Download d3dx9_41.dll for free


Download d3dx9_41.dll for free

An error that will be reviewed in this article, most often occurs when the games are started, but it is possible to appear and when trying to start applications using 3D graphics. Signals the problem of the window with a message "Starting the program is not possible, there is no D3DX9_41.DLL." In this case, we are dealing with the file included in the DIRECTX installation package of the 9th version. It occurs due to the fact that the file is simply physically not in the system directory or it is changed. It is also possible that the versions simply do not match: the game requires one particular option, and the system is different in the system.

Method 1: download D3DX9_41.dll

When the PC is already a set of libraries, but programs do not see D3DX9_41.dll, perhaps just enough to add it to the system again, because it can always be damaged or has other problems. To do this, first download DLL on your computer.

Move it into C: \ Windows \ System32 and C: \ Windows \ SYSWOW64, if Windows is 64-bit, and only in the first folder, if it is 32-bit.

Copy D3DX9_41.DLL file to Windows System32 folder

In some cases, DLL registration is required. This is done through the "Command Line", running with the authority of the administrator.

Run the application command line with administrator rights

Write there command REGSVR32 D3DX9_41.DLL, then press ENTER. If the file was placed in both folders, then use the REGSVR32 command "C: \ Windows \ syswow64 \ d3dx9_41.dll".

Registering the D3DX9_41.DLL library via the command line

We were told about other registration methods in our other article on the link below.

Read more: Register the DLL file in Windows

Method 2: Decalx Installer

This method implies downloading the entire package if it is missing in Windows completely. However, in Windows 10, it is already preset, so the instruction considered below is not suitable for its users. Instead, we propose to contact a separate manual.

Read more: Reinstalling and adding the missing DIRECTX components in Windows 10

If actions are manufactured on Windows 7 and below, the method will require the download of an additional application from Microsoft.

On the download page, do the following:

  1. Select your Windows language and click "Download".
  2. Download web installer DirectX

    Run the setting after its full load.

  3. Take the terms of the agreement and click "Next".
  4. Installation DirectX

    Wait for the installation of the installer.

  5. Press FINISH.

Update DirectX Completed

Ready, the library d3dx9_41.dll will turn out to be in the system and the problem will no longer arise.

Method 3: Elimination of the internal problems of the game

Guilt can be the operating system, and the game itself. Quite often, such errors occur with files on pirate assemblies who hack players are amateurs, not ensuring final product performance. If you do not want to pay for the game, simply reinstall it or look for another assembly, less exposed to the modification by the pirate. However, licensed content may also need to reinstall, but sometimes it helps a less radical measure, namely checking the integrity of the game files, which can be done via the game client. We will show how this is done in Steam and Origin.


  1. Expand the game client window and go to "Library".
  2. Go to the library to check the integrity of Skyrim files in Windows 10

  3. Find the game from the list, which requires a DLL, click on it and go to the RMB "Properties".
  4. Go to Skyrim properties in Windows 10 to check the integrity of the files

  5. Switch to the Local Files tab.
  6. Transition to Skyrim file management in Windows 10 to test integrity

  7. Then you need a button "Check the integrity of the game files." When checking and correction is over, try to start the game.
  8. Checking the integrity of the Skyrim game files in Windows 10 through the shopping area


  1. Open the client and find the game through the "Library". On it so it is necessary to click RMB and select "Restore."
  2. Go to the library of your games in Origin and restoring a problem game

  3. The process starts immediately and will last from a few seconds to a few minutes.
  4. The process of restoring the integrity of the game files in Origin

  5. At the end will be a notice of completion of the transaction, after which you should try to run the application.
  6. Successful restoration of the integrity of the game files in Origin

Method 4: Check Windows files for integrity

Because of damage to some system files may not operate the chain and related DLL. This happens frequently on computers overloaded software and after different user interventions in critical OS settings. Even if you are not a active users, the situation is in violation of the integrity of the files may still occur, and therefore propose to test this by running a special application. It is already built into windose and is activated via the command line. It is important to understand that because of the too distant influence on library work is not all it will help to get rid of d3dx9_41.dll error. However itself council is one of the most important, when, in spite of the implementation of all previous methods, the system still can not see the said file.

Running the SFC ScanNow utility on the Windows 10 command prompt

Read more: Using and restoring the integrity of system files in Windows

If the instability of the Windows work lies not only in the fact that it fails to take into the work of DLL, but also manifests itself in other aspects, for example, difficulties with the launch of other software, unexpected blue screens of death, deceleration and brazing, it is likely that it is to blame virus. Dangerous software often blocks the functioning of different system components, and these prohibitions provoke various errors and failures, including with libraries. Check the OS for viruses through the antivirus used or a third-party scanner utility that does not require installation.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

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