Skype installation


Skype installation
About a year ago, I already wrote a few articles on how to download, register and install Skype. It was also a small review of the first version of Skype for the new interface of Windows 8, in which I recommended not to use this version. Since then, not much, but has changed. So I decided to write a new instruction for novice users of computers relating to the Skype installation, with the explanation of some new realities relating to the various versions of the program "for desktop" and "Skype for Windows 8". Also touched on mobile applications.

Update 2015: Now you can officially use Skype online without installing and downloading.

What is Skype, why is it needed and how to use it

Whatever enough, but I am found quite a large number of users who do not know what Skype is. Therefore, in the form of theses I will answer the most frequently asked questions:
  • Why do you need Skype? Using Skype, you can communicate with other people in real time using text, voices and videos. In addition, there are additional features, such as sending files, showing your desktop and others.
  • How much is it? The basic functionality of a Skype, to which all of the above, free of charge. That is, if you want to call her granddaughter in Australia (which has also installed Skype), you'll hear it, see, and the price that is equal to the price that you and so a monthly giving for the Internet (provided that you have unlimited Internet Rates ). Additional services, such as calls to ordinary phones via Skype are paid by pre-replenishing the account. In any case, calls are cheaper than on a mobile or stationary telephone.

Perhaps the two items described above are the most significant when choosing Skype for free communications. There are other, for example, the possibility of using from a mobile phone or tablet on Android and Apple iOS, the possibility of holding video conferencing with many users, as well as the security of this protocol: a couple of years ago, they were talking about the ban on Skype in Russia, since our special services do not have access to The correspondence and other information leading there (I'm not sure that now, considering that Skype has Microsoft today).

Install Skype on a computer

At the moment of time, after the release of Windows 8, there are two options for installing Skype to a computer. At the same time, if the latest version of the Microsoft operating system is installed on your PC, by default on the official Skype website will be prompted to install the Skype version for Windows 8. If you have Windows 7, then Skype for your desktop. First, how to download and install the program, and then - about what the two versions are different.

Skype in Windows App App

Skype in Windows App App

If you want to install Skype for Windows 8, then the simplest and rapid way to do it will be the following:

  • Run Windows 8 Application Store on Home Screen
  • Find Skype (you can visually, usually it appears in the list of essential programs) or by using the search that can be used in the right sidebar.
  • Install yourself on a computer.

This installation Skype for Windows 8 is completed. You can run, log in and use it for purpose.

In the case when you have Windows 7 or Windows 8, but you want to install Skype for your desktop (which, in my opinion, is quite justified, what we'll talk about), then for this go to the official Russian page to download Skype: http : //, closer to the bottom page, select "Skype Details for Windows Desktop", and then click on the download button.

Skype for the desktop on the official website

Skype for the desktop on the official website

After that, the file load will start using which the Skype setting occurs. The installation process is not much different from the installation of any other programs, however, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that in the course of the installation there may be a set of additional software that does not have anything to do with Skype yourself - read carefully what the installation wizard writes and Do not install unnecessary to you. In fact, you only need Skype. Click to Call, which is recommended to install in the process, I would also not recommended most users - few people use or even suspect, why it is needed, and this plugin is influenced by the browser speed: the browser can slow down.

Upon completion of the Skype installation, you will only need to enter your username and password, and then start using the program. You can also use your Microsoft Live ID to enter if you have it. In more detail how to register with Skype, pay for services if necessary and other details, I wrote in the article how to use Skype (it has not yet lost its relevance).

Differences Skype for Windows 8 and desktop

Program for the new Windows 8 interface and standard Windows programs (the latter, and include Skype for desktop), besides having different interfaces, and work a little differently. For example, Skype for Windows 8 is always running, that is, you will receive a notice of new activity in Skype at any time when the computer is turned on, Skype for the desktop is a conventional window that turns into three Windows and has a slightly more opportunities. For more information about Skype for Windows 8, I wrote here. Since then, the program has managed to change for the better - files appeared and the transfer of files and work has become more stable, but I prefer Skype for your desktop.

Skype for Windows Desktop

Skype for Windows Desktop

In general, I recommend trying both versions, and they can be installed simultaneously, and after that, deciding which one is more convenient for you.

Skype for Android and iOS

If you have a phone or tablet on Android or Apple iOS you can download free Skype for them in official apps - Google Play and Apple AppStore. Just type a word in the search box Skype. These applications are easy to use and have no one to cause difficulties. You can read about one of the mobile applications in more detail in my Skype article for Android.

I hope this information will be useful for someone from novice users.

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