How to open a drive on windows 10


How to open a drive on windows 10

Now, less and less computer enclosures are equipped with a built-in DVD drive, and some do not even have a special compartment for its manual installation. However, certain users with Windows 10 are still faced with the task of opening a drive on their own device. You can only do this in two methods, and we will tell about them in detail further.

Method 1: Button on DVD-drive

If the system unit is in a radius of fast accessibility, you can open the drive using a specially designated button, which is located next to the disc insertion compartment. You only need to click on it once and wait for the triggering, which happens almost instantly.

Use the button on the drive to open it in Windows 10

However, it is not always possible to use the mentioned button that is convenient, and in some situations it is generally broken and does not respond to pressing. Then it remains only to use the standard tool of the operating system, referring to the following method.

Method 2: Explorer in Windows 10

As you know, the drive is displayed in Windows 10 if it is connected to the motherboard. This allows the user to open the drive through the conductor. The first option is to use the left pane, while in any location. You should simply click on the drive row with the left mouse button.

Opening a drive in Windows 10 through the left menu in the conductor

After that, information about inserting the disk to the device will appear on the screen. In parallel with this, the drive itself will open. Now it will just be easy to insert the media and close the tray. After successful download, the contents of the CD or DVD will be automatically displayed in the Explorer window.

The process of opening a drive in Windows 10 through the left menu in the conductor

The second version of the interaction with the drive through the conductor is implemented in the "This Computer" section. Here you should find the appropriate device and click on it right mouse button to display the context menu.

Call the context menu for opening a drive in Windows 10

It is interested in the item "Extract". Click on it and wait for the tray to complete the disk insertion. After successfully installing the media, close the drive and expect the disc boot. You will be notified that the Dwarca is ready for reading.

Removing the drive through the context menu in Windows 10

Additionally, let's briefly consider the frequently encountered problem when the empty drive is not displayed in the conductor. Accordingly, the considered method cannot be implemented. The absence of a device with folder settings that can be changed independently is connected. You need to perform only a few simple actions.

  1. Being in the explorer, click on the section "View", which is located on the top panel.
  2. Switch to section View to correct the problems with the diskware display in Windows 10

  3. Here you are interested in the "Parameters" block.
  4. Opening partition options to correct the problem with the disk drive display in Windows 10

  5. After clicking on it, the pop-up string "Change folder and search parameters" will appear.
  6. Switch to folder parameters to correct the diskhead display in Windows 10

  7. In a separate menu "Folder Settings" Move to the View tab.
  8. Go to the settings of the form of folders to correct the problem with the disk drive display in Windows 10

  9. There, find the item "Hide empty discs" and remove the checkbox from it if it is installed.
  10. Removing the check mark from the point to hide empty discs in Windows 10

Apply the changes and close the current window. You can return to the conductor to check whether there is an empty drive there.

Solving possible problems

Above, we only told about one case, which is associated with the problems of interaction with the drive in Windows 10. There are other reasons for which the equipment is not displayed or the drive itself does not open a tray for setting the media. If you have any difficulties with this, we advise you to explore thematically guidance on our website using the following links.

Read more:

We solve the problem with the lack of a drive in Windows

Causes of non-working disk management

It was all that we wanted to tell about opening a drive in Windows Windows 10. You can only apply one of two methods in practice to insert the necessary disk into the device.

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