Windows does not start after installing Windows 10


Windows does not start after installing Windows 10

The problem with downloading Windows 10 immediately after installation - the most unpleasant thing that may happen when performing this process. However, you should not hurry to immediately reinstall the operating system, referring to the occurrence of critical errors. It is possible that the problem has been caused due to problems with components or due to the incorrect installation of updates when you first start. We advise you to first look at the following recommendations, performing them in turn, and if it does not help, already go to reinstall OS.

Method 1: Video Card Check

This method will only suit those users who, when loading the operating system, only a black screen appears on the screen. Most likely, the problem in this case is associated with a discrete video card if the monitor is connected to it. The fact is that some models do not display the image without pre-installing the corresponding drivers. However, it will not work without downloading the OS, so we recommend connecting the monitor to the motherboard to use the built-in schedule. Read more about it in the material below.

Read more: How to use the built-in video card

If you are confident that the discrete graphic adapter should work correctly even without drivers, for example, previously reinstalled OS and everything functioned correctly, now we advise you to check its connection and make sure that the additional power is connected to the BP, in case of its presence. After reconnection, re-run Windows by checking the download.

Read more:

Connect the video card to the PC motherboard

Connect the video card to the power unit

Method 2: Use of Recovery Means

This and all further methods will be performed in Windows 10 Recovery Environment, so you need to boot from the installation flash drive or disk. If for some reason you have already got rid of such a carrier, create it again using a working computer.

Read more: Creating a boot disk with Windows 10

After downloading from such a drive, the recovery, command line and other existing tools are launched. First, let's analyze the automatic fixation of the operation of the OS.

  1. When the Windows Installation window appears, select the optimal language of the interface and immediately go to the next step.
  2. Running the boot flash drive to solve problems with the launch of Windows 10 after installation

  3. On the left, find the inscription "System Restore" and click on it.
  4. Go to restore the system to solve problems with running Windows 10 after installation

  5. In the "Selecting Action" section you are interested in "Troubleshooting".
  6. Switch to the choice of troubleshooting to download Windows 10 after installation

  7. When you display additional parameters, select Restore when booting.
  8. Select the automatic troubleshooting tool to download Windows 10 after installation

  9. Now the automatic reboot will begin with a search and troubleshooting interfering with the correct start of Windows. If they managed to detect and fix, the entrance to the OS should occur, and you can start the correct interaction with it.
  10. Waiting for troubleshooting with downloads of Windows 10 after installation

  11. Otherwise, you will have to boot from the flash drive and go to the "Advanced Settings" section. Here, select "Delete Updates".
  12. Go to deleting updates to solve the problem with downloading Windows 10 after installation

  13. Here we advise you to click on "Delete Last update of components."
  14. Selecting Update Removal To Solve Windows 10 Downloads After Installation

  15. Confirm uninstallation.
  16. Confirmation of updating updates to solve problems with downloading Windows 10 after installation

  17. Expect the completion of this process.
  18. Waiting for updating updates to solve problems with downloading Windows 10 after installation

If the problem with the operation of the operating system really caused unsuccessfully installed updates or any internal conflicts, now you can log in to your account and proceed to work with your computer. Otherwise, go to the next method.

Method 3: Windows loader recovery

The Windows loader recovery method is also running through the same drive, because for this you will need to open the command line. The problem of the loader failure is mainly facing those users who installed Windows 10 instead of Linux or next to another operating system. However, other situations can also provoke a similar problem. There are several options for restoring the bootloader through the console, which we offer to read in the next manual.

Restoring OS bootloader to solve problems with downloading Windows 10 after installation

Read more: Restoring Windows 10 bootloader via the command line

Method 4: Checking the integrity of system files

Usually used in the method 2, the process correction tool when booting Windows scans system files for damage and restores them, but sometimes it does not end with success. Then the user is recommended to independently check the integrity of objects responsible for the correctness of the OS functioning by booting through the flash drive created earlier and opening the command line. There are two available utilities that allow you to cope with the task. About the sequence of using them and start rules, read further.

Checking the integrity of system files to solve problems with downloading Windows 10 after installation

Read more: Using and restoring system file integrity check in Windows 10

Method 5: Correcting the problems of the drive

You should not exclude hard disk hardware and software problems that can also affect the launch of the operating system. Even if the Windows itself has been established for such a drive, it does not mean that it is fully working. In the case when none of the above recommendations brought proper result, we recommend checking the HDD for errors and correct them if such are found.

Check hard disk to solve problems with downloading Windows 10 after installation

Read more: Check hard disk for performance

Method 6: Reinstalling Windows 10

The last method of our today's manual is the most radical, because it is to reinstall the operating system. It is likely that critical errors occurred during installation or the image itself with Windows is initially damaged. To begin with, we advise you to use the already existing boot flash drive or overwrite it, using the same ISO image. If after re-installation the problem will remain, you should find another build of Windows 10.

Our recommendations should help cope with problems when loading Windows 10, which occur immediately after the installation is completed. Perform each of these methods in order to quickly and easily find the right solution.

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