Grub Recovery in Ubuntu


Grub Recovery in Ubuntu

Method 1: Boot-Repair utility

First of all, we want to affect the decision for beginners. Credit with the recovery of GRUB in Ubuntu will help the boot-repAir utility. From the user you only need to install it and run error check. After that, all the issues found will be automatically corrected, and a detailed report appears on the screen. Additionally, in this tool, you can set additional parameters, for example, parallel to restore the MBR or the time for displaying the download menu. You already have a separate material on debugging GRUB through Boot-Repair. We suggest familiarizing yourself with it by using the reference below, and we go to the following methods.

Read more: Grub bootload recovery via Boot-Repair in Ubuntu

Method 2: Manual Recovery Grub2

The advantage of this method is that the user does not have to install additional components, since all the tools for restoring the loader are already available in Ubuntu distributions. Disadvantages are only associated with the need of manual input of commands in the "Terminal", which sometimes causes difficulties from beginners. However, if you follow the following instructions, accurately performing each action, there should be no problems.

  1. The first thing will have to boot from LiveCD, since the complete breakage of the Grub2 loader means the impossibility of opening a standard shell. A detailed guide on this topic is on the official website of Support Ubuntu, aimed at newcomers, so we will not disassemble it now.
  2. Ubuntu download instructions with LiveCD on the official website

  3. After downloading in the LiveCD mode, open the "Terminal" conveniently and enter the Sudo Fdisk -L command there.
  4. Opening a list of disks to further restore GRUB in Ubuntu

  5. Confirm it, specifying a password from the root.
  6. Enter the password to display the list of disks when recovering GRUB in Ubuntu

  7. As a result, a list of available disks will appear on the screen. Examine it and find the disk with the main system and the section where the bootloader is stored. Examples of the description of the desired sections you see the description below.

    Disk / Dev / SDC: 14,5 GIB, 15514730496 Bytes, 30302208 Sectors

    Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes

    SECEM Size (Logical / Physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    I / O Size (Minimum / Optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes

    DiskLabel Type: DOS

    Disk Identifier: 0x38972eb0

    Device Boot Start End Sectors Size ID TYPE

    / dev / sdc1 * 23949312 29882367 5933056 2.8G 7 HPFS / NTFS / EXFAT

    / dev / sdc2 29882368 30302207 419840 205m b W95 FAT32

    / Dev / SDC3 13551616 23949311 10397696 5G 83 Linux

    / dev / sdc4 2048 12621823 12619776 6G B W95 FAT32

  8. View Disk List for Further Recovery Grub in Ubuntu

  9. Now the necessary file systems are not mounted in the required location, so let's do it. The first team has the Mount / Dev / SDC3 / MNT view. Here and in subsequent commands, replace the location of the disks to the previously defined.
  10. Mounting disk with file system to restore GRUB in Ubuntu

  11. Second command - Mount / dev / SDC2 / MNT / BOOT. It is responsible for mounting the bootloader files.
  12. Mounting disk with loader files to restore GRUB in Ubuntu

  13. Now let's carry out preparatory actions to log in. The first we are interested in the Sudo Mount --Bind / Dev / MNT / DEV team.
  14. Mounting the base of the shell when manually restoring GRUB in Ubuntu

  15. The final mounting lines look like this: sudo mount --Bind / Sys / MNT / SYS and Sudo Mount --Bind / Proc / MNT / PROC.
  16. Additional commands for mounting the main shell when recovering GRUB in Ubuntu

  17. Then enter the desktop environment using the Chroot / MNT / BIN / BASH command.
  18. The command for switching to the mounted shell when restoring GRUB in Ubuntu

  19. In this location, specify the ENV-UPDATE command to download all updates of the profile variables.
  20. Installing updates for the GRUB loader in Ubuntu when recovered

  21. Complete this action by entering SOURCE / ETC / PROFILE.
  22. Team to update variables Profession when recovering GRUB in Ubuntu

  23. Previous tasks were preparatory, and after successful execution, it is possible to proceed to direct restoration of GRUB2. To begin with, reinstall it using Sudo Grub2-Install / Dev / SDC, where / dev / sdc replace the name of your hard disk.
  24. Installing updates for GRUB in Ubuntu when restoring it

  25. After that, create a new configuration file that is responsible for the loader behavior: Sudo Grub2-mkconfig -o /Boot/Grub/Grub.cfg.
  26. Creating a new configuration file for GRUB in Ubuntu when restoring it

  27. Use the Sudo Grub-Update command to update all components.
  28. Installing updates after the GRUB bootloader is restored in Ubuntu

  29. If no errors do not occur in the process, enter the exit to exit the environment.
  30. Exit from the shell after successfully restoring the GRUB bootloader in Ubuntu

  31. Restart the operating system to start correctly inclusion with the already recovered loader.
  32. Restarting the computer after successful GRUB recovery in Ubuntu

As you can see, nothing complicated in the actions of the reduction of Grub2 with its full failure. In most cases, it is only required to use the above commands to achieve a positive result, without having received a single error. However, there is a simpler way that is useful for incomplete loader failure. We will talk about him next.

Method 3: manual recovery without LiveCD

Sometimes, users face situations when the Ubuntu load is not possible, but the "Minimal Bash Like Line Editing IS Supported" notification appears on the screen, and the active string is on to enter commands at the bottom. This is called the minimal environment of Bash, and the GRUB restoration is also available through it, the restoration of the GRUB is already available.

  1. In this shell, use the LS command to view a list of discs connected to a computer. It will look something like this: (HD2, MSDOS1, HD2, MSDOS2, HD2, MSDOS3, HD2, MSDOS4).
  2. View the list of disks in the minimum shell to restore GRUB in Ubuntu

  3. In this terminal, you can only communicate with one disk at the same time, so select the section with the bootloader files and assign it environment variables by specifying SET ROOT = (HD2,2). HD2,2 Replace the desired name.
  4. Select a disk in a minimum shell when restoring GRUB in Ubuntu

  5. Alternately, enter the following commands to perform the opening of the GRUB sheath.

    Switch to a disk in a minimum shell to restore GRUB in Ubuntu


    Insmod Normal


  6. Run the kernel. In most cases, the Linux / Boot / VMLinuz command is suitable for this.
  7. A command to restore the GRUB loader in Ubuntu in a minimum shell

  8. It remains only to perform the standard load and in the "Terminal" of the operating system alternately perform the following commands:


    Sudo Grub2-Install / Dev / SDA

    Sudo Grub2-mkconfig -o /Boot/Grub/Grub.cfg

Now you are familiar with integer three ways to restore Grub in Ubuntu. As you can see, each of them is suitable in certain situations and implies the work of absolutely different algorithm of action. You can only choose the optimal method. Beginners we advise you to pay special attention to the first option, since it is the most effective for this category of users.

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