How to restart Router Rostelecom


How to restart Router Rostelecom

The need for a reboot of the router Rostelecom may occur, for example, when problems with the connection or after making changes to the network settings. There are three available ways to implement the task. Each of them implies the implementation of a certain algorithm of actions, therefore it will only be suitable in specific cases. We recommend familiarizing yourself with all them to choose and implement the option you like.

Method 1: Button on the router

On the case of almost every model of routers from different companies, there is a specially designated button called "Reboot" or "On / Off". With its help, the router is completely shutdown or reboot it. Look at the rear panel of the device used and find the corresponding button there. If it is called "Reboot", it costs to press it only once, because it meets specifically for the reboot. If the button has a "ON / OFF" or "POWER" label, click on it twice, making a few second pause between each press.

Using the button on the device to restart Router Rostelecom

It remains only to wait just a couple of minutes so that the router starts the owl correct functioning after rebooting. Separately, we note the "Reset" button, which is often located next to the only switches discussed. It is not necessary to press it without necessary, because it is responsible for the full reset of settings, which will lead to the need to re-configure the device.

Method 2: Router Web Interface

The router web interface is a graphical control menu, opened through a browser, where the main device setup is performed. Each model of routers has its own unique design of the window, so before the method of consideration of the method clarify that for example, we took the latest current version of the equipment called Sagemcom F @ ST 1744 V4, which is actively distributed among Rostelecom customers. If you use another model, simply consider the features of the interface and find the most menu items that will be discussed below.

  1. First, start the convenient web browser, where in the address bar, enter and click the Enter key to go.
  2. Transition to Rostelecom web interface for restarting it

  3. As an authorization data, use standard Admin values ​​for both fields or enter the username and password that were set when setting up the router.
  4. Login to Rostelecom web interface for restarting it

  5. If the web interface language does not suit you, switch it into Russian using the pop-up menu that is located on the right.
  6. Select the web interface language Rostelecom to restart it

  7. After that, move to the "Service" tab.
  8. Go to the maintenance tab in the router web interface for its further reboot

  9. Here, find the category "Restart".
  10. Go to Reboot in the Routelecom Route Web Interface

  11. It remains only to click on the "Restart" button.
  12. Reloading Rostelecom Rostelecom via Web Interface

You will be notified of the start of restarting the device. This operation will take literally a few minutes, after which a message appears that the router returned to normal functioning.

Method 3: Using Telnet Protocol

In Windows 10 and the early versions of this family of operating systems by default, the built-in technology called Telnet. She is responsible for organizing the router interface management through the terminal (command line). Using the input of just one command, you can send a router to a reboot, however, for this, the connection type must support Telnet, which you can learn from the documentation from the Internet service provider or contacting the provider's hotline. But nothing bothers just try to use this technology to check whether it will work on the model used.

  1. First, you will need to activate the Telnet component by downloading its files from Official Microsoft servers. To do this, open the "Start" and go to "Parameters".
  2. Go to parameters to enable Telnet technology to restart Router Rostelecom

  3. Select the "Applications" section.
  4. Go to the application list to turn on Telnet to restart Router Rostelecom

  5. Source to the bottom where I find the inscription "Programs and Components".
  6. Opening a program and components to turn on Telnet to reboot Routelecom Rostelecom

  7. In the menu that opens through the left panel, move to "Enable or disable Windows Components".
  8. Go to optional components to turn on Telnet to reboot Rostelecom Routeler

  9. Among the list items find "Telnet Client" and tick the line with a check mark.
  10. Enabling Telnet to reboot Rostelecom

  11. Expect the search for the search for the required files.
  12. Waiting for the Telnet function to reboot Rostelecom

  13. After their download, the automatic application will begin.
  14. Apply Telnet parameters to restart Router Rostelecom

  15. You will be notified that the technology is added and ready for use.
  16. Successful Telnet Turning on Rostelecom Roster

  17. Close the Windows Components window and run the "Command line convenient" for you by the way, for example, finding the application through the "Start" menu.
  18. Running a command line to reboot Rostelecom

  19. Enter the Telnet command to connect to the router.
  20. Team for connecting to Rostera Rostelecom before its reboot

  21. The screen will notify the need to enter data for authorization. Enter the same username and password that you use to enter the web interface.
  22. Successful connection to Rostera Rostelecom before its reboot

  23. It remains only to write SYS Reboot to send a router to reboot.
  24. Enter the command to reboot Router Rostelecom in Windows 10

Now you know about all available methods of rebooting routers from Rostelecom and can apply any of them to reset the device's cache and establish its normal functioning, for example, after making changes in the web interface.

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