayed at all, most likely, the problem is missing or incorrectly installed drivers, which are just necessary for correctly detecting the component. Wrouders of laptops find suitable files will be easier, because they only have to study the laptop housing to find out its exact model, and then use the search on the official site, finding "VGA Drivers". We offer to familiarize yourself with this operation in another manual, where you will find universal recommendations.

Installing drivers for a laptop video card to solve problems with its display in Windows 7

Read more: Installation of drivers for laptop

As for the PC owners with discrete video cards from different manufacturers, then it will not be possible to determine its exact model through the OS. Then you need to pay attention to the box from the component, instruction or marking on the housing, if you do not remember which model was purchased. After that, the transition to the AMD or NVIDIA site to download the relevant files is carried out. Additionally, we note that NVIDIA has a corporate online service that automatically scans the system and allows you to download missing software.

Installing drivers for a discrete video card to solve a problem with displaying it in Windows 7

Read more: Installing drivers on a video card

The applications from third-party developers will also help to deal with this, the basic functionality of which is focused on automatic scanning and selection of missing files. Through them, you can download both files for all devices and only for a graphic adapter, removing the tick opposite all unnecessary lines. All necessary instructions and reviews on this occasion can be found below.

Read more:

How to update drivers on a computer through third-party programs

The best programs for installing drivers

Method 2: PCI Tire Driver Check

The PCI bus is an integral component of the modern motherboard through which the video card and other components with the corresponding connector occurs. To begin with, we recommend ensuring that the PCI bus driver is already installed in the OS, if one can be downloaded separately in principle. It is best to go to the official website of the system board manufacturer and see the list of files available for downloading files. If the PCI margin is found, download and install the component, restart the computer and check the performance of the graphics adapter.

Read more: Installing drivers for motherboard

In the case of a non-response of these actions, you can try to reset part of the Boot Configuration Data, which is performed through the standard OS. This action is complex and dangerous, so to begin with, you will have to create a backup copy of the changing file. Let's look at this method in order.

  1. Open "Start", find the application "Command Line" app and click on it right-click.
  2. Search for a command line in Windows 7 through the Start menu

  3. In the context menu that appears, select the "Startup from the Administrator" string.
  4. Running the command line in Windows 7 on behalf of the administrator

  5. Enter the bcdedit / export c: \ bcd_backup.bcd command, replacing C on the drive letter, where you want to save the backup file.
  6. Enter the command to create a backup file in the Windows 7 command line

  7. After clicking on the Enter key, you will immediately see a notification of the successful completion of the operation.
  8. Successful command entry to create a backup file in Windows 7

  9. Additionally, it is recommended to go to the place of maintaining objects and check their presence so that there are no problems with recovery in the future.
  10. Transition along the way to save a backup file in Windows 7

  11. Immediately note that recovery will be required only if there are some problems with the operation of the devices after rebooting the OS. This action is carried out by entering only one bcdedit / import c: \ bcd_backup.bcd command, where C is a disk label that stores a copy.
  12. Restoring a backup file through the command line in Windows 7

  13. After you were convinced of the correct save of the object, return to the console, enter the BCDEDITIT / SET PCIExpress Forcedisable command there and activate it.
  14. A command for resetting PCI settings via the command line in Windows 7

  15. The screen will notify the success of the task. This means that you can restart the computer and check the performance of the video card.
  16. Successful application command to reset PCI settings via the command line in Windows 7

Method 3: Checking BIOS settings

When using a discrete and integrated video card at the same time, it is important to pay attention to the BIOS parameters, because there is a parameter responsible for choosing a port for the primary display. Of course, if the "CPU Graphic" parameter is installed there, the integrated kernel will be read first, which may affect the display of the discrete video card, so this setting is recommended to change. To begin with, turn off the computer and when you restart, log in to the BIOS.

Read more: How to get to the BIOS on the computer

After that, the transition to the configuration is carried out depending on the BIOS version used. Prioritically pay attention to the partitions "Advanced" or "PCI-E Configuration". You need to find the item "Init Display First" and set it the value "PCI SLOT". Upon completion, apply the changes and exit BIOS by downloading the OS in normal mode.

