Download d3dx9_25.dll free


Download D3DX9_25 DLL for free

At some point, the user can detect the D3DX9_25.DLL library error. It is found during the launch of a game or a program that uses 3D graphics. The problem is often observed in Windows 7, but in other versions, it also has. The article will tell how to get rid of the system error "file d3dx9_25.dll not found".

Method 1: Download D3DX9_25.dll

To eliminate the problem associated with D3DX9_25.dll, you can simply attempt to re-download the file separately and move it to the desired directory.

In different operating systems, this directory is in different places, but most often the file must be moved along the path C: \ Windows \ System32. In 64-bit Windows, we additionally recommend using and the C: \ Windows \ SYSWOW64 path (file must be copied immediately into two folders). To move, you can use the context menu, selecting the "Copy" and "Paste" options, and you can open the two desired folders and move the file with the usual dragging.

Moving the D3DX9_25.DLL library to the system directory

In rare cases, you need to register a library in the system. It is done through the "command line", open with the authority of the administrator.

Run the application command line with administrator rights

Here write the REGSVR32 D3DX9_25.dll command, and if the file was placed in two folders, then also regsvr32 "C: \ Windows \ syswow64 \ d3dx9_25.dll". After entering each command, press ENTER.

Registration of the D3DX9_25.DLL library via the command line

Other logging methods can be found in our separate article on the link below.

Read more: Register the DLL file in Windows

Method 2: Installation DirectX 9

As mentioned above, D3DX9_25.dll is part of the DirectX 9 program. That is, installing it, you set the missing file to the system. It should be borne in mind that in Windows 10 the directories have already been initially built in, and therefore the order of action to correct damaged or receiving all package files will be somewhat different. Instructions for owners of this version of the OS we have been submitted to a special guide.

Read more: Reinstalling and adding the missing DIRECTX components in Windows 10

When using a computer running the older version of the system, do the following:

  1. From the list, determine the localization of your OS. Click "Download".
  2. Selecting System Language and Button Download DirectX 9 on Microsoft

  3. In the dialog box that appears, remove the ticks from the offered packages to download and click the "Refuse and continue ..."
  4. Refusal of additional software and confirmation of the DIRECTX 9 on the official website

DirectX 9 boot will begin, after the end of which follow the instructions:

  1. Open the downloaded program. Accept the license agreement and click "Next".
  2. Adoption of a license agreement when installing DirectX

  3. Remove the "Install Bing Panels" checkbox if you do not need them, and click Next.
  4. The second stage of the installation of DirectX

  5. Wait until download and install all package components.
  6. Download and install DirectX package components

  7. Complete the installation by clicking "Finish".

Among the installed libraries was both D3DX9_25.dll, which means that the error is eliminated.

Method 3: Fixing game errors

It is worth understanding that not only because of the failures of the operating system may occur the error in question. Sometimes the "curve" assembly of the game (usually hacked) flatly refuses to detect the file that is present in all necessary folders. In such a situation, the installer should be re-downloaded or find another installer, preferably without modifying by amateur authors. If the game and so licensed, it remains only to reinstall, but if it was installed through the game client of the style type or origin, first you can try to check the integrity of the files.


  1. Open the "Library" section of the game client and find a game there with difficulties. Click on it right-click and go to "Properties".
  2. Go to Skyrim properties in Windows 10 to check the integrity of the files

  3. Go to the Local Files tab.
  4. Transition to Skyrim file management in Windows 10 to test integrity

  5. Here you need the "Check the integrity of the game files". Run the procedure and wait for it. Once the scan is completed, an alert will appear in a separate window whether some errors have been fixed or not.
  6. Checking the integrity of the Skyrim game files in Windows 10 through the shopping area


  1. Go to the "library" in Origin and find the tile with the game. PKM will call the context menu on it, from which you should choose to "restore".
  2. Go to the library of your games in Origin and restoring a problem game

  3. The process will start, and the notification of this will be displayed in the same tile and left.
  4. The process of restoring the integrity of the game files in Origin

  5. At the end you will receive a successful recovery notification, after which it remains to check the performance of the game.
  6. Successful restoration of the integrity of the game files in Origin

Method 4: Check Windows files for integrity

And although direct system operating system files should not affect the DIRECTX library type, it could indirectly occur during damage to some components. In such a situation, it will not be superfluous to scan certain sections of the operating system using the built-in console application. Due to the simplicity of the implementation of this action, we recommend the launch of the utility, although it is necessary to warn that the method itself turns out to be effective indefinitely. Nevertheless, if there are some system failures, all previous recommendations may be ineffective, and this is another reason to check.

Running the SFC ScanNow utility on the Windows 10 command prompt

Read more: Using and restoring the integrity of system files in Windows

Do not forget that if the system as a whole started behaving strange, for example, other errors began to appear, blue screens of death, the Windows work slowed down, it is worth checking the computer for viruses. Since they are quite often blocking the performance of some system processes, the consequences of this can be the most different, including the failure of the DLL.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

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