How to run EXE in Linux: Step-by-step instructions


How to run exe in linux

Step 1: Wine installation

The launch of the EXE files in Linux is a simple task, however, small difficulties are to find tools that allow you to cope with this. The popular program is Wine, and it is almost no analogs, and the existing unknowns are unknown to anyone. Therefore, in today's article we will talk about this decision. Starting with its addition to the distribution, since the default Wine is missing in any assembly of an OS based on Linux.

Method 1: Application Manager

There are several available Wine Installation options. The first implies the use of the application manager, which is embedded in popular distributions based on Debian or RedHat. First of all, we consider this particular option, but the goal is carried out like this:

  1. Open the main menu by clicking on the corresponding button, and run from the "Application Manager" from there.
  2. Opening the application manager for installing Wine in Linux

  3. Lay the search button to open the string to enter the name of the program.
  4. Go to search for the Wine application in Linux for further installation

  5. Write Wine and go down the list to find the appropriate option.
  6. Successful finding the Wine application in Linux for further installation

  7. On the Software page you are interested in the Set button.
  8. Button to start installation on the Wine application page in Linux

  9. To start this procedure, you will have to confirm the authentication of the account by entering the password.
  10. Confirmation of the start of installing Wine in Linux through the application manager

  11. Expect installation completion. This operation will take several minutes, because Wine is a surround application.
  12. Waiting for the installation of installing the Wine application in Linux through the application manager

  13. After clicking on the "Run" button to perform a pre-configuration.
  14. Opening the Wine program in Linux after installation through the application manager

Now let's proceed to consider an alternative installation option if this does not suit you, but we will talk about the pre-configuration of the installed tool in a separate step of this material.

Method 2: Official Repositories

As you know, programs in the "Application Manager" are in the official repositories, and the principle of their installation is based on terminal teams. It should be used in cases where it is not possible to open a solution with the GUI or it is simply missing in the distribution used. Do not worry, the management of the console is not something difficult, in which make sure further.

  1. Run the "Terminal" convenient for you, for example, through the application menu or the hot key Ctrl + Alt + T.
  2. Run the terminal for installing Wine in Linux through official repositories

  3. In the appeared string, enter the sudo apt install wine-stable. If you are using a distribution based, for example, on RedHat, you should replace the APT packet manager to be installed in the current assembly. This may be, for example, Yum or Pacman.
  4. Enter a command to install Wine in Linux through official repositories

  5. Confirm the action by writing a superuser password. Consider that the characters entered in this way are never displayed in the console, however there are exceptions. In some distributions, when specifying characters, spars appear in the string.
  6. Confirmation of installing Wine in Linux through official repositories

  7. You will be notified of increasing the number of busy space. Confirm this message by selecting D.
  8. Approval of the notice of a busy space when installing Wine in Linux

  9. Expect the end of installation. During this, do not close the "Terminal", otherwise the whole process will be reset.
  10. Waiting for the installation of the Wine program in Linux through the terminal

This install completed on this. There are also other alternative methods for adding wine to the operating system, but their detailed analysis now does not make sense, so we move to the next step.

Step 2: First Start and Setting Wine

Fortunately, most of the parameters of the program under consideration are already automatically configured, and the missing components are also loaded independently. However, the user will still have to perform several actions before going to the launch of the EXE files.

  1. Run the software, for example, through the "Application Manager" or inserting its name in the console.
  2. Run the Wine program in Linux after installation through the terminal

  3. Wait for the configuration update to complete. During this, there will be reports on the need to install additional components, including .NET Framework and Gecko.
  4. Preparation of Wine Program in Linux for Functioning

  5. After that, a graphical menu will be displayed with a custom configuration. Here there are detailed descriptions of each item in Russian, so we suggest to deal with it yourself. It is connected with the fact that all parameters are set at the request of users.
  6. Customizing Wine program in Linux after installation through the terminal

This configuration procedure is successfully completed, which means that you can move to the immediate launch of existing EXE files.

Step 3: Run EXE files through Wine

Before starting the task, we want to note that you should not consider Wine as a full-fledged tool with Windows programs. Of course, it is an emulator, but the consumption of system resources when starting the software rises several times, and there may also be no options that initially run in Windows. Next, we will talk about more appropriate solutions for use in Linux, and now let's figure it out with the execution of EXE objects.

  1. Open the file manager and move to the location of the required file.
  2. Go to the file to further start Wine in Linux

  3. Right-click on it and select "Open in another application" in the context menu.
  4. Go to the selection of the application to start the program through Wine in Linux

  5. The Select Application window appears. Here you are interested in the option "Wine - Windows Loader".
  6. Select the Wine program in Linux as an EXE file launch agent

  7. If it is already a full-fledged software, it will open in a new window and they can be controlled. In case of interaction with the installer, start the standard installation operation.
  8. Installing an EXE file in Wine in Linux for further launch

  9. Wait for the end of this operation. It can take a long time, since the processor in most situations is loaded to the maximum.
  10. Waiting for the completion of the EXE program installation through Wine in Linux

  11. After that, you can run the program through the desktop icon, the Wine graphical interface or application menu.
  12. Run installed through Wine in Linux software for use

As mentioned earlier, the launch of the EXE files is not the best way to interact with programs in Linux. Now many developers create versions correctly functioning in different distributions, but they are often not in the official repositories, that is, the software will not work from the application managers. You have to download individual DEB or RPM packets or manually unpack the archives at all. Do not bother to find the assembly of the desired software for your distribution, and then install it using the instructions from the above items.

Read more: Installing programs in Linux

It was all that we wanted to tell about the launch of software for Windows in Linux. As can be seen, the best solution is only one, so it will use absolutely all users who want to implement this goal. It remains only to follow the instructions in order to open an exe-element without any problems and start interaction with it.

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