How to return to the group in Whatsapp: detailed instructions


How to return to the group in whatsapp

In the process of exchanging information through the WhatsApp groups, various situations occur and sooner or later everyone may face the need to return to the chat abandoned on their own initiative or to once again become a community from which he excluded the administrator for any reason. Repeatedly replenish the list of users of the group chat in the messenger is always possible, but depending on the initiator of your exit from the association it is carried out differently.

Repeated accession algorithms are implemented in any option WhatsApp, that is, users for Android and iOS applications, as well as adapted for use in the Windows Messenger environment to go to solve the task item voiced in the title title you are actually the same way.

Option 1: A group abandoned by your initiative

If you come out of a group chat in WhatsApp at your own accord or accidentally committed the actions described in the article available at the following link, return to the union will be easy.

Option 2: The group from which you were excluded

When you have the need to access a group chat, from where you were for one reason or another excluded without your desire, the path is the only thing - to write a message with a request to add you to the union. Repeated According to the link, the invitation makes no sense, since if you deleted the moderator, you will receive a message about the impossibility of participating in the group.

Whatsapp is not possible to join the group on the invitation link after removing the administrator

To gain access to writing messages, the Community Administa act as described in paragraph number 2 of the recommendations proposed above or try to get the contact of the decision-making within the Group of the person from the other participants, if access to individual correspondence with them has been preserved.

Thus, difficulties in re-joining the Whatsapp band chat abandoned for one reason or another may occur only if you have caused discontent with its administrator and unwillingness to see you in the list of conversation participants, seriously violating the rules established for it.

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