Download Buddha.dll for free


Download Buddha.dll for free

Buddha.dll is a dynamic library that is part of the DirectX API for Windows 7, 8, 10. It is used by many popular games, such as Arma 3, Battlefield 4, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron and others. If this file is missing, the system issues an error message.

Method 1: independent boot Buddha.dll

The first way to eliminate the error under consideration is an independent installation of the DLL library. It will take it to download it from any trusted resource, for example, from our site, and then transfer it to the system directory.

Load the file to the computer, if necessary, unzip it. Transfer it to one of the system directories: C: \ Windows \ System32 in Windows 32 Bit, and + in C: \ Windows \ Syswow64 in Windows 64 Bit. Additionally, it may be needed to register, as described further.

Sometimes the file may be needed to move to the root folder with the game or in the "BIN" folder, which is one of the folders of its main directory.

Method 2: Re-registration of the file

System DLLs must be registered in the system so that the OS and programs can "see" them and use them. Usually this process is automatically and imperceptibly for the user, however, sometimes it can pass with errors, because of which it will be needed to be reused independently.

  1. Open the "Command Line" application, be sure to name the administrator.
  2. Run a command line with administrator rights to register DLL in Windows

  3. Write the REGSVR32 Buddha.dll command and press the ENTER key. If Dlah was placed in two folders, additionally try to register it twice. After entering the previously specified command, write CD C: \ Windows \ Syswow64, confirm on ENTER. Then repeat the registration by the same command.
  4. Registration of the Buddha.dll library in Windows through the command line

  5. Sometimes registration was previously carried out, but with errors, and then the previous team will not help. Then first, deselect it with the REGSVR32 / U Buddha.dll command, and then repeat: REGSVR32 / I Buddha.dll. After each input, press ENTER.
  6. If the procedure occurs with errors, you can try to use third-party software, as shown in the Figure 1 of the article on the link below.
  7. Read more: Register the DLL file in Windows

Method 3: Reinstall DirectX

To implement the method, you need to download the DirectX packet web installer (since the problem dll is part of it) and then run it.

  1. Click "Next" in the initial installation window, adopting a license agreement.
  2. Getting Started DirectX

  3. In the next window, remove the checkbox from the field "Installing the Bing Panel" (if desired) and also click "Next".
  4. Continue installing DirectX

  5. Complete installation by clicking on the "Finish" button.
  6. Completing the DirectX installation

    Ready, error must be eliminated.

Method 4: Checking the integrity of the files (only Steam)

Members of the game Client Steam, through which the version of the game was acquired, can run the integrity of the files using the built-in capabilities of this application.

  1. Open the Steam and switch to the Library tab.
  2. Go to the library to check the integrity of Skyrim files in Windows 10

  3. Click PCM on a problem game and go to its "properties".
  4. Go to Skyrim properties in Windows 10 to check the integrity of the files

  5. Switch to the Local Files tab.
  6. Transition to Skyrim file management in Windows 10 to test integrity

  7. Here you need a function "Check the integrity of the game files". Run it and wait for the end of the process. Upon completion, try run the game again.
  8. Checking the integrity of the Skyrim game files in Windows 10 through the shopping area

Method 5: Reinstalling the game with disabled antivirus

Rarely, but it happens that when installing the game or the Antivirus program, the antivirus falsely triggers any file by moving it into quarantine or deleting it. Therefore, we first advise you to look into the quarantine of your anti-virus or firewall, make sure that the DLL is not there, and only then carry out further actions.

Disconnect antivirus or firewall. If you do not know how this is done, refer to our instructions.

Read more:

Disable antivirus

Disable Firewall in Windows 7 / Windows 10

Perform normal removal of the program, and then its classic installation.

Check if it starts, and if yes, place a DLL file or folder with an application to eliminate protective software.

Read more: Adding a program to exclude antivirus / Windows firewall

The presented recommendations should help you eliminate the problem with Buddha.dll.

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