How do I open the firewall on windose 10


How do I open the firewall on windose 10

The firewall or firewall - a firewall, ensuring the safety of the operating system in a network. It is present in all versions of the Windows, and then we'll show you how to open it on a PC with the "top ten".

Important! In windose 10 has two components called "Firewall", which differ "area of ​​responsibility" and, therefore, provides the ability and the available settings, and one of them is the complement of the "Monitor". Characterized by the location and the algorithm of their launch, so consider each separately.

Method 2: Defender

It is obvious that we are interested in open system antivirus component is possible and through the last interface. The easiest way to do this is as follows.

  1. Press the «WIN + R» to open the window "Run".
  2. Opens the Run to start the Defender in Windows 10

  3. Copy and paste into the input box shown below address and click "OK" or "the ENTER".

    C: \ Program Files \ Windows Defender \ MpCmdRun.exe

    Entering commands in the Run window to run the Defender in Windows 10

    Advice: Find and start the Defender can also be through the "Start" menu - an application called Windows Security. In this case, the implementation of the previous two steps are not required.

  4. Running rigging Windows Security through the Start menu in Windows 10

  5. Windows Defender will be open, and then you will go to the tab "Firewall and network security."
  6. The transition to the section Firewall and network security in the interface of Windows Defender 10

    Method 3: Search System

    Almost any system application, as well as some of the individual components can be run through a search. Open the search bar on the task bar, or use the buttons «WIN + S» and start typing "firewall" - when you see it in the results list "Firewall and Network Security", start it by pressing the left mouse button (LMB).

    Starting the firewall and network security through a search in Windows 10

    Method 2: Search System

    It is not difficult to guess that we are interested to open a component of the system is possible and through search - just start typing the name, and then run the application, which will be the first issue.

    Running Defender Firewall using search in Windows 10

    Defender Firewall Monitor

    We discussed above equipment have additional interface - Settings window, where you can set filtering rules, and if such a need arises, disable the firewall. To start Monitor use one of the following methods.

    Method 1: Start menu

    Firewall Monitor refers to the administration of the operating system, for which a separate start menu folder.

    1. Call up the "Start" menu by pressing "the WINDOWS" button or with OS logo on the taskbar.
    2. Scroll through the list of available elements down, find the Administration Tools folder and deploy it by pressing the LKM.
    3. Open the "Defender firewall monitor".
    4. Running a firewall monitor via Start menu in Windows 10

    Method 2: Command Enter

    To quickly call various components of the system and pre-installed applications, you can use special commands. Open the firewall monitor allows the following query below, and to enter it you should contact one of the four embedded in Windows 10.


    Important! To execute the command after entering it, press the Enter key.

    "Command line"

    The easiest way to run the "command line" through the additional actions menu caused by the right click on the "Start" button.

    Calling a firewall monitor via the command line in Windows 10

    See also: How to open the "Command Line" in Windows 10


    A more functional analogue of the system console can be opened through the "Start" or search on the system.

    Calling a firewall monitor via PowerShell in Windows 10


    We have already written above how this window is called - by pressing the "Win + R" keys

    Running a firewall monitor via the Run window in Windows 10

    See also: How to open the string "Run" in Windows 10

    "Task Manager"

    To start this snap, you can use the "Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC" keys or right-click on the taskbar and select the appropriate item. Next, it remains only to "run a new task" in the "File" menu.

    Run a firewall monitor via task manager in Windows 10

    READ ALSO: How to open "Task Manager" in Windows 10

    Method 3: System Search

    The fastest method of starting the "Defender firewall monitor" is to use the system search - just start entering the "monitor" into it, and then start the appropriate snap-in when it is found. Alternatively, instead of the name of the component, you can specify the command used by us in the previous method.

    Running a firewall monitor via a search in Windows 10

    See also: How to turn off the firewall in Windows 10

    We looked at all possible methods for running the firewall pre-installed in Windows 10 and its components.

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