Selecting a device for displaying an image in Windows 7 with problems with the display of the video card

Method 4: Check Windows loading mode 7

The reason with the incorrectly installed loading mode of Windows is rarely manifested, since users simply do not change it, respectively, problems may not occur. However, we still recommend checking the parameters to eliminate this factor. The problem itself is that if you set the option "Diagnostic Start" or "Selective Start", the Discrete Video Card driver will simply not load and it will stop displaying in the Device Manager.

  1. Open the "Run" utility. To do this, it is easiest to use a combination of Win + R. In the Enter msconfig field and click the Enter key.
  2. Transition to the Windows 7 system launch configuration when problems with the video card mapping

  3. In the "System Configuration" menu that appears, make sure that the marker is standing near the "Normal Start" item.
  4. Select the standard download mode when problems with the video card mapping in Windows 7

  5. If this is not so, change it and after click on "apply".
  6. Applying changes after setting up Windows 7 download

All changes will take effect only after rebooting the computer, so it is recommended to do it immediately to check if the method helped.

Method 5: Locking the automatic driver installation process

In Windows 7, there is a process that can automatically install a driver for specific graphic adapters if such files are available on branded servers. Most often after such installation, the device is displayed in the manager as "Standard VGA Graphic Adapter", and it interferes with the correct installation of user files.

Download Process Blocker C Official Site

  1. Now we offer to block the standard application, in the background independently installing driver, which considers it necessary. It is best for this to use the PROCESS BLOCKER program, so click on the link above and download the appropriate version.
  2. Downloading a program for blocking processes in Windows 7

  3. After downloading, start the installer.
  4. Running a program installer for blocking processes in Windows 7

  5. Follow the simple instructions to install the Process Blocker on the computer.
  6. Installing a program for blocking processes in Windows 7

  7. After starting it, check the box near the Block Following Applications item.
  8. Activation of applications for blocking through a special program in Windows 7

  9. Now the "add" button is activated, to which you want to go to add the process.
  10. Go to adding drivers application to the list of disabled in Windows 7

  11. In the menu that opens, click on "Browse".
  12. Go to the selection of the executable file of the Block application in Windows 7

  13. The standard conductor window opens with the location of all system processes. Throw "drvinst.exe" there and select it.
  14. Select the executable file application file in Windows 7

  15. After that, in the BLOCK Applications window, it will only be left to "OK".
  16. Confirmation of adding executable file to lock in Windows 7

  17. Make sure that the application is a tick, and then apply all changes.
  18. Saving changes when blocking executable file in Windows 7

There is an alternative version of blocking an application that is implemented without using third-party software, but its effectiveness is not guaranteed, it depends on the availability of installed updates. However, if you do not want to download the Process Blocker, you can try to perform the following steps:

  1. Open "Run" and enter the REGEDIT there to go to the registry editor.
  2. Switch to the registry editor through the Utility to execute in Windows 7

  3. Follow the path of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Device Installer.
  4. Transition to the registry key to disable drivers download in Windows 7

  5. Watch the DebugInstall parameter in the final directory and click on it twice to open properties.
  6. Select a parameter to disable drivers in Windows 7

  7. Change the value to "2" and leave the registry editor.
  8. Setting the value for driver loading parameter in Windows 7

Upon completion of blocking the automatic driver installation process, delete the current graphics adapter software through the Device Manager by selecting the "Delete Delete" item. Restart the computer and manually install the driver by following the recommendations from the method 1. After that, it is recommended to remove the blocking from the process on the same principle.

Method 6: Equipment Check

The latter method is comprehensive, since it is to diagnose the equipment. It often happens that the video card is not displayed in Windows 7 precisely on hardware reasons, and not software. Then you need to first check the connection and the overall performance of the component, as written in the materials below.

Checking the video card connection when problems with its display in Windows 7

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How to understand what the video card burned

How to understand that the video card "dies"

Why does the motherboard sees a video card

If you have only purchased a video card and connected it to a computer, it is worth paying attention to the presence of additional power cables that are connected to the power supply. Additionally, we note that some users do not look at the power of the power supply and buy expensive video cards, which simply lack performance. We advise you to make an independent calculation of the number of watt consumed to understand whether there is a sufficient stock (approximately 200 watts) for stable operation of the graphics adapter.

Read more: How to find out how much watts consumes a computer

It was all information about displaying a video card in Windows 7, which we wanted to tell today. You can only take advantage of each method to find a working and move to normal interaction with the computer.

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