D3DX9_35.DLL free download


D3DX9_35.DLL free download

No modern game under Windows costs without using the DirectX component, which is responsible for displaying graphics, primarily three-dimensional. In the absence of this software in the system or when damaged, its libraries will stop running, issuing errors, among which and the failure in the file d3dx9_35.dll.

Method 1: Installation D3DX9_35.DLL

WINDOVS issues an error message in the case when it cannot detect the library in the system folder. So if you have already installed directories, but the OS continues to signal problems with D3DX9_35.dll, you should download this library into an arbitrary hard disk place and transfer it to the system directory.

Move D3DX9_35.DLL to the system directory

The location of the directory depends on the bit and the version of Windows, which is installed on the computer: 32 bits - C: \ Windows \ System32, 64 bits - C: \ Windows \ System32 and C: \ Windows \ Syswow64.

After that, try running the software that required D3DX9_35.dll. If the error is still saved, open the "Command Line" with administrative authority.

Run the application command line with administrator rights

Here enter the command REGSVR32 D3DX9_35.DLL and press ENTER. Wrouders of the 64-bit OS additionally need to write regsvr32 "C: \ Windows \ syswow64 \ d3dx9_34.dll" and press ENTER.

Registration of the D3DX9_35.DLL library via the command line

As an alternative to manual registration, you can try third-party software, considered in the manual 1 method.

Read more: Register the DLL file in Windows

Method 2: Installation DirectX

The most logical way to cope with the error in D3DX9_35.dll is to install the directories. This library is part of the package, and after installing it, it will be in its place, removing the cause of the failure. Immediately note that if such a malfunction arose in Windows 10, you need to follow a slightly different recommendation - the next step-by-step instruction is painted for older versions of this OS. Since the "dozen" directories are built by default, correct the absence or damage of some libraries should be a little different method.

Read more: Reinstalling and adding the missing DIRECTX components in Windows 10

Everyone who has Windows 7 and below should be used by such recommendations:

  1. Download a web installer. Run it. The following window will appear.

    Home Installation Microsoft DirectX

    Accept the license agreement, noting the corresponding item, then proceed to the installation.

  2. The next window will prompt you to install also the Bing panel. In this case, decide yourself, then click on "Next".
  3. Continued installation of Microsoft DirectX

  4. The installation process will take a certain time, which depends on the speed of the Internet connection. When the installation process is completed, click "Finish".

    End of installation Microsoft DirectX

    It is also desirable to reboot PC.

  5. This method is practically guaranteed to save you not only from error related to D3DX9_35.dll, but also from other failures regarding DirectX components.

Method 3: Windows Update

The most relevant of this action will be for the owners of "dozens", but nothing prevents it from fulfilling it and all those who have a system of older versions. Together with updates, various corrections of errors and conflicts come to the computer, which in some cases violate the performance of some DLLs. Try to set the latest version of updates, restart the PC and check whether the problem has been eliminated. In Win 10, this can be done like this:

  1. Open "Parameters", for example, through "Start".
  2. Go to parameters through the Start menu in Windows 10

  3. In this menu you need a tile "Update and Security".
  4. Section with updates in Windows 10 parameters

  5. Click the button "Check availability of updates", and if they have already been found, set them.
  6. Run search for operating system updates in Windows 10

Sometimes an update is hampered by any error in the system that the user does not know. Check and fix it can be using the instructions below. There, the owners of Old Windov will find links to materials on updating their OS.

Read more:

Troubleshooting Windows Update Problems

Installing updates on Windows 10 / Windows 7 / Windows XP

Method 4: Correction of damaged system files

This method infrequently brings due results, but it is worth trying to at least because it does not require any manipulations except for the launch of one console command. It is responsible for the work of the utility that checks the system files for damage, and when they are detected, it is attempted to recover from the backup storage. However, sometimes it turns out to be damaged, which is why it is necessary to restore the utility another, and then re-try to run the search for problems. We told in detail about it in another our material, to whom you can with the reference below.

Running the SFC ScanNow utility on the Windows 10 command prompt

Read more: Using and restoring the integrity of system files in Windows

Options for eliminating the error with D3DX9_35.dll is not very much, however, in most cases it should be enough. Never forget about the possible impact of viral software, in connection with which we propose to additionally check the Windows for malicious software.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

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