How to split the disk when installing Windows 10


How to split the disk when installing Windows 10

If the hard disk is fully formatted before installing the Windows 10 operating system or it is only purchased, it will have to be divided into logical volumes to create a correct structure. This task is carried out directly during the installation of the OS and can be performed in two ways: through the graphic menu of the installer and the command line.

We want to clarify that if you are going to reinstall Windows, having access to the current version, the disk markup can be marked yet through the graphical interface using programs or built-in functionality. After that, it remains only to format the system section and install the new version of the OS. Read more about it in the material further.

Read more: 3 ways to split the hard disk to sections in Windows

Method 1: Graphic Menu Installer

First, let's consider the standard method of separating the disk, which is suitable even for inexperienced users. It is to use the installer built into the installer, which literally in several clicks create one or more logical volumes of any sizes, separating one physical drive.

  1. After downloading the installer, select the best language and proceed to the next step.
  2. Running Windows 10 Installer for Disk Separation Before Installation

  3. Click on the Install button.
  4. Go to installation of Windows 10 for further splitting hard disk

  5. Enter the operating system activation key or skip this step if you want to confirm the license later.
  6. Entering the license key to confirm Windows 10 before splitting the hard disk

  7. Take the terms of the license agreement and go further.
  8. Confirmation of the license agreement before installing Windows 10

  9. Select the installation option "Selective".
  10. Selecting a manual installation of Windows 10 setting to split the hard disk

  11. Now in a separate menu, the option "Unmounted space on a disk 0" appears. Highlight it with the left mouse click and click on the "Create" button.
  12. Selecting a disk to split into logical partitions during installation of Windows 10

  13. Specify the desired size of the new logical partition and apply the changes.
  14. Select the size of the logical volume of the disk when separated during Windows 10 installation

  15. Confirm the creation of additional volumes for system files if necessary.
  16. Confirmation of the creation of system partitions when separating the disk during installation of Windows 10

  17. Now new sections will be displayed in the menu under consideration. Select the main to which you want to install OS, and go further.
  18. Successful disk separation during installation of Windows 10 through the graphic menu

It remains only to follow further installation instructions so that after switching to normal interaction with the operating system. More detailed instructions on further actions are looking for in a separate material on our website as follows.

Read more: Installation Guide Windows 10 from USB flash drive or disk

Method 2: Command String

As we have already spoken above, the second method of separating the disk when installing Windows 10 is to use the command line. For some users, this option may seem too difficult, but it is the only alternative to the graphical menu.

  1. During the boot of the operating system installer, select the language and go further.
  2. Running Windows 10 Installer to go to the command line to split the disk

  3. In the first window, where the "Set" button is to click on the inscription "System Restore".
  4. Go to restore Windows 10 to start the console when separating the disk

  5. Next, select the category "Troubleshooting".
  6. Go to the choice of Windows 10 recovery options for splitting hard disk

  7. In the category "Advanced Parameters" you are interested in the "Command Line" block.
  8. Running the Windows 10 command line to split the disk when installing

  9. All further actions will be carried out through the system utility that is started by entering DiskPart.
  10. Run utility for splitting discs in the Windows 10 command line

  11. Browse a list of available sections via List Volume.
  12. Opening a list of logical volumes to split the disk via the command line in Windows 10

  13. Remember the number of unstable space.
  14. View a logical volume for separating the disk during the installation of Windows 10

  15. After that, enter SELECT VOLUME N, replacing N to volume number to activate it.
  16. Select a logical volume for separating the disk when installing Windows 10

  17. Write the SHRINK Desired = Size command by setting the size for a new logical partition in megabytes, and click on ENTER.
  18. Size selection for logical partition when separating the disk during Windows 10 installation

  19. You will be notified of the reduction in the size of the selected volume.
  20. Successful disk separation via the command line in Windows 10

  21. Now use List Disk to see the number of the physical drive.
  22. Go to watching a physical disk via the Windows 10 command line

  23. In the table that appears, find the drive used and remember the digit assigned to it.
  24. Definition of the physical disk via the command line for separation in Windows 10

  25. Select this disc via SELECT DISK 0, where 0 is a specific number.
  26. Select a physical disk via the command line for its separation in Windows 10

  27. Create the main partition from unbalanced space by entering and activating the Create Partition Primary command.
  28. The command to create the main partition on the hard disk in Windows 10

  29. Format the file system of the new volume using Format FS = NTFS Quick.
  30. Formatting the logical partition of the hard disk when separated in Windows 10

  31. It remains only to enter Assign Letter = N, replacing N on the desired letter of the new volume.
  32. Choosing a letter for a logical partition after separating the disk in Windows 10

  33. Write an exit to leave the snap and close the console.
  34. Exit the command line after the disk separation is completed in Windows 10

  35. After that, when installing the operating system, you will see the section or partition created earlier and you can select any of them to install Windows.
  36. Installing the operating system after separating the disk in Windows 10

In the same way, you can divide the disk by creating the required number of partitions through the command line. Do not forget to select the correct volumes of volumes and disks to accidentally not delete important data.

The most common problem that appears when you try to divide the disk before installing the OS, the absence of the drive itself in the list. This may be caused by the most different reasons, so we advise you to read a separate material on this topic, finding the appropriate solution there and proceeding after this to the separation of HDD to logical volumes.

READ ALSO: No hard disk when installing Windows

Above, we presented two disk separation methods when installing Windows 10. You can only choose the appropriate and follow the instructions to correctly perform the task without any additional difficulties.

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