How to remove photos with me in classmates


How to remove photos with me in classmates

Friends in classmates when adding a photo can mark you in the picture that entailing his hit in the album "Photo with me." Not all users want to be marked on such images and it is not always possible to ask friends to remove the label. In such situations, it can be removed independently by performing only a few simple actions. This task is being implemented both through the full version of the social network site, and through the mobile application, so let's look at each method in turn.

Option 1: Full version of the site

Most still actively use classmates on computers and laptops, authorized in the full version of the site. There is nothing difficult to remove the label and will cope with it even a novice user, and you can make sure that you can read it yourself when reading the next instruction.

  1. Go to classmates, hitting the "Ribbon" section. Here you are in the panel on the left you are interested in the category called "Photo".
  2. Go to section with photos to remove pictures with me in the full version of the site classmates

  3. Among all the albums, find the name "photo with me", and select it by clicking the left mouse button.
  4. Selection of album photos with me to remove labels in the full version of the site classmates

  5. If there are several relevant snapshots, you will need to first select the necessary one.
  6. Select photos to remove the mark through the full version of the site classmates

  7. Now pay attention to the inscription "In the photo marked". Lay your name there and click on the icon in the form of a cross, which is displayed on the right.
  8. Removal Tags with photos with me through the full version of the site classmates

  9. Update the page to make sure that the photo has been automatically deleted.
  10. Successful removal of the tag with photos with me in the full version of the site classmates

In the same way, you can take tags from other photos that are present in the album reviewed. If no snapshot remains in it, the section will be automatically deleted until the next label appears.

Option 2: Mobile application

The principle of removal photos with me in a mobile application is almost no different from the one you saw just that, however, it should be considered the features of the interface. This is the most important aspect. Stick to the next manual.

  1. Open the application and expand the menu.
  2. Go to the menu to open a photo section through a mobile application classmates

  3. In it, you are interested in the block "Photo".
  4. Opening a photo section to remove snapshots with me in a mobile application classmates

  5. When the new window appears, move to the "Albums" tab.
  6. Go to viewing albums in mobile application Odnoklassniki

  7. Lay the collection called "Photo with me."
  8. Choosing an album photo with me in a mobile version of classmates

  9. Tap the desired picture.
  10. Photo selection to remove the label in the mobile application classmates

  11. At the top you will see the inscription "Tags" on which you should click.
  12. Transport to view existing marks in the photo in the mobile application Odnoklassniki

  13. On the photo itself, the pop-up label "You" will appear. It remains only to click on the cross to remove this mark.
  14. Removing the label in the photo with me in a mobile application Odnoklassniki

  15. When notifications appear, confirm this action.
  16. Confirmation of removal photos with me in mobile application Odnoklassniki

  17. Now make sure that the label was successfully removed.
  18. Successful removal of photos with me in mobile app classmates

In completion, we note that even after removing the label, nothing will prevent a friend again to specify you absolutely to any photo. New pictures will always appear in the appropriate album. You can solve this problem only by personal requests or deleting a profile from friends, about the more detailed read in the materials on the following links.

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Removing friends from classmates

Removing a friend without warning in classmates

After reading the instructions for removing labels in the photos, you can easily clean the entire album or selectively deal with specific pictures, deciding with the method suitable for this.

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