How to create an advertising office in Facebook


How to create an advertising office in Facebook

Facebook has long ceased to be just a way to communicate with friends and colleagues. Now it is one of the most powerful advertising tools that allows you to create and promote business in almost any direction. But for its correct management using the site, it is necessary to deal with the creation of advertising. Consider in detail where to start and how to create a personal advertising office on Facebook using a computer and a mobile phone.

Option 1: PC version

For professionals who start the launch of advertising on Facebook, the standard computer version of the social network will become the main assistant. Regardless of the browser used, the process of creating an advertising office will take quite a bit of time.

Important! Despite the fact that Instagram, like Facebook, makes it possible to run advertising immediately from the application, we strongly recommend using the built-in ADS Manager office. With it, you can prescribe goals, carefully select the audience and budget, and also constantly monitor the detailed statistics. For all this, it is predefined to create an advertising account.

  1. Open the main page of your account for which you want to create an advertisement. In the upper right corner, click on the inverted triangle.
  2. Click on the inverted triangle in the PC version of Facebook

  3. Select the line "Advertising on Facebook".
  4. Click on Facebook Advertising in PC Facebook

  5. Scroll through the page almost to the bottom, you will see two sections. First of all, we recommend clicking on the button under the line "Pick up the format of the advertisement, which is suitable for you."
  6. View information as to which you choose advertising in the PC Facebook version

  7. This section includes all the information about various types of advertising, as well as what format is suitable for your business.
  8. View information regarding video advertising in Facebook PC Version

  9. Spend a little time to explore the various features of video advertising and advertising in Stories - this will help to avoid excess spending in the future when creating a campaign.
  10. View information regarding advertising in Storsith in PC Facebook

  11. After you have learned the above section, click on the elder under the "Open ADS Manager" string - this is the name of the advertising office on Facebook.
  12. Getting started by the advertising office in the PC version of Facebook

  13. Download "ADS Manager" can take from a few seconds to several minutes.
  14. Ads Manager boot process in Facebook PC

  15. The main page of your finished advertising cabinet appears on the screen.
  16. Ads Manager Ads Cabinet in Facebook PC

Option 2: Mobile Applications

The process of creating an advertising office through branded mobile applications Facebook for Android and iOS is radically different from the computer version. Social network developers have released a separate solution called Facebook Ads Manager and provides the ability to more conveniently launch promotional products.

Thus, to open a cabinet through mobile devices, first of all, you must first install ADS Manager. The further process is identical for both operating systems.

Download Ads Manager from Google Play Market

Download Ads Manager from App Store

  1. After downloading the application, you must enter the username and password from the Facebook account for which the advertising account opens.
  2. Opening an Application Advertising in the mobile version of ADS Manager

  3. Next, scroll out welcoming slides with information regarding work with the program.
  4. Spread the introductory slides in the mobile version of ADS Manager

  5. On the last of them, tap according to the word "start".
  6. Tabay for the word start in the mobile version of ADS Manager

  7. All your advertising account is open, it remains to click on the "Enable Notifications" button. This is required in order to be able to monitor the course of campaigns.
  8. Click on to enable notifications in the mobile version of ADS Manager

  9. Confirm the action by selecting the Stitch "Allow".
  10. Click on Allow in the mobile version of ADS Manager

  11. After performing all actions, your advertising account opens with all the settings and available options.
  12. Application Interface Advertising in the mobile version of ADS Manager

It is important to note that all actions performed on the computer are synchronized with the ADS Manager mobile application, and vice versa. This allows you to choose a convenient option to work with the advertising office depending on the situation and your time.

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