How to write an ISO on a USB flash drive in Ubuntu


How to write an ISO on a USB flash drive in Ubuntu

Method 1: UnetBootin

Today, today I would like to consider programs with a graphical interface, because through them to record the disk image in Ubuntu is the easiest way that especially concerns novice users. As the first example, take UnetBootin. Of course, by default, this tool is missing in the operating system, so it must be installed to begin. The installation process and control is as follows:

  1. Open the application menu and run from the "Terminal" from there. You can make it possible and by pressing the standard hot key Ctrl + Alt + T.
  2. Starting the terminal for further installation of the UnetBootin program in Ubuntu

  3. Now you can get the considered tool only through user repositories, which means the need to add them to the system. This is done by entering the Sudo team ADD-APT-Repository PPA: Gezakovacs / PPA.
  4. Enter the command to receive Ubuntu's Ubuntu program files

  5. This action is made on behalf of the superuser, so confirm it by entering the password in the corresponding string. Consider that the access key written in this way is never displayed in the console.
  6. Confirmation of the download of the program UnetBootin in Ubuntu

  7. The screen will display information about the need to download packages from certain resources. Confirm this by clicking on the ENTER key.
  8. Confirmation of the Ubuntu Ubuntu program

  9. Expect downloads. It takes a few minutes, which depends on the speed of the Internet connection. During this operation, do not close the console, otherwise all progress will betray.
  10. Waiting for the download of UnetBootin files to download Ubuntu

  11. After that, update the list of system repository by entering Sudo APT-Get Update.
  12. Update repository before installing the UbuntuN program in Ubuntu

  13. It remains only to establish the program. This is done through Sudo Apt-Get Install UnetBootin.
  14. A command to install the UnetBootin program in Ubuntu

  15. When prompted for downloading archives, select D.
  16. Confirmation of the installation command of the UnetBootin program in Ubuntu

  17. You can run the installed application directly from the console by entering UnetBootin.
  18. Running the UnetBootin program in Ubuntu through the terminal

  19. Additionally added program icon in the application menu. Use the search to find it and open UnetBootin.
  20. Running the UnetBootin program in Ubuntu through the application menu

  21. For the correct startup, you will need to specify the superuser password in the displayed form.
  22. Confirmation of the run of the UnetBootin Profm in Ubuntu through the application menu

  23. Now you can proceed to direct image recording. If you are going to write the distribution of the operating system, check it on top form by filling out the necessary information.
  24. Selecting a distribution to write to a disk via UnetBootin in Ubuntu

  25. In the case when it is a regular virtual disk, mark the corresponding item with the marker, specify the file format and add it through the standard file manager.
  26. Select the disk image to write on a USB flash drive via UnetBootin in Ubuntu

  27. In the end, it remains only to select the type of device, mark the recording medium and click on "OK".
  28. Selection of a flash drive for writing to it images via Ubuntuotin in Ubuntu

  29. You will be able to follow the progress of the record, and upon completion, a notification will appear, meaning that you can close the UnetBootin and switch to the use of the loading flash drive with the image recorded on it.
  30. Waiting for a disk image recording via Ubuntu

As you can see, in the UnetBootin control there is nothing complicated, and the same time will take the installation procedure itself. The graphical interface has a simple design and Russian, which will allow you to quickly get used to novice users. If you have any questions about the installation and use of this software, we advise you to explore the necessary information on the official website of the developer, going to the link below.

Go to the official website of the UnetBootin

Method 2: Balenaetcher

We decided to consider another program with a graphical interface called Balenaetcher, since the first option may not arrange some users. Balenaetcher is an even simpler application, but with a complicated installation scheme. Let's start with the immediate addition of this tool to the Ubuntu operating system.

  1. In Terminal, enter ECHO "DEB Stable etcher" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/etcher.list to get a list of packages from user storage.
  2. Team to receive Balenaetcher's files in Ubuntu

  3. Confirm this action by scoring a superuser password.
  4. Confirmation of Balenaetcher program files in Ubuntu

  5. Next, you will need to generate a key responsible for access to software. To do this, the Sudo Apt-Key ADV --KeyServer --reCV-Keys 379CE192D401AB61 is suitable for this.
  6. The Balenaetcher key generation command in Ubuntu during installation

  7. After graduating, update the packet list by specifying Sudo Apt Update.
  8. Update repository before installing Balenaetcher in Ubuntu

  9. Make the installation of software through the sudo APT Install etcher-electron.
  10. Team to install Balenaetcher program in Ubuntu

  11. Run Balenaetcher is the easiest way through the added icon in the application menu.
  12. Running the Balenaetcher program in Ubuntu to record a disk image

  13. The disk image recording process has a step-by-step representation. To begin with, click on the "Select Image" button to start the file manager.
  14. Go to the selection of an image to write through the Balenaetcher program in Ubuntu

  15. In it, select a suitable image.
  16. Select the disk image to write through the Balenaetcher program in Ubuntu

  17. Next, click the SELECT TARGET button to specify a removable recording device.
  18. Go to the selection of flash drives to record the image through the Balenaetcher program in Ubuntu

  19. Upon completion, it remains only to click on "FINISH", thereby running the recording process. Consider that the formatting of the flash drive in this case will be automatically produced.
  20. Start recording the image of the Cher program Balenaetcher in Ubuntu

Note that problems using Balenaetcher are regularly observed in some users due to failures in user storage facilities. This makes it impossible correctly downloading and installing the program described above. Alternatively, we propose to use the official website by downloading the program archive from there, or the GitHub library, where there is a suitable DEB package.

Download Balenaetcher Archive from the Official Site

Download Deb Package Balenaetcher with GitHub

Method 3: DD utility

The latter method we want to talk within today's material will be useful to experienced users, since it implies interaction with the terminal utility with the need to enter commands. Below you see the instruction in which the example of creating a loading flash drive in Ubuntu via DD is described in detail.

  1. To begin with, we define the name of the removable drive to which you want to write a virtual disk image. This is done through the Sudo FDISK -L command.
  2. A command to determine the name of the flash drive before using DD in Ubuntu

  3. Confirm the action by entering the root access password.
  4. Password confirmation for information about the name of the flash drive before using DD in Ubuntu

  5. Here, find the device that matches the size with the desired flash drive, and determine its name by copying or remembering the string.
  6. View Disk List Before using the DD command in Ubuntu

  7. It remains only to enter DD if = ~ / downloads / ubuntu.iso of = / dev / sdb1 and start the process. ~ / Downloads / ubuntu.iso - accurate path to the disk image with a mandatory indication of its format, A / DEV / SDB1 - the name of the corresponding drive for recording.
  8. Using the DD command to Ubuntu to write a disk image

The ISO image to the flash drive is started, and the progress of this operation will be displayed in the console. Follow it, and at the end you can immediately start using the resulting device. There are no more features of the DD utility, so the instruction can be considered complete.

Today we presented three ways to record a disk image on a USB flash drive in Ubuntu. Each user will decide for himself for himself whether it is worth loading a program with a graphical interface or with the task you can easily cope with the standard console utility.

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